“So either of those two things could’ve set them off,” Detective Wakeland replied. “But they also had to have known where both you and Ms. Kelly lived. As well as the fact that she was staying with you since they targeted the car parked in your driveway. If the paparazzi didn’t report on every step you take, I’d say that it has to be someone close to you. But it’s not like any Tom, Dick, and Harry couldn’t find that information with a quick search on the internet.”
Brax tapped his chin. “With that kind of access to Ms. Kelly’s location, why would they have backed off? The letters are being sent from local post offices, so it’s not because they’ve been out of town and unable to do anything in person.”
I thought about everything that had happened back then, and it hit me. “The cameras.”
Both men’s gazes snapped to my face as they asked in unison, “What cameras?”
“Part of the overhaul to my security system included the addition of extra cameras surrounding the house. There isn’t a single blind spot now, but the coverage wasn’t as good before all this shit went down.”
Brax leaned forward and rested his elbows on his knees, a gleam in his eyes. “If they live in the neighborhood or are a regular enough visitor, they would’ve seen the vans in the driveway while they did the install.”
“And it would’ve warned them off, which would explain why they switched to sending letters instead,” Detective Wakeland continued. “So we go back and give every neighbor and visitor any look. See if anything suspicious pops up.”
“You and Ms. Kelly can help. Go through the list of your neighbors and see if any of the names pop for either of you,” Brax advised. “Considering what was written on the cars and the tone of the letters, it could be something as simple as a female neighbor who had her sights set on you and thinks if she can get Ms. Kelly out of the picture, then you’d finally notice her.”
“Or a man Ms. Kelly has worked with who thought there was more to their connection than just being co-workers. Maybe he was biding his time, and then it came out you two were dating and he got pissed off,” Detective Wakeland suggested.
It might’ve made me a complete douchebag, considering how scared Morgan had been by the whole situation, but the thought of some guy out there thinking she was his had me seeing red. I unclenched my jaw and bit out, “She’ll be home soon, and we’ll work on getting you that list.”
“The sooner, the better,” Detective Wakeland urged as he stood.
I led the men to the front door and promised, “It’ll be our top priority, just as I expect this case to be both of yours.”“Honey, I’m home!” Morgan called out about an hour later.
“I’m back here,” I replied, getting up and rounding my desk to meet her at the door of my office. It turned out that Morgan’s worries about us living together were completely unfounded. It’d been easier to adjust to than either of us had expected, and we’d quickly fallen into a bit of a routine. We spent basically all of our free time together, which had been plentiful. Morgan and I had both recently wrapped up projects and didn’t have anything big starting up for another couple of weeks. Plus, Allie had been out of town since shortly after everything went down, so she hadn’t been around to hang out with Morgan.
Allie was due back tonight, though, and Morgan had run out to stock up the hotel room I’d booked for Allie at the Sunset Tower Hotel. I’d insisted on it when Morgan had mentioned that maybe they could move back into the condo since nothing had happened in so long. There was no way in hell she was going back there when her stalker was still on the loose—and maybe not even then since I couldn’t imagine spending our nights apart now that we’d lived together for so long.
“Hey, gorgeous.” She rose on her toes to give me a kiss, her eyes shining with excitement. “Allie’s room is ready for her, and I got her a bunch of her favorite things to welcome her back home. Thank you so much for hooking her up at the coolest hotel in town. She’s going to be so excited to stay there.”
“You’re welcome, beautiful.” I captured her lips for a deeper kiss. Reluctantly pulling away, I added, “If you’re happy, I’m happy.”
“You’ve got the whole boyfriend thing down pat.” She grinned up at me and wiggled her eyebrows. “Want to cash in some of those brownie points for an amazing blow job before I need to head back out to pick Allie up at the airport?”
“As much as I’d love to say yes”—I pulled her close, thrusting my hips forward so she could feel how hard I was for her—“your safety comes before my need for you, and Detective Wakeland asked us to go through the names of all of my neighbors so we could give him a list of anyone who might be connected to your stalker.”