By the time I wrapped up, almost two hours later, it felt like my brain was melting. Rolling my shoulders, I exhaled slowly and leaned back into the chair. Hearing Gage enter the room, I turned my head and smiled. The feral look in his eyes as he crossed the room caused my pulse to accelerate. He said nothing but continued to study me as he came closer. The only thing he had on was a pair of dark gray sweatpants, so I got a little lost for a second as I ran my eyes over his chest. When I looked back up and met his eyes again, the heat within them had grown.

“Hi,” I said, my voice breathy.

He stepped around the desk, put his hand on the arm of my chair, and turned me so I was facing him. My core clenched as his eyes raked over me slowly. Bringing his hand up, he cupped my neck.

“I like this look,” he said, his voice gravelly.

I tilted my head and looked up at him in surprise. I’d taken a quick shower to get the hairspray out of my hair and wake myself up before starting the interviews. Since I had no toiletries with me, I’d made use of Gage’s hairbrush when I got out of the shower but had foregone any attempt at drying or styling. There was no point since without the right brushes and the leave-in conditioner I used, my hair would’ve been a frizzy mess. After letting it air dry for an hour or so, I’d put it up in a messy bun that I’d secured with three pencils from the cup on the desk. My face was free of makeup, and the only thing I had on was the huge plain white robe I’d taken from the back of Gage’s bathroom door. It smelled like him, which made me feel like he’d been wrapped around me during my interviews.

“What look is that?” I asked.

“You, with no makeup on, pencils sticking out of your hair, sitting behind my desk, and wearing my robe.”

If his sexy as hell expression hadn’t gotten me, or the smooth, sensual tone of his voice didn’t do it, the outline of his growing erection beneath those sweatpants would’ve sent me over the edge. It wasn’t one thing that made me breathless, though. It was all of the things working together. The heat inside me went from simmer to boil as a plan came together in my head.

I held his gaze as I untied the belt of the robe and wiggled my shoulders so that the top of it slid down my arms. His eyes flashed fire as I drew the moment out, holding the lapels of the robe so that my breasts weren’t exposed.

He let out a groan when I stood and let the robe fall to the tile floor. Naked before him, I bent down and retrieved the robe.

“Take a seat,” I said, my voice husky.

He nodded, and I saw his throat move as he swallowed before he settled into the large brown leather executive chair I’d vacated. I kept my eyes on his as I folded the robe and set it down on the floor between his feet before I set my hands down on his shoulders. Tilting his head back, he watched me through hooded eyes as I ran my hands from his shoulders to his wrists and then back again.

When I flattened my palms against his chest and began moving them down, I could feel his thundering heart. I continued my downward descent, my hands exploring the drop-dead-sexy six-pack that made my mouth go dry. He was fully aroused now, the thickness of his erection tenting his sweatpants. When I got to the waistband, I used one hand to pull the sweats down enough for me to get him out with the other.

He groaned and rocked his hips up when I fisted his cock with my right hand as I sank to my knees. Leaning in close, I let the warmth of my breath skate across his bloated crown. When he let out another groan, I paused and looked up at him.

“Do you want something, Gage?”

He hissed out a breath, his eyes flashing as he looked down at me and nodded. “Use your mouth,” he growled in a half plea, half demand.

My clit fluttered from the intensity of both his expression and his tone. The way Gage showed his desire for me was a heady experience. Flattening my tongue against the spot just below the head, I wiggled it against his most sensitive spot.

“Fuckkkkk,” he moaned. As he spoke, he reached out and cupped either side of my jaw in his hands.

My eyes stayed on his as much as possible as I licked him from base to tip several times. The expression on his face as I opened my lips and pulled him into my mouth was so arousing that it was a struggle not to reach between my legs for some relief. I used my right hand to work the lower part of his shaft since I couldn’t fit it into my mouth. He moaned and gasped as I moved up and down on his cock, taking him in as far as I could before I’d let off and slowly raise my head. The more I worked him, the more pre-come pooled at the tip. Each time that happened, I would stop and dance my tongue around his head to heighten the sensations.