“You’re just a teeny-tiny bit of a control freak,” I teased.
“I think you mean a romantic,” he countered.
I would never argue that. “You are,” I assured him. “So much so that it blows my mind. You’re . . .”
“I’m?” he prodded.
“Sweeping me off my feet,” I murmured.
“Good, because that’s what I’m trying to do.”
“Well, you’re succeeding.”
“Just you wait until tomorrow night,” he teased.
I’d be counting down the hours.TwelveGageI’d originally planned to do something simple for my Skype dinner with Morgan, just in case the timing got fucked on either of our ends. But hearing Morgan admit that I was sweeping her off her feet inspired me to go all out. I wasn’t going to let the distance between us slow down the progress I’d made with her. I’d finally found a woman who was worth earning, and that was damn well what I was going to do.
I ditched my plan to order a pizza for each of us and went with tacos instead. They were both on the list of her favorite foods that she’d rattled off the day after the Globes when I’d tracked her down at her condo, but tacos were the more impressive choice—especially since I knew about this little place on the beach that served the best tacos in town. It was another cheap meal, but Morgan had already proven to me that she didn’t give a damn if I spent ten bucks or a thousand. She was happy either way, and it was part of what made her special.
I’d started to get a little nervous when the director kept having us reshoot one of the fight scenes with particularly difficult choreography. I’d expected to be done by seven, but the clock had edged past that on our thirtieth take. Luckily, we’d finally given him what he was looking for forty-five minutes later, and he’d called it a day. I’d hauled ass to my trailer, stripped out of my costume, and hopped in and out of the shower just in time to towel off and throw on a pair of sweatpants and a T-shirt before it was time for my virtual date with Morgan.
While I’d been in the bathroom, Shawn had dropped off my tacos and a couple of ice-cold Tecates. He’d also set up my laptop so all I had to do was hit the video icon to start the call with Morgan. Barely thirty seconds later, her image popped up on the screen. She was a sight for sore eyes with her hair spilling down her back in waves and smiling so big that her bright blue eyes crinkled at the edges. “Hey, beautiful.”
“You have perfect timing. Some guy dropped this off like a minute ago.” She picked up a brown paper bag to show it to me. “It would’ve seemed super sketchy if I hadn’t known you were the one who sent it.”
“Yeah, the packaging might not be fancy, but you’re going to love what’s inside.”
“Well, then. I guess I’d better dig in and see what you’ve got in store for me this time.” I unwrapped my first taco while she opened the bag and pulled out eight tacos and a small, wrapped box.
“Enough tacos to feed Allie too and a present?” Her lips parted in surprise, and her tongue peeked out for a second to swipe the bottom one. I was grateful for the close-up shot of the camera on my laptop because I was able to adjust my dick without her seeing it. “How in the heck did you manage all of this?”
“I’ve got connections, and Shawn isn’t afraid to use them.”
She burst into delighted laughter before sighing, “Awww, man. The tag says that I’m not supposed to open it until you tell me to.”
Her lips turned down in a slight pout, and she widened her eyes before blinking slowly. “There’s no need for the puppy dog look. I’m not going to make you wait too long.”
“Then I’ll try to be patient,” she promised as she dug through the tacos to find the one she wanted to try first. “I guess it’s an extra good thing that you sent over a ton of delicious food because it should be enough to distract me. For a little while, anyway.”
I’d just taken a bite of one of my tacos and had to fight back my laughter so I didn’t spit my food out. After I swallowed it down, I explained, “They’re from my favorite taco place. I wasn’t sure which kind you’d like best, so I just ordered one of everything. That way, when I get the chance to take you there myself, you’ll know what you want to get.”
“I really like how you think,” she complimented me before taking a bite of the shredded beef taco. We talked about how our days had gone while I polished off all of my meal and Morgan got through about half of hers.