The horrified expression on Allie’s face said a lot. “That’s scary as hell, Morgan. I never thought the girl was wrapped all that tight to begin with but this is next level.”
“It’s like four levels away from next level,” I said. “Anyway. Knowing that she wanted to be arrested and charged for the sake of getting some publicity, we’ve decided not to press charges at this time. We’ve both filed for emergency restraining orders, though. Kerri can go to the press with that— it’s inevitable they’ll find out anyway— but Gage and I have no intention of having this play out in court.”
“Mmm. From what you’ve said, she probably thinks a trial would give her the same exposure as a starring role. Honestly, I feel a little sorry for her that she’s so jacked in the head.”
“I know,” I agreed. “To be that self-involved and calculating has to be exhausting.”
“If you don’t press charges, she gets away with it, right?”
I lifted one shoulder. “For the most part, yes. When Gage and I talked to her uncle, he agreed to pay for all of the damage to my cars and the cost of Gage’s upgraded security system. He’ll also be putting his house up for sale and moving out of the community because having Kerri around isn’t going to happen. For us, that’s the end.”
“And for her?”
I spread my hands. “Who knows. Mr. Montague says that he’s going to get her help, but personally, I can’t see how it’s possible to fix someone who wants to be broken. She needs attention so badly she’ll do anything to get it— negative or positive. I imagine she’s a lot like dealing with an infant or a toddler.”
A strange expression passed over Allie’s face.
Pointing at her, I asked, “What was that look?”
She cringed. “So… um . . . speaking of little humans.”
I cocked my head. “Yeah?” I prodded when she didn’t continue.
“I’m late.”
“Ohhh,” I breathed, surprised. Allie was diligent about taking her birth control pills and always had been because it helped to control her migraines.
“Did you forget to take a pill?”
She shook her head. “No, I’ve always taken it at the right time.”
“But you’re late anyway,” I said.
She nodded.
“Are you sure?”
She gave me a pointed look. “Of course, I’m sure.”
“Right, right.” I nodded. “How late are you?”
She looked away for a few seconds. “Um . . . about nine days.”
“You’re that freaking late?” I whisper-shouted.
“I thought maybe it was stress, or nerves from being on the set of my first movie, or maybe even the time change.”
“I don’t think the two-hour time difference would’ve been a huge adjustment for your body. I could see your point if you’d been in London or Australia, but Chicago isn’t a big stretch.”
Allie let out a long sigh. “I do know that, but denial is a mighty thing.”
“Does Vaughn know yet?”
She shook her head emphatically. “No, because I stopped talking to him.”
I pulled up short. “What? When? And more importantly, why is this the first I’m hearing this?”
“I told him I was too busy to see him anymore two weeks ago.”
“What the flip? Why didn’t you tell me any of this? It’s not like we never talked.”
She had the good sense to look guilty. “Because I didn’t want you to worry about me and that’s exactly what you would’ve done if I told you. It wasn’t a big deal, so I decided to wait until I came back home.”
The bullshit she was slinging reeked. I cocked my head and considered her for several seconds. “Hmm. Did you change careers while you were gone?”
Her brow furrowed. “Huh?”
“I really hope not,” I continued, like she hadn’t spoken at all. “Because I have to tell you, on a scale of Kerri to Oscar-worthy, you’re acting abilities are about a negative five.”
“Ha ha,” she’s grumbled.
“Seriously, you’re full of it, and you know it. I know you and Vaughn were a new thing, but I’ve not seen you that interested in anyone ever. Cut the shit and tell me why you told him to go pound sand when I know for a fact that you really, truly liked him.”
“Another girl moved in with him shortly after I left,” she mumbled.
I was stunned. “What?”
She nodded. “Yep. And I’d have been clueless about it if I hadn’t overheard Mason telling his fiancée that Mila had moved into Vaughn’s.”
My gaze narrowed. “Who the hell is Mila?”
Allie shrugged. “I have no clue.”
“So you don’t know that it’s another woman. Maybe Mila is his sister—”
“For starters, Vaughn is an only child. And if he isn’t doing something with Mila, he should’ve told me she moved in. When I talked to him, he never said a word. To make matter worse, I knew I heard a female voice calling out his name when I called him later that day. When I asked who it was, he lied and said it was the TV, and then promptly ended the call.”