My forehead dropped to our intertwined hands, and I exhaled a shaky breath. One of apology. “I don’t deserve it. But I pray that someday…someday I might.”

I squeezed her hands tighter, began to sing, and prayed one day she might forgive me, too.Rhys had manned the BBQ, dude playing it up, having a good time, when in reality, we were there as guards.

All of us on high alert.



The mood had shifted with the faint rays of moonlight that crept into the sky, had shifted with the streaks of clouds that hazed out its light.

Royce kept shooting me glances through dinner. Dude knowing just as well as I did what this meant. What had gone down.

Still hadn’t had the chance to talk with Violet in private considering Daisy wouldn’t budge on a nap, kid so full of life and loving every second of us being there that I’d had the hardest time pushing it.

Honestly, I’d been thankful for the reprieve.

Thankful to spend the day pretending like I couldn’t feel the earth trembling at its seams. Axis tilting. Worlds colliding that weren’t ever supposed to meet.

Never should have come back here. Never should have dragged my mess into this town, leaving trouble at the doorstep of the ones I loved most.

But I couldn’t change that now.

The goal might remain the same, but I had to split the focus.

From where we were out on the front porch, darkness swimming around us, the hum of bugs trilling in the trees and the sweet floral scent saturating the night, I hugged Daisy tight. “Goodnight, silly bird.”

I tickled her side.

She howled with laughter, squeezing my neck tighter. “Goodnight, Mr. Richard. I’ll see you so early in the morning. Right when the sun comes up.”

Couldn’t help my grin when I edged back and ran my hand over the top of her head. “Yeah. I’ll see you in the morning.”

I wasn’t going anywhere.

I was posting myself outside their door. Would sleep on the goddamn lawn if that was what it took.

Reluctantly, I set her onto her feet, catching Violet’s wary stare.

The two of us had hovered around each other the entire day.

Magnets that didn’t quite touch.

She stretched her hand out for the child. “Come on, Daisy. Let’s get you into bed.”

“Are you really that sure that I’ve got to go to sleep? I’m not even tired a little bit.”

Of course, she followed it up with a massive yawn.

“I think there’s a little bit of tired in there.”

“Just this much.” Daisy held her fingers in a pinch.

“I think that’s enough.”

Daisy blew out a flabbergasted sigh. “Fine. Make me miss out on all the fun.”

“I think the fun is over for the night, Daisy Mae. Uncle Rhys here is leaving. Don’t think there’s any more fun to be had.” Rhys grinned at her as he gestured to himself.

“Will you come back and play with me tomorrow?”

“I just might.”

“Shake it, don’t break it.” Daisy stuck out her hand for him to shake on it.

Rhys cracked up. “A future ballbuster in the making.”

Her nose scrunched in confusion. “Ballbuster? I don’t think I kick hard enough to go bustin’ any balls.”

Between Mel and this clown, the poor kid was going to be scarred.

I smacked Rhys on the back of the head. “Watch it, dude. Little ears.”

His hands flew up in surrender and he started to back away. “My bad. My bad.”

Asshole shot me a look, mouthed with a grin so only I could see, You’re so fucked. It’s all over, man.

Was over a long time ago. Now it was time to restart.

“Goodnight, everyone. Thank you again for being here today. It means more than you could know,” Violet said, her voice cracking.

“We wouldn’t have been anywhere else,” Emily promised.

Emotion crested from Violet. Could see weariness creeping in, chasing away the solace of the day.

Reality setting in.

Crowds were a good distraction.

Comfort in numbers.

But I think we could see that false security being stripped away.

“Goodnight,” everyone else told her before she retreated into the house to get Daisy ready for bed.

Once they disappeared inside, I turned, hands shoved in my pockets. “Thanks for being here.”

Rhys clapped me on the shoulder. “Uh, no brainer, man. Who else were you gonna call? Look at me. If I were in trouble, I’d want me on my side, too.”

I shoved him off with a laugh. “Dead weight, man, dead weight.”

He smacked his hand over his heart. “Blasphemy. You know who’s got your back.”

I fist bumped him. “Know it. Thank you.”

“Always, brother,” he told me.

I hugged Mel, Emily, and Maggie, saying goodnight, and the three of them headed for Royce’s rental car, Rhys right behind them, each piling in.

Royce hung back, eyes darting over the fields, looking for anything out of place. “It’s not right, man.”

“Nope,” I agreed, rocking back on my heels.

“You gonna be good here with her, or do you want me to stay?”