My gaze jumped both directions, trying to catch onto a hunch.

To the intuition that had sent me hunting in the first place.

“This way.” My head jerked to the left, and we both took off in that direction.

A heavy fog hung low in the darkened sky, and silvered rays slanted through the night from the muted lights flickering from the hotel.

Vengeance pulsed in my veins, and I gave myself over to the fight.

To the instinct to protect.

I rounded the end of the building just in time to catch sight of a burly shadow in the distance. Barely visible through the haze.

“Right there.” I pointed at the lumbering figure that blazed a path down the side of the building.

“See him. Don’t let him split.”

“Not a fuckin’ chance,” I gritted, increasing pace as that feeling consumed me. Overwhelming in its pull.

I couldn’t mess this up. Couldn’t stumble. Couldn’t stop.

We gained on him. Getting closer and closer. Close enough that I could taste the vileness that throbbed and slashed through the air as he attempted to flee like a pussy bitch.

Under the haze of dim lights, we could see the shape bolt across the next street up that was pretty much deserted.

Wasn’t much of a surprise for a town this size at this time of night. Place was mostly shut down except for the few bars and restaurants that remained open.

“He’s going right. Asshole is heading for the park.” Royce’s words were harsh. His breaths panted from his lungs.

Without slowing, I raced across the street, and my heart that was already beating a motherfucking drum jumped into my throat when a car came out of nowhere, making a quick right from the intersecting street.

“Richard,” Royce shouted as the headlights bared down on me.

Tires screeched and a horn blared.

Panic jolting through my being, my hands shot out like that was gonna make a lick of difference, planting on the hood just when the car came skidding to a stop.

“What the hell?” the driver shouted, honking the horn again.

“Holy shit,” raked from my screaming lungs, the air coming in jagged heaves when I realized I’d been one distracted driver away from being toast.

My fault.

But the entirety of this load of bullshit was, wasn’t it? I needed not to forget that.

Didn’t give myself time to process or apologize, adrenaline the driving force as I shoved off the car and redoubled my efforts.


Desperate to get to whoever this bastard was who had the balls to show up here.

In my hometown.

On the night of my sister’s engagement party.

Fact that it was undoubtedly not a coincidence only heated my blood another hundred degrees.

Once I hit the opposite sidewalk, Royce was once again right there, taking up my back.

My attention skated through the gloom. Chasing down vapor.

I rounded the building at the corner, glancing both ways before I raced for the park that sat sleeping on the other side of the street and took up an entire city block.

Lush trees grew up like a living hedge of protection, and playgrounds sat at all four corners. Fields for ballgames were in the middle.

In the daylight, it would be filled with children and laughter.

Families spending time together.

This place meant for everything right.

But in the lapping darkness, it reeked of depravity.

Ominous whispers and foreboding howls.

I dove right into the middle of it.

Footsteps pounded just behind and to my right. “You see him?” Royce panted.

“No. Go right. I’ll take the left.”

He ducked out, flying through a deserted playground while I drove deeper toward the fields. Where it would be most secluded.

A frenzy burned inside. I had to find him.

My eyes searched.

My heart manic.

Felt like I fucking looked for days.

For a year.

Finally, I came to a plodding stop when I saw Royce coming out of a row of bushes that lined one of the fields.

“You catch sight of him?” I called, so out of breath I was halfway to bending in two.

Royce’s expression was grim.

“Fucker’s dust, man. Couldn’t even pick up a trace.”

“Damn it,” I spat at the ground.

I tipped my face toward the night sky and inhaled a couple of long, cleansing breaths, planting my hands on my hips like it might stop me from coming undone.

Royce approached. “You get a look at his face?”

My lips pressed into a thin line. “Nope. Saw about the same thing as you.”

His brow twisted in speculation. “Then how did you know someone was at the party?”

“Just…felt it.”

He frowned. “You felt it?”


“You working off some psychic shit now?”

I tossed him a scowl. “Nope. Just working off my gut.”

And my gut had every single hair on my body lifting on edge.

Awareness tripping my consciousness into high alert. Royce tipped his attention to the side, contemplating before he looked back at me, the words quieted and concealed, like we might have an audience standing around us when we were surrounded by the stifling silence.