A whole new intensity lit a fire in those eyes. A writhing of the blackest kind of storm.

Hatred and hostility and compassion.

“I want you to know I’m doing everything I can to make this right for you. That I want the best for you and for your band. I need you to know that. To remember that.”

“I get you’re doing your job, but don’t you dare stand there and tell me it’s not about the money. I’ll be the first to admit it’s a whole lot about that for us, too.”

Weren’t most people’s dreams paved in gold?

My spirit rumbled in protest, knowing it was so much more than that. That we wanted our music to mean something. To touch people. To somehow let them know they weren’t alone in this great big world.

My focus moved to the door where I knew the rest of my band was, their lives so committed to what we did, one-hundred-percent in. “If I do it, it will be for them.”

“And what about you?”

“Maybe I just want something simpler. A home and a family.”

“You think you’re not made of song? You think your spirit doesn’t ring with beauty? I can feel it, Emily, the burn of it coming from you. Don’t sell yourself short.”

“Sometimes the only path to peace is to settle.” The words were frail wisps.

He dipped down so close I could taste the words that rolled from his tongue. “Don’t settle for anything less than everything. I will die before I watch you do that.”

I felt his promise like an earthquake.

It rocked me.

Body and soul.

“Like this isn’t about the money for you?”

I refused to believe it was anything else.

I had to remember the reason he was here. His cruel intentions from last night.

His jaw clenched, and he set both hands on the back of the couch on either side of me. It angled me back, the man hovering an inch away. “No, Emily. It’s not. Not for a second.”

Then he straightened and walked out, leaving me sitting there gasping for breath.EightRoyce“Did you get them to agree?” I pressed my phone tight to my ear where I paced just offstage in the wings, voice lifted only high enough over the roar of the club for Pete to hear my growl.

“One, and we’re making progress with the other.”

Frustration squeezed my lungs, and I paced some more, trying not to yank out all my hair. “Goddamn it.”

“Calm down, man, this shit takes time, and you have to know how delicate the situation is.”

I blew out a breath. “I know. Fuck, I know. I just don’t know how much time we have.” My gaze moved out to the stage where the roadies were rushing to finish setting up for Carolina George. A DJ was playing old country music from the overhead speakers, and white strobes flashed over the crowd, rowdy and anxious for them to take to the stage after the local band had opened up.

“We’re working as quickly as we can, and it’s coming together as planned.”

“It’d better.”

Dry laughter rolled from him. “Dude, I am doing everything I can. If this backfires, whose ass do you think is on the line?”

“All of our asses are on the line,” I grunted low, glancing around, making sure I was out of earshot. We were all riding a very thin line. Risking it all. “But I’m not letting that motherfucker get away with this for any longer. Not either of them.”

“I know, man, I know,” he conceded.

I blew out a breath. “No matter what happens, I’ve got you, Pete. You aren’t going to take the fall for this. It’s on me.”

“However it goes down, I’ll be standing beside you. I want this just as bad as you.”

A sigh filtered out. “Thanks, brother. Keep me posted.”

“You know I will.”

He killed the call, and I immediately tapped out a text.

Me: Hey Mag-Pie, thinking about you. What are you up to tonight? Staying out of trouble?I capped it with a winky face. You know, going for the cool big brother rather than the overprotective one that was itching to rip out a motherfucker’s throat.

Two seconds later, my phone blipped with a response.

It was a picture of her smiling face in her room, hugging a stuffed animal to her chest.

My heart clutched.

Fuck, I loved this kid.

Maggie: Just hanging out.Me: You’re nineteen. You should be out.Maggie: Thought you’d rather know that I’m safe at home.Me: All I care about is that you are safe. And HAPPY.Maggie: Hmm . . . funny how I feel the same way about you.I rolled my eyes.

Me: I’m not the concern here. I’m good.Maggie: Isn’t that what all the girls say about you?Light laughter seeped out.

Me: You’re a pain in my ass, do you know that?Maggie hit me up with a slew of kissing hearts.

I sent a text back with a bunch of alternating birds and pizzas.