Heels shifting on the table surface as the jacket fell in a puddle at her feet. Underneath, she had on a thin, satiny black tank that showed off her toned shoulders, her tits peaking behind the fabric.

Flames curled and leapt.

The girl came on like the swelter of a blistering summer storm. Building in the distance. My mouth parched, waiting on the relief of the rainfall.

She reached up and gripped the railing, bending her knees as she shifted and swayed that delicious body.


So damned sweet.

She angled to the side, presenting me the zipper to her heeled boot. I was all too happy to oblige. I dragged the zipper down, planting a kiss on her jean-covered calf as I slipped the boot from her foot. She swiveled around, allowing me the honor of doing the same to the other.

“Killing me, Mia,” I muttered as I dropped the second to the floor, and something sly was playing around her mouth as she rocked her hips and shifted her shoulders and sucked me right into a delirious trance.

Dazed by the fucking wonder of this girl.

“That’s what you get,” she murmured, turning around and rolling her ass in my face, her fingers going to the button and zipper at the front of her jeans. The sound of her peeling it down hit the air before she nudged the waist of her jeans down just a peek. She looked back at me from over her shoulder. “That’s what you get for making me feel this way.”

“What is it I’m making you feel?”

Yeah, I was masochistic, too. Wanting to hear it. To know exactly what was brewing in that beautiful mind.

Easing around, Mia shimmied the pants down her hips, leaning forward a bit as she did. “Like I’m getting ready to witness the most brilliant, amazing thing. So bright it will eclipse everything. Like I’m so close to touching it, catching it. But I know it’s gonna burn out, and I’m not going to know how to find my way through the darkness when it does.”

Emotion fisted. Tangled with the need. “You’re wrong, Mia. Burned out a long time ago.” The words were grated. Shards of glass that scraped my raw throat.

“Then how’s it that I feel you blazing through me?” Her confession was a petition. An appeal.

Guilt and greed warred inside me.

I sat forward in the chair, and I reached out and dragged her jeans the rest of the way free.

Nothing but gluttony.

She stepped out of them, girl in nothing but that flimsy tank and the skimpiest pair of black lace underwear that I’d ever seen.

Long, long legs on display.

A grunt broke loose.


I gripped her by the outside of her thighs, running my nose from the inside of her knee.

Up, up, up.

Inhaling deep.

“Such a tease,” I said.

Her head shook, and she knelt down. She might as well have been a viper getting ready to strike with how dangerous she was to me.

“It’s not a tease, Leif. Not when it’s the realest thing I’ve ever felt.” Vulnerability seeped into her expression.

“Gonna show you just how real you make me feel, Mia.”

Alive for the first time in years.

“That’s going to require you on my lap.” I let a smirk ride free, and I lifted her off the table, loving the way she exhaled a shaky, excited breath when I situated her to straddle me.

The girl the perfect friction where she instantly ground herself against my jeans. “Leif.”

She needed it every bit as bad as me, and my hands slipped under her shirt as she pressed herself up onto her knees, her palms on the roaring vortex at the center of my chest that wanted to suck her into eternity.

Watching her, I inched her shirt up over her head. That river of black hair fell around her shoulders and down over her tits that were barely hidden by the strands.

“So pretty, baby. Got me so spun up, I don’t know what to do with myself.”

I fiddled with a lock, trying to get myself together. To tame the hunger that raged and begged and struggled to break free.

I dragged a knuckle across a rosy nipple that peeked out through the billowing waves.

She gasped, then writhed, grinding down on me hard as she wrapped both her hands around my head, girl’s body pleading for more. “God, Leif.”

“These tits,” I murmured, caressing my lips across the tight bud. “So fuckin’ perfect.”

Shivers raced across her flesh, and her breaths turned shallow, and she was searching for a smile. For the lightness we’d been feeling earlier before the intensity had chased it away.

Obliterating reason and thought.

Just me and the girl.

My angel in the attic.

“They’re tiny. Tell me you aren’t a boob man,” she attempted to play, but it was her eyes that gave her away.

Unguarded vulnerability.

Couldn’t stop the admission from getting loose. “Think I’m a Mia man.”