“Don’t believe in fairytales.”

And if I did, mine were buried six feet underground.

Lyrik crossed the room, heading to the door. Right before he opened it, he paused. “Neither did I, man, neither did I. Funny how life turns out, though, isn’t it? Now come and eat some chicken. Tamar insists.”

The fucker winked. But it was me who was completely fucked.FourteenLeifClimbing the stairs from the bottom floor, I hit the main level and quickly moved for the backdoor.

Like I thought I was all kinds of sneaky as I bypassed the kitchen that was packed with bodies preparing for a feast. Place filled with laughter and voices and clattering dishes.

It wasn’t like I was going to escape meeting them.

But if I was going to endure this thing, I was going to need some fresh air and probably about fifteen beers.

The salty air hit me as I stepped out onto the large elevated deck that lined the entire back of the house. The view of the Atlantic struck me with a swift kick of awe.

Smoke curled from the built-in grill that took up the far end of the deck, the sweet aroma of honey-glazed chicken billowing with the air and mending with the scent of the sea.

Austin and his wife, Edie, who I’d met before practice, were down at the shore, their knees tucked to their chests.

“Ah. Tastes like summer, doesn’t it?” Ash said where he manned the grill, dragging in an overexaggerated whiff.

I roughed a restless hand through my hair that whipped in the breeze. “Not exactly sure what summer tastes like, but that smells damned good.”

Ash stretched out his hulking arms, tongs in one hand and a giant metal spatula in the other. Buffoon was actually wearing an apron that said Kiss the Cook. “Knew you couldn’t resist this awesomeness. Welcome to a whole new brand of Ash-Magic. Griller extraordinaire.”

“You mean bullshitter extraordinaire.” The screen door slammed shut from behind just as the voice hit my ears. I spun around to find a tall, slender woman walking out, long, wavy dark-brown hair spilling around a face that appeared as innocent as could be.

“Darlin’. How could you wound me that way?” Ash asked, tone aghast and rippling with playful affection.

The woman tsked. “How could I what? Point out the fact that you are absolutely ridiculous?”

“Ahh, see, now I thought you liked it just fine when I got ridiculous.” There was nothing but suggestion in the words, and the woman was blushing as she walked toward him. Ash reached for her, tucking this shy girl into the curve of his side. She swatted his chest. “Like I said, ridiculous.”

With a huge grin, he planted a kiss to the top of her head. “Leif, meet my Peaches. My wife. Most beautiful girl in the world. Lover of the ridiculous.” His voice dropped to a whisper on the last, and he nipped at her cheek.

She giggled a small sound and he groaned.

“Nice to meet you, Willow.”

“We’re really grateful you came. Our sweet Liam would have been devastated if Zee couldn’t travel with him. It’s kind of you to take time out from your own life to come and help us out.”

I scratched at my temple, feeling like a total dick when I thought of the dollar signs that were currently going cha-ching as they popped into my bank account. But somehow, I had to accept it wasn’t just about the money. I’d probably be here either way.

“Uh, glad to. Not a problem at all.”

A clatter of movement burst from behind, and the door banged open again. This time, a stampede of kids came flying out.

Brendon was at the helm, the kid a complete wild child who clearly couldn’t be contained, with about seven kids on his tail.

Only one I really noticed was Penny.


She was there, emerging last, looking around, unsure.

My heart fisted in my chest.

What the fuck was that? This feeling that was too close to awareness. Knowing that her mom had to be near. This urge that made me feel like I needed to wrap this kid up, too.

Protect her.

Fight for her.

Her feet slowed just a bit when she saw me standing there, her brown eyes slanting my way.

Curious and shy.

A blonde girl who had to be about her age reached out and took her by the hand. “Come on, Penny. You’re on my team. No way we’re lettin’ Brendon win this thing. His head’s already big enough, don’t ya think.? He’ll be rubbin’ it in forever if we let him.”

“My head is exactly the right size, thank you very much, Kallie!” Brendon hollered with a laugh over his shoulder as he bounded down the five deck steps to the boardwalk that led to the beach. “I think you’re all just jealous I’m faster than you. Butterflies aren’t exactly fast, now are they?”

Right, the blonde was Baz and Shea’s oldest child.