“I didn’t make her into a common whore, you did,” Linda said calmly.

“Get out. Now.” My voice was cold. A sadistic calm came over me as I glared at her. Linda froze still, her eyes widened as she watched me carefully. “Now, Linda!” Linda gathered herself and scrambled out of my office, nearly falling over as she closed the door behind her. I walked over to my desk and press the intercom,

“Yes, Mr. Evans?” my secretary answered.

“Get my fucking lawyers, now,” I hissed into the phone.

“Ye—” I hung up on her. I held the receiver in my hand tightening my grip on it, until my anger boiled over and I began beating it into the phone. I kept thrashing away at it until it began to fall apart. Even then, I just couldn’t stop. I loved this woman. I’d loved Addie all my life, but still, I was this fucking piece of shit, ruining everything I was building with her. There would be no way Addie would stay with me, not after this. My Addie wouldn’t want this kind of attention. I fucked up too many times to make this up to her.


I left the office and headed to Darren’s bar. Rafe insisted I come and meet them. I wanted to go home to Addie, to be with her, but I knew my Addie wanted to be left alone. That was what I said to myself, but the truth was, I was scared shitless, that once I walked into our home, she’d be gone. I hesitated and didn’t call her all day. I didn’t want to hear the words, “Daimon, I’m leaving you.”

“Over here,” Rafe called out the moment he saw me.

“Hey, wher—?” The next thing I knew, I was on the ground, my face throbbing.

“I told you to take care of her,” Darren hissed as he glared down at me. I slowly eased up, massaging my jaw.

“I deserved that,” I said quietly as I tried to walk past him.

“Enough, Darren!” Rafe ordered.

“I let you hit me once because you were right. Hit me again, asshole, and see what will happen to you,” I threatened.

“She deserved better then what you’ve done to her,” Darren bit out angrily.

“Don’t you fucking think I know that?” I shouted.

The crowd around us began to move away, giving Darren and me a whole lot of breathing space. We stood there, Darren not moving a fucking inch, while I stared at him menacingly, narrowing my eyes, readying for anything he was about to throw at me.

“Guys? We’re here to have a drink and relax a little. Fuck, man, I don’t fucking get it? Addie is pretty. She’s nice, but seriously…”

“Careful what you say next, ‘cause it might be the last fucking words you’ll ever say,” I growled at Rafe.

“Sit your asses down already. I need a fucking drink,” Rafe bit out. I begrudgingly sat down, my one eye still on Darren.

“What are you going to do now, Daimon? Are you going to pretend it didn’t happen? I can’t believe you fucking went to that extent to have her,” Darren shook his head at me as he reached for his whiskey.

“Like I told you before, I know it was wrong, but I would do it again if it meant I would be with her,” I answered bitterly. Darren was pissed at me when I first told him about why Addie left and that she had found out about my lies. I even let the fucker hit me, twice!

“A contract, Daimon? How many did you do with her?” Rafe asked surprised at me.

“Why don’t the two of you fuck off?” I snarled. This day dragged on, the one friend judged me, while the other vied for my wife.

“Daimon, just drink.” Rafe handed me a whiskey. I looked at the lowball glass, then at him. I took the glass and drank it in one swig. It wasn’t a Glenmoire. I smiled anxiously, already feeling empty with the thoughts of being without my Addie.

“I need to leave,” I said as I stood up.

“We need to figure out what the fuck to do next,” Rafe said firmly.

“There isn’t any. Either way I lose her. There’s no fucking way Addie will stay with me, not now, not after everything,” I muttered angrily.

“Daimon, fuck, you can lose a lot more than just Addie,” Rafe barked.

“Do you honestly think I give a shit? Addie is worth everything to me and I’m about to lose her because of all the stupid shit I’ve done,” I snapped.

I left Darren’s and drove home like a mad man. I tried to call her, but she didn’t answer. I even tried Jimmy and Ted, but the fuckers didn’t answer either. I needed to see her face, to touch her body, to feel it melt under my fingertips. I pushed through the swarm of reporter who staked out in front of my building. “Good evening, Mr. Evans,” Lenny said as I walked in.