Daimon stood up from his seat and knelt down before me. “Get it through your head, Addie. You are never leaving my side. You belong to me and me alone.”

The stare of his icy-blue eyes gripped me, holding me to my spot. He lifted his hand and wiped my tears, tears I hadn’t even noticed. He then leaned in, pulled down the towel and kissed my scar. His warm lips tenderly moved along my mark. He held me as he kissed it adoringly. I cried as I felt the tiny ripples his lips left on my body; the body that Frank had wounded. Daimon kept kissing it, soothing the ache in my heart. “You are so beautiful in my eyes, Addie,” he whispered as he held me in his arms. “Never question that.”Back To Reality“So what did you get me and did you have a lot of great kinky sex?” Elissa questioned as I spoke to her on my iPhone.

“Something I think you’ll like, and yes, I had a lot of kinky sex,” I laughed.

We arrived back the previous night and the jet lag was killer. Daimon wasted no time going back to work. I tried to convince him to stay home, but he refused. Daimon worked all the time. I knew he had to; money didn’t come easily. I thought it did for the riches, but living with him and seeing how much he dedicated himself, changed my perspective on that.

“So what are you up to today? Want to come over and get drunk watching The Princess Bride again?” Elissa asked.

“No, not today or ever again for that matter. I still have a hangover from that night,” I mocked.

“Ah, don't exaggerate. It was two bottles of tequila,” she remarked

“It was two bottles of tequila and a mickey of vodka,” I corrected.

“Not my fault if Montoya keeps repeating his lines,” she laughed.

“Forget it. I'm getting ready to go out.” I stopped her, not wanting to remember that night. It made me want to gag just thinking about it.


“To Daimon’s office. Thinking of surprising him with lunch,” I hesitated, but I felt like I needed to go see him.

“Is this a sexy meal? Where he eats you out, or where you lick his rooster?” she joked.

“I’ll accept both,” I said happily.

“You naughty girl, you,” Elissa teased.


I hadn’t been to Daimon’s office since the day I signed the papers for the restaurant. It seemed different now I told him I loved him. The building itself didn’t appear cold or rigid like before, but as the sun shined on the glass windows, it seemed warm and inviting. I felt nervous, my stomach in knots, afraid I was overstepping, but I would never know unless I went for it. The very same security guard was there like always, but this time he remembered who I was.

“Mrs. Evans,” he welcomed as he held out his hand leading me to the elevator.

As each number on the elevator door lit up, I grew more excited about seeing him. Everything changed on our trip, especially for me and how I saw Daimon. Finally, the doors opened. The long hallway that led you to his private secretary was lit with the sunrays as it peered through the skyline above. She saw me and faintly smiled as I approached her.

“Mrs. Evans.”

“Hi, I’m here to see Daimon if he’s not busy,” I said quietly.

“Linda is in with him right now, but I’m sure he’ll make time for you.” She smiled and picked up her phone. “Yes. Mr. Evans? Mrs. Evans is here to see you.” she nodded. “Yes. Of course,” she said over the phone. “Come this way,” she said as she stood from her desk and opened the door for me.

As the doors slowly opened, I saw Daimon sitting behind his desk wearing a dark navy suit and a black tie. His ankle was crossed just above his knee as he played with his pen. The soft orange color of the sun lit him from behind illuminating him; he literally glowed. I let out a breath as our eyes met. A faint smile appeared on his face, but it was all too quickly taken away when I heard a female voice call out his name.

“Daimon? Are you listening to a thing I’m saying?” she said rather curtly.

“Yes, Linda. I am,” he groaned as he looked away from me.

I hesitated, but finally stepped inside. I stood at the door feeling awkward as my presence wasn’t exactly welcomed by the intimidating brunette who sat on the couch looking right at me.

“So this is your wife,” she noted. The tone she used was one I didn’t very much like.

“Yes, this is my Addie,” Daimon said, still sitting at his desk.

“Hello, I'm Linda Reeves. Daimon’s right hand woman if you will.” She stood from where she was and held out her hand for me to shake.