“Fuck,” muttered Daimon under his breath. “Stanley, how are you?” Daimon said with a fake smile plastered on his face as he stood up and shook his hand.

“Oh, I see you brought one of your sexy lady friends out to play. How many have I seen you with again?” he laughed as he nudged him on his side.

“You’ve must have seen quite a few with my husband.” I stood up and held out my hand so he could shake it.

“Oh,” he murmured, “I was just kidding around.”

“Sure you were,” I said as he shook my hand but looked over to a raging Daimon who was staring at me. “Now if you two would excuse me,” I said through my teeth.

“Fucking asshole,” I muttered as I left them both and went off to the other end of the lounge. I saw the young waitress who was caring for us holding onto our order. I waved at her asking her to place it down at a large table that was free. I sat down and ate to my heart’s content.

“I see you’ve found food,” Daimon commented coldly as he sat down in front of me. I narrowed my eyes at him as I finished the last drop of water in the bottle. I slammed it down and continued to glare at him. “I see my Addie is a bit upset,” Daimon remarked. How many has Daimon been with? The need to know his number was gnawing at me. I let out a breath between my bites. Had I been at a better state of mind I would have told him this was the best Middle Eastern food I ever had and I was only at the airport. I grabbed my bottle of water and chugged it down.

“A bit,” I replied.

“That was Stanley. He helped me with my mergers in London,” Daimon noted calmly.

“I see, and how many do you have in London?” I asked.

“Companies?” Daimon acted coy.

“Women, you conceited asswipe,” I snarled.

“I only know that I have one in my life and she is quite the pain in my ass,” he snarled back.

“You should maybe get rid of her,” I retorted.

“Maybe, considering she just compared me to something that wipes a dirty fucking ass,” he hissed. “But the truth is I can’t seem to get her out of my mind let alone from under my skin. So I’m going to have to keep her, unfortunately.”

“That’s too bad for you,” I said as I looked away not able to see the very blue of his eyes. One of my many weaknesses when it came to him.


“How many?” I asked, surprising myself. “How many did you have?”

Daimon sighed and just looked at me. The very look on his face spoke volumes. Great! Was there even a number that was high enough to cover how many he had?

“I had ten,” I said without realizing.

“Ten? How?” he furrowed his brows and nearly bared his teeth.

“You think just because I worked at the diner and Frank was my only serious boyfriend that I didn’t date. I dated. Just like you I had needs. Desires that needed attending to,” I fired back, watching his face contort. “Let me guess, you thought I only had Frank. How naive are you?” I said dryly.

“I didn’t want to know your numbers and I fucking don’t want you to know mine,” he said angrily.

“Did you bring them on trips like this?” I wondered. The notion that he did, hurt me more than I thought. Just like this trip was a first for me, I wanted something to be a first for him.

“Some to London, others to other parts of the world, but never to French Polynesia,” he bit out. I looked down at the table and stared at the food, trying my hardest to focus and not cry.

“Why is this bothering you? Addie, I'm almost thirty; you couldn’t have thought that I never had other relationships?” he questioned.

“It’s stupid. Just forget it.” I picked up a piece of pita and dipped into the hummus. I chewed on the flat bread and tasted the lemony chickpea dip. I sat quiet until it was time to get back on the plane.


“Do you want to go back?” Daimon said roughly as I buckled my belt.

“You decide,” I said under my breath. I closed my eyes, annoyed at myself and my behavior.

“Mitch!” Daimon cried out.

“Yes, Mr. Evans?” Mitch emerged, his tone just as annoyed as mine.

“Wait outside while I talk to my wife,” Daimon snapped.

“Yes, sir,” Mitch huffed as he looked at me and walked out to the air stairs and waited.

“What is your fucking problem?” he asked, irritated.

“I don’t even fucking know,” I yelled back, unbuckling my seatbelt.

“Addie, I fucked other women. It’s normal,” Daimon started.

“Okay and I fucked other men. Let me see, I fucked one in a movie theater. Oh, and one in his car, one took me to Vermont for the weekend and fucked me out in the woods,” I lied through my teeth.