“It was a once in a lifetime occurrence. It’s not going to happen again,” I said, blushing as I remembered him having to brace himself on the wall as I blew him.

“So my Addie likes being in charge,” he stated happily.

“Not always,” I uttered under my breath. The whiskey must have kicked in, as my skin grew hot under the intense gaze Daimon was giving me.

“What did you say?” he murmured.

“I didn’t say anything,” I said, turning away from him. Me and my stupid mouth.

“Addie, tell me what you said,” Daimon ordered. I glanced back at Daimon, his stunning blue eyes commanding me to obey.

“I like when you control me,” I muttered, hypnotized by him.

“That’s good to know,” he said, unbuckling his seat belt and leisurely standing up. “Mitch, get to the front of the plane, now.”

I looked up at Daimon as he towered over me. He smiled his devilish smile and hooked his finger underneath my chin. His thumb began swiping my lower lip, parting it slightly as he gently slid it inside my mouth.

“Suck,” he said low and hard. I hesitated as I darted my tongue out and slowly sucked on his thumb. All the while, I looked up at his darkening eyes. He slowly unzipped his jeans and took out his cock. He stepped closer, his smile leaving as he nudged his penis to my lips, his thumb still dancing around in my mouth. I stuck out my tongue, urging him to enter my mouth. Daimon drifted his other hand to the back of my neck.

“Open wide enough so I can slide in.” The sound of his dominant voice had me under the spell, which was Daimon. I eagerly did what I was told and opened wider, anticipating his taste. “Fuck, Addie, you look like you can’t wait to have me in your mouth,” Daimon grunted, pushing my head down his shaft. “I’m going to fuck your mouth, Addie.” he tone was low as he started his gentle thrusts. I reached my hand up to his balls, but Daimon pushed my hand away. “It’s what I want.” I sat still, letting him use my mouth as he fucked it. My pussy grew wet, as my mind drifted to thoughts of him ripping my clothes off and having sex with me at that moment. I snaked my hand down my pants and rubbed my clit. “No, Addie,” he growled as he moved faster. I wiggled in my seat needing relief. Daimon only grew hotter and heavier as he slowed his rhythm, coming into my mouth, his hot salty cum dripping down my throat as he held my head. “Take it all, Addie. Every last drop,” Daimon ordered while I swallowed.

Daimon finally pulled out, my mouth hurting from his assault. “Don’t you dare touch yourself, not until I tell you.” Daimon pointed at me.

“Daimon, I’m not going to sit here and do nothing,” I said, my body hot with need.

“You will,” he snapped.

“No, I won’t,” I replied.

Daimon leaned in, putting his hands on either side of my chair, his face inches from mine. “You will be a good girl and do as I say.” His eyes peered into mine. Daimon could always be intimidating. I did want to give him power; I wanted him to control me, but something inside me still fought with my desire. As I glared back at him, I finally realized why. Frank. Frank took my power without asking me and I was left in pieces. Yet here I was willingly giving Daimon what I wanted and still I couldn’t quite do it.

“Screw off, Daimon,” I snarled as I pushed him off my seat and stood up to head to the back of the plane where I found a bathroom. I locked myself inside, reeling from everything that just happened.

Frank was a tender lover until he changed and became rough, and at times would even hurt me. I would sometimes wake with bruises around my neck or on my back. It was hard, but I hid it from Sofia and my father. He never once forced me, but used my guilt to use and control me. I felt shame for wanting my lover to own me and to control that part of me. Frank never once ordered but rather did what he wanted and in my mind at the time, it was okay because I thought I loved him.

“Just shut up and fuck me already. I don't need this shit from you. What I need is your pussy,” Frank yelled loudly as I walked into his home after closing the diner for the night.

“Can’t I just go take a shower first?” I said, exhausted from my long day. Frank didn’t say anything so I moved toward his bathroom when I was blindsided. I was on the wooden floor, the side of my head pounding. I opened my eyes to find Frank on top of me, his eyes dark and angry, while his teeth were bearing down at me.