“I don’t care if you’ve changed. I don’t care if you’re different. I don’t give a shit that ten years have passed,” he said as he vehemently hit his chest. “Because not one day has gone by when I haven’t thought of you. I’m going to make you love me. I'm going to find out who you are and make you love me!”

“Daimon, that’s not it. The girl you knew, the girl you thought you knew in high school isn’t me anymore. What if you love this idea of who I was? Or who you think I should be?” I worried.

“Addie, I love you. I loved who you were in high school and I love the you that you are now.” Daimon looked down at me. The crisp white sheets wrapped themselves around me as I rose up to look at him. “I didn’t think it was possible but you made me fall for you that much more,” he admitted quietly.

I pushed the sheets off me and stood up from the bed. Daimon had his hands by his waist as he looked away from me.

“Daimon…I…” I hesitated afraid if I said it there would be no going back. “Daimon, I love you. I really do, despite your asshole ways. I love you,” I said fearfully. Daimon turned his head to me and peered down, taking my face into his hands.

“Addie,” he breathed. “I want you to fall in love with me. Fall so hard for me that it won’t matter what anyone says. Fall for me, Addie, and only me,” he pleaded.


“I can feel you hesitating. Don’t! Just let it go and love me. I want to share this world with you. So just fucking let it go.”

Daimon could always see through me, he knew exactly who I was and that both excited and terrified me.

“You scare me,” I admitted.

“You scare me too,” he said, still holding onto my face, his stunning blue eyes spoke of his sincerity. “But I'm willing to do anything to have you.”

I smiled hearing his words. “I don’t know since when, maybe since always, but I love you, Daimon, and I think I always will.” I swallowed hard against the heavy lump that had formed in my throat, afraid of my own words.

“See, being an asshole isn’t so bad. It got me you.” He smiled and gave me a chaste kiss.

“Yeah, it was you being an asshole that made me fall in love with you,” I said sarcastically, shaking my head away from his hands, stepping back toward the bed.

“Well, it wasn’t you being a bitch that made me love you. Trust me, Addie; you can be a real nasty little girl when you want.” He winked and walked over to me.

“Daimon, if they looked up asshole and bastard in the dictionary they would find your picture and a clear definition of what exactly you are,” I said, stepping away from Daimon as he prowled toward me.

“I thought I was more of a prick.” He grinned and took one more step closer, making me fall onto the bed.

“Bastard, prick, asshole. You’re pretty much a triple threat.” I inched away from him.

“Hmm,” he said, nodding. “Say it again, Addie,” he said as he began crawling toward me.

“Say what? Bastard.”

“Hmm,” he laughed.

“Prick,” I giggled.

“Keep going,” he teased.

“Asshole,” I finally said as he grabbed onto my legs, pulling me to him, my body gliding across the sheets.

“Say you love me,” he whispered.

“I love you, Daimon. I love you completely.”


I sat at the table the next morning eating breakfast trying hard to avoid Daimon who was now staring at me constantly.

“Do you mind?” I finally said, putting my toast down.

“No not really.” He grinned his sexy smile.

“You’re impossible.” I shook my head at him.

“I’ve been called worse,” he shrugged.



“I still feel like things are a bit confusing right now.” I bit my lip, worried he’d yell.

“What do you mean?” he huffed.

“We’re married…”

“So you’ve said,” he noted.


“Look, Addie, so what, we got married and fell in love, who cares?” he said bluntly.

“What will happen when the three years are up?” I asked.

“You honestly don’t get it, do you? You are mine, for always,” he said earnestly.

I nodded, feeling better at the confidence in his words. I was worried it wasn’t really real, and somehow, I may have mucked it all up, wanting him so badly that I couldn’t see straight.

He stood up from the table, placed his hand underneath my chin and raised it. He kissed me softly and pulled away. The icy blue color of his eyes now melted with his smile.

“Now, be lazy while I go off to work.” He grinned and I rolled my eyes. He tightened up his black tie and buttoned his navy blue suit jacket. Did he have to look good in everything he wore? He smiled as I watched him. I think the bastard did it purposefully to see me drool. Drako followed Daimon to the elevator and I watched as they both stood in the foyer.