“Lamb? Wow, I'm spoiled. My father-in-law is the best,” Daimon teased.

“Idiot,” I muttered, shaking my head.

“Addie,” my father said sternly.

“Yeah, Addie, manners,” Daimon said right after him, both of them looking at me. I was completely outnumbered.

It was great seeing my father get along with Daimon; it had been so long since I had seen him so happy. He looked healthy and that little spark of his had been creeping back into his eyes as he cracked jokes and asked questions. My father was finally appearing happy.

“Addie? Did the university get back to you yet?” My father asked as he ate.

“No, not yet, but by the end of the month, I should know,” I answered.

“Good, I'm happy to hear both my girls are finally living their lives.”

“No thanks to me,” Daimon laughed. He flinched the moment my foot hit his shin.

“Daimon, if you don't mind me asking…” My father started but had to stop.

“Just one sec, my phone is vibrating.” Daimon rose up and walked into the other room.

“I hope everything is okay?” My father looked over my shoulder.

“Should be fine.” I was wrong.

I heard the front door slam shut. My father and I looked at each other and stood up. I ran to the door but Daimon was already on his bike.

“Daimon, wait!” I shouted after him but he drove off, leaving me behind. “Fuck,” I muttered.

“What happened?” my father asked concerned.

“I don’t know and I can’t even call him right now.”


An hour went by and still Daimon was nowhere to be found. I left my father’s home in search for my wayward husband. Worry plagued me when I couldn’t get a hold of him. Daimon would have never ignored any of my calls. It was late by the time I finally reached the penthouse. Both doormen told me he hadn’t been home. Lenny had walked the dog for me and said he had not seen nor heard from Daimon. My anxiety grew, pushing me to call Rafe.

“Hey, Rafe.”

“Hey you,” he said sadly.

“Are you okay? I mean…what happened?” I asked.

“Daimon’s mom…she died.”

“What? When?” I fell back onto the wall and steadied myself.

“This morning, she had cirrhosis of the liver. I guess from her drinking,” Rafe said quietly.

“Have you seen Daimon?” he asked me.

“No, but I have a clue where he is,” I said, hanging up on him.


I stood in front of his mother’s penthouse door. I knocked once but no one answered.

“I’m here. I'm not going anywhere. So you might as well open up now,” I said through the door, still nothing.

“Fine. I’ll just sit on the floor waiting until you man up and answer the fucking door,” I shouted at the locked door.

Finally, the door opened…but it wasn’t Daimon; it was Vanessa.

“Hi, Mrs. Evans,” she smiled softly.

“Hello, Vanessa.” I wanted to rip off her head, but I stayed calm, I knew who she was, but I couldn’t help but feel jealously. At the hour of his need, he had someone else with him.

“He’s inside,” she said, pointing.

“I’m going to assume you’re leaving,” I said to her.

“No! She’s not leaving,” Daimon slurred. “I need Vanessa here.” He looked like shit. He was completely disheveled, is longish hair falling to one side, his white shirt dirty from alcohol stains.

“Addie, meet Vanessa, my personal assistant,” Daimon introduced us officially.

“I met Vanessa, remember?”

“Oh, yeah, when I tried to make you jealous. You don't have to worry, Vanessa is my assistant.” He smiled, falling over the couch.

“I know,” I said quietly.

“Vanessa, can you leave us now,” I said over my shoulder as I watched Daimon.

“Of course, Mrs. Evans.”

“So I hear your mother died,” I said, knowing he needed to be pushed. Daimon always wanted to butt heads and vent his anger.

“Yeah, my drunk mommy died,” he grunted as he sat hunched over. I walked inside and knelt before him. I watched as he picked up a glass filled with whisky. He gulped it down, not hesitating once.

“So this is what you want? I mean you want to become a drunk like your mother?” I pushed harder.

“Yeah, Addie, I want to be a fucking drunk, just like her,” he snarled.

“Good. At least you’re on the right path,” I said coldly.

“You’re a bitch, you know that,” he said spitefully.

“And you’re an asshole,” I remarked. “So we’re even.”

It hurt like hell doing this to him. But Daimon wouldn’t want me to comfort him; he would want me to press on, go harder at him. He laughed and then picked up the bottle that was next to him; he looked at it for a mere second. He held onto it, his grip tightening before he threw it hard against the wall behind me. I closed my eyes, my heart skipping a beat. I swallowed my nervousness, knowing Daimon needed me.

“I fucked Vanessa, you know.” He grinned, the blue in his eyes lost in his drunken haze.