“You did before,” I fired back, fighting my tears.

“I know. I know,” he whispered as he hugged me. His very smell tickled my nose. His other arm slid from underneath me and coiled itself around my waist. Daimon held me. His head nestled in the back of my neck. I felt safe, warm, protected. We fell asleep, nursing our open wounds. The very wounds we inflicted on each other.ChristmasIt was early Christmas morning. I made Daimon and Drako a special Christmas breakfast. Even the Grinch deserved a special meal. The both of them entered the kitchen, one looked very crabby. Yeah, Daimon was a total Grinch, while the other looked like his faithful dog Max. I laughed at the irony.

“What’s this?” Daimon asked, his hair messy and very sexy as he stood at the dining room table.

“Food. I made you guys breakfast.” I smiled, trying to be cheerful, which was difficult since I was forced to go to Daimon’s Christmas party the following night. He gave me a one-day warning, like I had nothing else to do. I wanted to see my father at least.

“Hey!” I cried out when I saw him give Drako a piece of French toast. “What are you doing?”

“I’m having Drako test the food. If he lives, then I’ll eat.” He smiled his devilish little grin.

“Fine! Don’t eat it,” I huffed as I took his plate away.

“Relax, I was just joking.” He laughed and took back his plate.

I watched as both of them ate. Drako loved his baked doggie treat, while Daimon seemed to love the various little treats I had made.

“Do I really have to go tomorrow night?” I asked.

“Yes,” he said as he took his coffee cup.

“I was planning on seeing my dad,” I said, hoping he’d relent.

“Go today,” he said.

“But today is Tuesday,” I said, remembering our deal.

“We’ll go together. Call him and make sure to let him know we are going over.”

“Really?” I said, stunned.

“I’m an asshole, but sometimes I’m not.”

I giggled, remembering my gift for him under the tree.

“Come on, Drako. Let’s see what Santa got you this year.” I patted my legs as I walked over to the tree.

“You seriously got the dog a gift?” he mocked.

“It’s a stupid chew toy that’s good for his teeth.” I sat down and gave him the bone shaped toy. Drako took it and ran around the house, finally settling down in a quiet spot and began chewing on it.

“Come on, Grinch, you too,” I said, motioning for him to come and sit down next to me.

“I don’t do gifts,” he said dryly.

“Yes, I know, but I do, so sit your ass down.” I pointed to the couch. He begrudgingly stood up, headed to the couch and sat down. I took out a nicely gift-wrapped box and gave it to him.

“I’m assuming it’s not a hot woman,” he smiled as he shook the box.

“Shut up and open it.”

He ripped the box open to find a t-shirt. “Did you seriously get me a t-shirt that says I’m an asshole?” He took it out and examined the grey t-shirt. When I’d spotted it, I couldn’t resist how perfect it was for him.

“Yes,” I chuckled.

Daimon laughed, he genuinely laughed and my heart skipped a beat. Watching him laugh at my gag gift made me want to reach out and hug him, but I pushed the thought out of my mind.

“Here.” I gave him a small box. “It’s nothing really special.”

He pulled off the paper and opened the box. It was a pair of black cufflinks. They looked just like something he’d wear. They were made of titanium, and were intricately carved.

“They’re beautiful,” he said, low into his chest as he looked at them.

I shrugged. “Whatever. You paid for them.” I laughed, making light at how much this moment really affected me. It was the first Christmas I didn’t feel sad or upset. I actually felt somewhat happy.

“Where the hell are you going?” Daimon asked as I stood up to clear off the table.

“To clean, your majesty.” I curtsied.

“Sit your sexy ass down,” he ordered. I sat back down and waited. “There, behind the tree, there’s a box. It’s yours.” He pointed. I reached and found a box that was lavishly wrapped.

“I thought you don’t do gifts?”

“Shut up and open it,” he snapped.

I ripped it open and looked inside. It was a lacey black demi-bra with a matching thong that had tiny little bows on them.

“You got me lingerie?” I asked, shocked.

“Yes,” he smiled.

“You’re an asshole.”

“It’s expensive, French made. I wouldn’t get you anything cheap,” he teased. I had to admit it was pretty. It was a shame I had no one to wear it for and there was no way I would wear it for him.

“Learn to take a joke, Addie. Look inside.” I pushed the tissue paper aside and found a small folder.