“I’m fine actually and I should be thanking you to be honest,” I smiled, my insides burning with anger.

“Why?” he breathed as he narrowed his eyes.

“Because I finally understand where I stand in all this. The lines are no longer blurred. So thank you, Daimon, thank you for being you,” I smiled widely, but inwardly, I was miserable. It was torturous just to think about how stupid I was: wanting something that wasn’t ever mine. Did I like Daimon more than I thought?

“Addie, don’t fucking say such stupid shit,” he bit out.

“Well, let’s see, it’s day three of our blissful marriage; the first day you walked out on me and the second day you got a non-blow job. I’m thinking we are hitting world records here.” I acted coy, trying to get to the bathroom, but Daimon was hovering over me, preventing me from leaving the room.

“Look, I have to go to work, but I’ll be home just like we discussed,” Daimon said.

“Whatever,” I said over my shoulder as I finally made it to the bathroom.

“Addie, I’ll make it up to you,” he said softly in his low voice, making my heartstrings wince.

“Don’t bother,” I said grimly and slammed the bathroom door.


I spent the day looking over my clothes that were now in Daimon’s closet. He had his personal assistant buy me every piece of article of clothing I would ever need. Fucking ridiculous, but then again, so was this stupid farce of a marriage. Once I found some yoga pants and a t-shirt, I dressed and lounged around. I still hadn’t really eaten, unless you call having half a banana food. My stomach was too upset for me to bother with anything. I called my father to see how he was doing. He told me Sofia had already headed back to school.

“Why aren’t you on your honeymoon?” my father asked.

“Well, Daimon is working on an important deal right now, but once it’s done, we’ll be flying down to wherever he takes me.” I realized I was becoming good at lying to my father.

“Okay then, I’ll let you go. The game is on,” my father said, referring to his football.

“Okay, Dad,” I hung up and curled up on the couch.

Drako was at my feet nudging his head at me. “I better figure out what to do with myself, ‘cause staying here is going to render me certifiably insane,” I said to Drako, as I picked him up and petted him.

“You seem comfortable,” Daimon’s voice startled me.

“Yeah, sorry,” I said under my breath.

“Why are you sorry?” he asked.

“I didn’t do anything today,” I admitted, not bothering to look at him. Something broke inside me yesterday and I was left feeling even more like a shell of a person than I already was.

“Well I’m glad, you didn’t do a thing. You already bankrupted your restaurant. I don’t need you to fuck up anything else,” he chuckled.

“You’re right, I guess,” I said quietly.

“O…kay… did you eat?” he asked.

“Yeah, I ate,” I said as I rose up from the couch and headed upstairs.

“Where the hell are you going?” he demanded.

“I’m tired,” I said, genuinely exhausted.

“What? Becoming my wife and selling yourself is too tiring?” he jabbed.

“I guess,” I said as I shrugged. I was tired of playing by Daimon’s rules of engagement. He was exhausting me.

I made it up to the bedroom and lay down on the bed. I was happy when I finally fell asleep. It wasn’t a peaceful one, but nonetheless, I still slept, until a sound woke me.

Daimon must have had his stereo on. It was a beautifully sorrowful sound of a violin playing. I made it to the top of the stairs where the sound was louder. The music was heartbreaking and I could feel tears coming. After the demands and drama of the last few days, my emotions were close to the surface. Slowly, I made my way down the stairs to ask him who it was, when I saw Daimon by the window staring out of it. He was playing the violin to a concerto, and was absolutely amazing. His sound was dark and edgy. It was raw. I let out a breath as I watched him play. At first, his violin played softly in a melancholy tone with low notes, but then he played quicker and the notes became more anguished and torn. I couldn’t help but cry. His notes became higher as he played more passionately. I stood transfixed as I watched a Daimon I didn’t know. He stopped at certain points and began playing again. He kept playing in the most obsessive way. I was lost again in the world of Daimon.

The song ended and Daimon put down his violin. I moved to the side, not wanting him to see me. Daimon then sat quietly on his black leather couch and stared out the window, Drako at his side. I watched for a few moments more, torturing myself. What was really going on with me? I hardly even knew. I headed back upstairs quietly, making sure I wasn’t heard. Lying back down, I eventually fell back asleep.