“Daimon, I need to work. I'm not made to be a trophy wife.”

“Oh believe me Addie, I know you’re not a trophy wife. But I will not have you working.”

“Thanks for calling me ugly and undesirable,” I fired back.

“I didn’t say that, my touchy beloved. A trophy wife must make her husband happy and I already know that you won’t. You are not one to attend to my needs, inside the bedroom or outside, whereby not making you a trophy wife. Unless you want to be?” he smirked and wiggled his eyebrows.

“Are we done?” I asked, not bothering to answer the ridiculous taunts.

“I guess we’re done, for now,” he smiled.

“No. We are done. We’ve covered all that needs to be covered unless you want to add something?” I asked. I was fed up of being here with him. Guilt began to creep in and I felt badly about how I left things with my father. I knew he wanted answers about the diner and how I managed to do everything.

“Where the hell did you just go?” he asked, pointing at my head.

“I need to see my father. I sort of left things up in the air. Plus, you came in and asked for me. I want to see him and see how he’s taking everything.” I continued to pet Drako lazily, trying to come up with my argument when I did see my father. How was I going to explain the mortgage? He’d lose it if he thought Daimon had paid for it. I’d have to convince him that I took the money and paid the rest of the house off, but would he believe me?

“Just let me talk to your father,” Daimon interrupted my thoughts.

“No, my father hates feeling indebted and would hate it more if he thought you paid for anything.”

“Addie, I have money. He can’t think I wouldn’t help you. It’s not possible. Your father knows that.”

“I’ll figure something out,” I said quietly.

“By the end of next month, you will be my wife and the money I make will be at your disposal,” he smiled. “Your father will be fine. I already promised you that.”ARTICLE 2 SECTION 12Dealing with Daimon was like dealing with the devil himself, just when I thought everything was done, he threw me a curve ball and laughed at my expense.

“I can’t believe you had me come down here for this.” I looked at Daimon with daggers flying out of my eyes as I watched him and his snide smirk, which was beautifully placed on his well-chiseled face. Oh how I wished I could slap it off. He demanded that I come down to his office and iron out more of ‘our contract.’ I thought we completed that the other night, but Daimon being Lucifer decided otherwise.

“Addie, you can’t think I’ll agree to all your demands without countering them with my own?” he then threw a manila envelope in front of me. “How were my demands so out of the ordinary that you had to counter them? I seem to recall you were the one with more demands than me.” Daimon said nothing as I reached for the envelope and walked over to his leather couches. I sat down and began to mentally prepare myself for whatever he was about to inflict on me.

I read through the contract and it was exactly what we had discussed. He even relented a bit with my family and said yes to at least twice a month. I guess to Daimon this was a game. At least I was happy that he didn’t add anything too extreme. There were a few added points, one being no man or woman was allowed in our home.

“What does this mean?” I asked pointing to it.


“Article 2 Section 12.”

“Our home, is our space. I don’t want a man you pick up at some sleazy bar in our home,” he said rather coldly.

“Woman?” I asked.

“If I ask that of you then I have to abide by the same rules,” he shrugged. “Plus, I seem to recall a little incident with the dog walker which made you go nuclear on her and myself. I don’t really want that happening in our home.”

Our home? I stopped for a mere second. How could he say it so easily? I continued to read and finally at the bottom was the usual stipulations. No one was to find out about this. If one of us were to break the contract then the other gets nothing.

“What about your parents?” I asked as I signed the contract.

“What of them?” he asked.

“Did you tell them?” I asked, now looking at him from across the room.

“No. They will find out tomorrow when it’s announced in the society page. Which reminds me, we need to take some pictures for our official announcement for Sunday’s New York Times.”