“No, not really. You seriously disgust me,” he snarled. So Daimon was a prick to everyone and here I thought I was special.

“What? Why?” she asked in shock.

“You really want to know?” he asked as he inched closer to her. “Because only you would stoop low enough to use Addie’s mother’s death as an advantage. It’s sickening, and you’re sickening,” he said maliciously.

“Come on, Addie. I owe you a nice dinner.” He grabbed my wrist and stalked out of the house. He kept pulling at my arm for at least two blocks. I finally yanked my hand away, pissed that he kept doing that.

“What?” he hissed.

“Can’t you at least ask me to leave with you? Why do you have to grab my fucking wrist every single time? Seriously, do you think I'm Drako? Even your dog gets more freedom than me,” I seethed, massaging my wrist.

“Why didn’t you tell me about your mother?” he asked again, his voice hard and cold.

“I told you, I don’t talk about it, not to you and not to anyone,” I snapped.

“Does Darren know?” he asked. His question threw me.


“Does Darren know?” he took a step closer and repeated

“Yes, he came to the funeral,” I said as I looked at him stunned.

“Son of a bitch,” Daimon brooded.

“What’s your problem?” I snapped.

“My problem is you, Addie,” he shouted. “You! You’re my fucking problem. I paid you to be my girlfriend; I spent money on you. I took the fucking time to think of you and yet here you are tight lipped about everything,” he yelled. “I had to find out about your dad and your mom from other people. Thankfully, I somehow wrangled Frank out of you. What is it about you that you can’t trust anyone? I told you my problem, you can do what you want with it, yet you tell me nothing about you. Fuck!” he roared at the top of his lungs.

“Why should I trust you? You and I made a deal, Daimon, nothing else,” I tried reminding him.

“You’re right, Addie. I forgot, if money isn’t involved Addie doesn’t play,” he bitterly.

“Daimon, I don’t get you. You said no one is to know. Yet you’re out here yelling it out for the world to hear,” I shouted.

Daimon’s piercing blue eyes watched me; he was transfixed as he stood in the middle of the street, thinking. I had no clue. Daimon slowly put his hands on his hips and began shaking his head as the very lips, which kissed me; those soft, perfect lips began to disappear into a thin line. He gave me one last look then left me there. The fucker stranded me in middle of downtown New York, with no money and no way home. God, why was this man so fucking frustrating? Fine! I didn’t tell him about my mother, so what? I didn’t want him to know, but he kept diving in deeper into my life and unraveled nearly every thread.

I started to make my way back. I slowly took my time walking the streets of New York. I wanted to be taken in by all that was around me. The anger I felt before had now subsided. The only thing, which lingered was the kiss on my lips. Daimon’s kiss had seared itself onto me. His lips were controlling and commanding. The heat of his face still warmed my body from the inside out. I walked aimlessly while lost in the moment I shared with him. I was pissed he found out all my weaknesses. I was even angrier at myself that maybe, just maybe, Daimon had burrowed in a little too deep. He slipped through my defenses and I was angry I let it happen.

“Ms. Addie?” I heard from behind me. I looked to see the young driver employed by Daimon. He stood by the black sedan and waited. “Mr. Evans wanted me to drive you home,” he smiled. “How the hell did you find me?” I asked.

“Mr. Evans has his ways.”

“Okay,” I relented as I headed to the car.DEAL BREAKERIt had been over a week since I had heard from or seen Daimon. As much as I hated to admit it, I sought him out a few times. Somehow, the way we fought relieved my stress and right now, I was on stress overload. I had saved boxes from the store to get Sofia ready to move. The little shit didn’t even go to her graduation ceremony; she worked instead.

If Daimon wouldn’t give me the rest of the money at least I had enough for one semester. I’d figure it out by the next. Sofia didn’t want to admit it, but she seemed really excited about leaving. A new life and a new start. I must have looked just like her when I graduated. It burned like hell that I couldn’t leave, but seeing her now made the years of resentment melt away. Yes, I was happy for her, but I still hated the fact I couldn’t live my life the way I wanted. There wasn’t much I could do about it, that was then, this is now, and by looking at the clock I needed to get my ass to work.