“You have a motorcycle?” I asked, looking at it.

“It’s called a sport bike,” he argued.

“I’ve heard them referred to as motorcycles,” I refuted.

“Whatever, Addie, just get on,” he thumbed behind him.

“You can’t be serious. I'm not getting on that thing,” I snapped.

He turned to the left of him and unhinged a helmet. “Put it on and get your ass on my bike,” he bit out as he threw the helmet at me. I caught the helmet in my hands looking at him and his sport bike suspiciously.

“I'm not going to kill you. I know how to use one of these things,” Daimon smirked. I put the helmet on and jumped on the back of his bike. “Hold on tight,” he chuckled, “or else you’re going to fall off.” I grabbed at his black leather jacket and held onto him. “Put your hands around my waist,” he snapped.

I exhaled heavily and relented. I slowly put my hands around his waist and held on nervously. He started the engine and off we went. I yelped surprised at how fast he was going. He weaved in and out between the spaces of the cars, making me feel scared and exhilarated. The ride only took about twenty minutes, when we finally stopped in front of my restaurant. I jumped off the first moment I could and took of the helmet. He laughed at me saying I was a natural but didn’t know it yet. I rolled my eyes at him.

“Don’t you get tired of working so much? I mean it, Addie. You haven’t slept since yesterday night. How the hell are you going to work today?” he questioned in a serious tone as he looked over me.

“My dad should be here in a few hours. I’ll see how he’s doing. If he’s okay, I’ll go home and Sofia will work. It’s Sunday so it’s her usual shift,” I admitted.

“You look like shit. You know that, right?” He got off his bike and leaned on his seat.

“Awe, thanks. You always know how to make me feel so special,” I said sarcastically.

“I try,” he laughed.

“You don’t need to try, you’re a natural,” I reassured him.

“Thanks for the lift, I guess. I’ll just head inside.” I smiled and headed to the door.


“Yes, master?” I stopped.

“About your dad, I didn’t know. I'm sorry,” he said ruefully.

“Wow, you should have told me you were going to apologize. I would have recorded it and kept it as collateral.” I laughed it off. His apology perplexed me. The way he was right now made me completely feel lost at how I felt. It’s a contract, Addie, nothing else.

“I need to go,” I spat out nervously, almost running into the diner.

“Addie?” he called out before I entered.

“Yeah?” I called back over my shoulder. He didn’t say anything so I turned to look at him.

“Never mind,” he gave me a ghost smile.DATE NIGHTIt was now midday. I didn’t know if it was the all-nighter or the excitement at the bar or even the fact I had told Elissa about Frank, but I was like the walking dead, exhausted. My eyes hurt and the sun was torturous to look at. I prayed that any minute now Sofia would come through that door. When the door did open, it wasn’t my father or Sofia, not even Daimon. It was Frank.

“What the hell are you doing here?” I asked, glaring at him. He sat down all calm, like the world was his little oyster and smiled at me.

“I'm here to see you,” he pointed at me.

“Get the fuck out of here before I call the cops,” I threatened.

“Is everything okay, dear?” Silvia asked as she rose up from her usual seat. Silvia would spend her days with me and talk to me about a world I hardly knew or understood, but I figured she was a nice, old, wacky lady who needed some company.

“Yeah, Silvia, just an old friend. Go back to your coffee,” I said over my shoulder.

“An old friend, I'm hurt.” He clutched at his heart. “Come on, Addie, I missed you,” he smiled. This wasn’t my Frank. This wasn’t the Frank I knew.

“What do you want?” I asked.

“You and all that you have.” He held out his hands still smiling. “I feel a little upset at the way things ended with us. So I want to make it up to you,” he offered.

“Well I'm sorry, but you can’t.” I moved away from him.

“Come on, little Addie.” He rose up from where he was sitting.

“I'm not your little Addie,” I snarled pointing at him.

“I get it, you’re angry, but I still want you back,” he admitted. I wasn’t buying it. This Frank was cunning and sly. I could see it a mile away. “I guess I should go see little Sofia and ask her what I should do,” he offered and he began to walk away.