“So how has my lover been?” Daimon asked, still smiling as he peered down at me.

“Busy,” I answered as I pushed him off me.

“Oh. Trouble in loversville,” Darren said as he sat down at the far end of the bar.

“She’s just pissed at me is all. It’s fucking hot when she’s angry at me,” Daimon smirked, but I rolled my eyes and walked away.

“What are you going to do, Daimon? The girl looks pissed,” Darren laughed.

“I have my ways,” Daimon said loud enough so I could hear him.

“Hey, Addie, since you’re going to the back, can you go to the stockroom and get me some vodka?” Jace called after me.

“Yeah, no problem,” I shouted back. Jace threw me his key and I headed to the back.

“So this is nice,” said an all too familiar voice. Upon hearing his words my whole body grew cold and froze. “Saw you on the society page with your new mister out there.” The voice belonged to Frank, my ex.

If you could believe it, Daimon was prince charming compared to him. Frank and I started dating a few years back. At first he was sweet and kind. Loving and adoring, but things changed. He lost his job and began to drink. Things were rough. I thought we could work it out, but I was stupid. He began to beat me. At first I kept giving myself excuses. ‘It’s okay, he’s stressed.’ ‘He needs help.’ ‘I love him, how can I just abandon him?’ Each time he beat me, it was worse than before. Until one night when he beat me so badly I woke up in the hospital. He had attacked me with a beer bottle and beat me until I was unconscious. That’s how I got the scar. I looked at it as I constant reminder that I could never again trust anyone.

“Come on, Addie. No hello? I haven’t seen you since—”

“Since that night,” I bit out. “What do you want, Frank?”

“I came here to see you and you’re already thinking badly about me. You see that was always your problem, Addie. You always think the worst about everyone. You were always a stuck up bitch,” Frank said spitefully.

“How the hell did you know I was working here?” I fired back.

“Ah little Sofia, I’m guessing you never told her anything since she so willingly told me you’re working here.” He was right, I never did tell Sofia and neither did my dad. She was young and I was afraid of what it would have done to her to see me that way. Dad told her he had sent me to see our family back home to cover up my time in the hospital.

“You stay the hell away from her. Do you hear me? Stay the hell away from Sofia!” I shouted.

“Addie?” Daimon called, finding us in the corridor.

“Hello,” Frank said to Daimon.

“Who the hell are you?” Daimon asked, not too pleased seeing me with him.

“Just an old friend, isn’t that right, Addie?”

The way he said my name, made me shiver uncontrollably as bad memories came flooding back. Daimon came closer, closing the gap between us.

“Well, I'm her boyfriend. Daimon,” he said curtly.

“Interesting and I'm her ex. Frank,” he told Daimon. “Well, it was nice seeing you again Addie.” Frank lowered his head so I could see his face and the stupid grin he wore. “See you around.” Frank waved at me and walked off.

The moment he left I was able to breathe again. I reached up and placed my hand on the wall, trying hard not the let the world around me spin out of control.

“Addie? Who the fuck was that?” Daimon barked.

“No one,” I said under my breath.

“No one? No one? Well it appears this no one came here just to see you. What Addie? The money I’m giving you isn’t enough? You need another hand out?” God, Daimon always had a way with his words. He knew exactly how to hurt someone and was rarely sorry for it.

I slinked into the female bathroom and walked into a stall to cry. I had cried so many goddamn times in my life that I knew how to keep silent. My tears were always my own as I lamented my life and its constant pitfalls. What I hated the most was Daimon was the only one in my life who had been close enough to see me breakdown. Mainly because he knew how to take apart everything and find the one thing which could hurt me. I finally composed myself, washed my face and headed back out. At this rate, there was no way Darren would keep me.

“Addie?” Jace called out.

“Baby girl, if that asshole Daimon hurts you, you tell me,” Jace said bluntly.

“Why?” I asked quietly.

“Are you being serious here? First off, look at you; you look like he attacked you ‘Daimon style.’” Jace always referred to Daimon’s sharp cut-like words as his style; to Jace he was seriously an asshole.