“SON OF A BITCH!” I shouted out. Not only did the fucking asshole put our wedding announcement in the paper, he fucking moved up the date. We had agreed on next month.

“Is everything all right, Addie?” my father asked as he came running out of the kitchen.

“Yeah, Dad. Everything is fine. I just need to see Daimon.”ANGER“What the fuck is this?” I threw the newspaper onto the floor the moment I walked into Daimon’s penthouse.

“Good morning, Addie. It’s nice to see you chipper and happy,” Daimon said as he looked at the newspaper, which now lay, at his feet.

“Daimon, I seriously don’t know what you’re planning, but we agreed upon next month before this ridiculous farce would start,” I shouted and Drako barked.

“Well, plans sometimes change, Addie. I improvised,” he shrugged and walked away from me.

“Is this because of Darren?” I cried out following him.

“Darren, Clara, my father. There’s a lot on my plate right now, Addie, and as much as I like to play with you right now, I just don't have the fucking time,” he hissed as he sat down at his table filled with papers and folders.

“You did this on purpose. You got pissed and forced my hand into this,” I continued to shout.

“So? So what if I did? Addie, I'm paying you for a job, which I need to be filled now. Not in a month, not in a year, but now. So just be grateful I'm paying for everything which is fucked up in your life.”

That’s the moment it hit me, I didn’t really know Daimon as well as I thought I did, or maybe I did and I just thought he had changed. His words were devastating and true. I stood there with nothing to say. Everything that made me “me” began to drain away. What was I thinking to come here and tell him off? He was paying for every single thing in my life: the diner, my father’s operation, the house and even Sofia’s schooling. The only thing I had to do was sell myself. Where the hell did I get off being so self-righteous and upset? Daimon called the shots and I gladly gave him that power.

“You’re right,” I said so softly that I scarcely heard myself.

“What?” Daimon looked up from the table and his paperwork and looked at me like he was taken aback.

“I came here angry because you moved the date up. But you’re right. I don't have any power or say. You bought me and I agreed.”

Daimon watched me closely not uttering a word. He finally stood up and made his way to me, I stood almost transfixed. He moved in closer, his face inches from mine. He then moved to the side of my face and whispered, “It’s good you finally realize where you stand.” He leaned back with his sexy little smile prominent on his face.

I don't know what came over me, but I reached back and slapped him. The need to wipe the smirk off his face had finally taken over. I watched as he looked back at me still smiling.

“You have no clue how it feels to be in this position,” I began. “You have never once had to suffer through any hardships. You who had all the money in the world and could get whatever you liked without a care. You never had to endure pain or loss. You never had to make any sacrifices that compromised who you were. You’ve had nothing but a comfortable life. Never once have you ever felt what it was like to agonize on what to do for those you love. So don’t you dare judge me,” I seethed.

“Why would I know how it feels to be a beggar like you? I never once had to live beneath my means and I don't have to apologize to you or anyone for that. Unlike you, I lived a full and great life,” he scoffed. “It’s not my fault you were dealt a bad hand.”

I reached back wanting to slap him again, but he caught my hand and pulled me closer to him, our bodies colliding. “Understand this, my beloved Addie, you gave yourself to me, I named a price and you accepted. So don’t you dare come up to me and act all blameless and innocent. You knew exactly what you were getting yourself into. Now either act the fucking part, my dear little Addie, or everything you want for those you love will go up in flames. It’s your choice,” he said callously.

“How can you be so cruel?” I breathed.

“Easy, it’s who I am. It’s in my nature to be this way. I'm not the loveable and caring Darren, but I am the one you sold yourself to. So why don’t you go home and think about that, Addie. Think about how you did this to yourself and stop blaming me,” he snapped and pushed me away from him. I nearly fell backwards, but caught my balance. “The world doesn’t owe you anything,” he continued as he walked back to his work. “So stop blaming your problems on everyone else and start thinking on how to better your life. It’s not the worse decision you made agreeing to marry me, so just enjoy what I will give you.”