“There is no amount of money in this world that would ever entice me to sleep with the likes of you,” I said in a serious tone.

“Everyone has a price, Addie. I found a lot of yours in a matter of a few months. I’m betting that in a few more you will be mine to fuck with at will,” he smirked.

“Fuck you, Daimon,” I seethed.

“Oh you will, Addie, you will.” He inched closer, but I moved away from him.

“Anything else, Daimon?” I bit out.

“Basically, like before, you will attend all social functions and will play the dutiful wife. I want the world to know you love me, Addie. No fucking around on that,” he warned.

“Didn’t I play my part well enough before?” I asked.

“You were good, but not great. I’m paying you and I want you to act your part accordingly.”

“Fine, Daimon. I will play my part to the best of my abilities. The world will know you are the only man I love. But know the amount of love I show you in public is the amount of hate I have in my heart for you,” I said viciously.

“That’s fine with me, my beloved Addie. There is always a thin line between love and hate.” He finally cornered me as I stood against a wall. He began playing with my hair and grinned. “Remember every time I call you, whether it’s me calling you by your name or by phone, you will answer me.” He looked at me willing my reply.

“What is it with you and your need to have me at your beck and call?” I asked, feeling anxious at how close he was to me.

“Because I do,” he said in a serious tone, leaning in just close enough so I could feel my body begin to hum at his presence. How the hell was I going to sleep next him at night without wanting him to hold me and fuck me into oblivion?

“Is there a date you prefer, my Addie?” he said in a low voice.

“For what?” I managed to say as I stared into his stunning sky blue eyes.

“For our wedding. I would marry you today if I could,” he grinned.

“Why?” I breathed.

“Because I want you here with me every single day,” he said as he looked into my eyes. My breath hitched and my heart skipped. “I love torturing you,” he laughed.

“You think I was born to be your play thing,” I murmured as disappointment ran through me.

“You were born just for me, don’t you ever forget that, Addie. You belong to me,” he gritted out.

“December,” I said trying to move away from him.

“No. Next month,” he countered and blocked me from leaving.

“Next month? How the hell will I get a wedding together in a month?” I snapped.

“You won’t, the wedding planner who I pay for will. You will decide on what you want. That’s my gift to you, because after that day, Addie, your little ass will be mine for three years.”

“You seriously sicken me,” I said, pushing his arm off the wall. I headed back to the couch to a waiting Drako who was wagging his tail the moment he saw me coming.

“Either way, at least I do something for you,” he laughed.

“I want you at home every night. I don’t care about you having your fun.” I air quoted. “But I’ll be fucking damned if I have to be at home for you when you’re out fucking all the bimbos of New York,” I fired back in hopes of gaining back some power.

“Fine, but you have to spend one day and night with me. No distractions, no family. Just you and me and whatever I want us to do.” Fucking Daimon and his control issues.

“No sex,” I reiterated.

“What?” he smiled.

“Your devious little mind will always find a way to manipulate me,” I hissed.

“Addie, as much as I love sex, I'm not all about that. I can be a gentleman…sometimes,” he grinned.

“Well when that happens, let me know so I can mark it on a calendar and celebrate it with you.” I shook my head, Daimon a gentleman? That would be the day.

“Fine, but we get to spend one day out of the week with my family,” I retorted, knowing how much he’d hate that.

“Once a month,” he fired back.

“Daimon, he’s all alone now,” I argued.

“And? You can see him when I'm at work.”

“I can’t.”


“Because I plan to find a job, Daimon.”

“NO! You are not,” he gritted out.

“Yes, I am. For God’s sake you can’t control every aspect of my life and our relationship.”

“I will not have my wife work when I make millions,” he declared.

“I can’t believe you,” I cried out. “You can’t think I’ll just sit here and do nothing?”

“You have worked every fucking day of your life so why don’t you stay the fuck home and rest for once?” he hissed.