“Probably off licking her wounds,” Daimon murmured as he brought his whiskey to his lips.

“Why?” Rafe asked.

“Threatened her dad’s waterfront properties,” Daimon grinned.

“Always the gentleman I see,” Rafe mocked and laughed. “At least he treats you nicely.” Rafe looked over to me and held up his glass. If only you knew, I thought to myself. Daimon tightened his grip on me; I guess that was my cue.

“I feel special since I'm the only one he seems to treat so exceptionally.” I smiled and looked over at Daimon, who had given me a side look, as he drank his whiskey.

He was such an asshole. There were times I would forget myself, but he always made sure I knew where I stood and who he was.

“There’s Jack.” Rafe nudged over Daimon’s shoulder. “You better go and rub shoulders with him,” Rafe advised.

“Lover, do you mind if I leave you for a while?” Daimon turned to me and gave me a sexy smile.

“Of course, I understand,” I reassured him as I gently brushed off his suit. “I’ll be here waiting for you,” I smiled happily. I was happy Daimon would leave my side for God knows how long. I was perfectly okay with that.

He and Rafe both left me at the bar. I finally felt like I was able to breathe. I waved over the barkeep and asked him for a glass of merlot. I was quietly keeping to myself, thinking about how long I would need to stay here. Immense guilt was setting in thinking about my father and how I had left him alone at the restaurant. I knew he was lying to me about how he wasn’t having an episode, but I couldn’t out-right call him on it.

Daimon and Rafe were gone for a while as they expected. I had ordered my second glass of merlot when an older gentleman in a classy suit nudged over to me and smiled. I nodded back not wanting to seem rude.

“So how much?” he asked in a hushed voice.

“What?” I asked.

“How much?” he repeated.

“What my merlot? It’s free,” I said.

“Stop playing coy. What’s your price?” he asked dryly.

“Excuse me?” I asked, affronted and taking a step away from him. He clasped my arm and pulled me closer. The smell of gin was all over him. I leaned backwards and tried to take my arm away, but he held on tightly.

“You’re exactly what I need tonight. So name your price and I will happily oblige,” he nodded at me. His pudgy face and lack of hair, not to mention the way he slurred his words, made my skin crawl as I began to shake.

“What the fuck is going on here, Anthony?” Daimon seethed.

“Take it easy, Daimon, everyone knows who she is,” Anthony smiled. “Listen, son, when you’re done with her, send her over to me. Just let me know how much she charges.” Anthony laughed and winked. “Know these girls.” He air quoted. “They tend to overcharge.”

I saw Daimon’s face change several shades of red. He bared his teeth and inched so close to the older man that Anthony needed to lean back into the bar to gain some space.

“Let her go now,” Daimon ordered.

“Okay, Daimon.” Anthony released my arm and I yanked it back to my body. Daimon stepped between us and towered over him.

“Let me explain to you who she is. She is mine. My woman. My lover. No one else’s,” Daimon barked.

“Okay, Daimon. Listen, I meant no harm.” Anthony backpedaled. “It’s just that I heard she was an escort,” he said low so only Daimon and I heard him.

“Who the hell would say such a stupid thing about my Addie?” Daimon questioned and demanded an answer.

“I was over speaking to Clara and she seemed to imply in strong words that was her profession,” Anthony admitted.

“Well it’s not,” Daimon refuted.

“My apologies, Addie.” Anthony turned to me, but Daimon pushed me to the side.

The man left with his tail between his legs, but Daimon wouldn’t stand down from this. Daimon stood there not even looking at me. All he did was try to reign in his ragged breathing. When he did, he turned to look for who I would assume was Clara. Once he zeroed in on her he stalked off.

“Daimon.” I seized his hand and pulled him back. He turned his head. The liquid ocean of his eyes was now ice cold, frozen with anger.

“Daimon,” I said soothingly. “She’s not worth it, at least not here,” I said to him, trying to remind him of all he was doing with his businesses. He bit hard on his lips and spat out a low “fuck.”

“Addie, I will not allow anyone to—” I took his other hand and held it.

“I know it’s not good for your reputation to be seen with what she’s calling an escort,” I said with a smile plastered on my face, only because I was afraid of causing a scene.