A few long moments of silence passed.

“Okay,” she said quietly. I knew that voice, Sofia was happy. Finally, something I did right.

I stayed up waiting for my father to get home. At least he had the presence of mind to close up early today. The moment he walked in, he looked beat.

“Daddy?” I breathed.

“Yes,” he said quietly.

“How was work?” I asked, worried about his mental and physical health.

“It was a good day, Addie,” he lied. I knew he was lying, only because when he lied he would never once look at my face.

“Daddy, come here and sit. I want to talk to you.” I motioned for him to come and sit down next to me.

“Can’t it wait until after I go to the bathroom and shower?” he asked, holding onto the railing of the stairs.

“I'm going to work at the bar, so how about we talk tomorrow at the store?” I smiled and walked over to him and kissed him on his cheek.

“Tomorrow then.” He gently smiled and slowly went up the stairs, making slight noises of discomfort with each step he took. When were those stupid steroid pills going to kick in and start helping him?


I made it to bar just in time to start my shift. I ran inside not bothering to look around. I needed to get dressed in my little skanky uniform and take over my section.

“Hey Elissa, sorry I'm late-ish,” I smiled brightly at her. She was a co-worker who was slowly becoming a friend over time as we worked together.

“Yeah, you better be sorry. I just covered for you. The drinks at table eight have already been punched in under your code. Jace should be finishing them up by now,” she half-snarled, but I knew she was faking her anger.

Elissa was an amazing person, someone I had really wished I could be like. She had left home from Seattle with three hundred dollars in her pocket and found her way in Manhattan. She worked by night at the bar and went to NYU. The girl had a plan and she followed through. I honestly wished I had her drive and her ability to never look back.

She turned around quickly, flashing me with her dirty blond hair and trying hard to ignore me as she made her way to her section.

“I'll make it up to you,” I jokingly pleaded, following her as I laughed.

“Yeah, how?” she turned and wagged her eyebrows.

“I’ll do the closing shift today, okay?” I didn’t want to, but I didn’t feel right about not working at the restaurant. I guess this was my self-induced guilt thing appearing.

“Yeah, what about tomorrow when you have to wake up at like five in the morning?” She almost bit my head off.

“So? I don’t go home, no big deal. I’ll do the closing shift,” I smiled.

“Listen, bitch, you want to dig your own grave that’s fine, but not on my watch. Besides I’ve grown to like you, but just a little bit.” She jumped and hugged me. She held me so hard that she nearly choked me with her breasts.

“Can’t… breathe…need air…boobs…choking me…” I tried pushing her away.

“Ah, you like it and so do my boobs,” she laughed hard as she let me go.

I ran over to the bar. Jace had just placed the last drink on the tray for me.

“Hey babe, saw you almost die in a boob choke hold by Elissa,” he laughed.

“Man, she’s got strong boobage.” I felt my throat and it felt sore.

“Good to know, maybe I’ll try her out sometime,” he grinned.

“Shut up,” I snapped as I picked up the tray.

Massive Attacks’ “Lately” started to play, the beat was slowly murmuring through the speakers. The singer’s voice was soothing and jazzy as she sang her melody over the heavy bass. The crowd was great and the energy of the bar was incredible, I felt rejuvenated. Today’s ‘first date’ hadn’t nearly broken me. I was back into my element and happy to be here.

I weaved in and out of the small huddled groups of friends as they drank and laughed. I moved to the beat as I made my way to the table. I held the tray high above me to avoid people bumping into it. I finally made it through the last crowd and saw table number eight. I zeroed in making my way when the tray flew into the air up above me, while I fell to the ground, the drinks spilled all over me and the glasses broke around me. Never in my life had I dropped a tray or even fallen. My ankle throbbed like someone had tripped me. I heard laughter from behind me. I looked and there was Clara and her band of friends, pointing and laughing. I stood up, my skin already feeling sticky and wet from all the alcohol that had spilled over me. I began to pick up the broken glass on the ground. My hands were now starting to bleed. I must have landed on broken glass or maybe something had cut me.