“Well that was fast,” he mocked.

“You want a slave,” I snapped.

“And? A slave does what I want, when I want. I need to have control, Addie. It’s important to me,” he stated coldly.

“You want control because you can’t trust. So don’t give me that bullshit,” I snapped. Daimon’s eyes narrowed and his face changed.

“You need me and I need you. It’s a win-win,” Daimon said.

“I will act the part of your girlfriend when you need me to, but I'm not jumping through hoops for you. I have a family to take care of,” I fired back.

“Yes and I'm providing for you and said family,” he growled.

“I know, but still, you can’t think I'm just going to hand myself over to you,” I hissed.

“Then what, Addie? You get the money and I get what in return? I need you to be believable. I want them to think we are so in love that I would never consider marrying that bitch,” he seethed. “You want to talk about control? Do you have any idea how it feels for a man to be told to marry someone because his father wants him to? I hate the very thought of it. The notion someone can tell me what do to and use me, I fucking hate that, Addie. I'm not going to allow you to have any power over me,” he said irritated. “Get that through you head already.” He glared at me from across the coffee table.

“I don’t know if I can do this,” I breathed.

“Fine,” he groaned. “Let’s make our own contract,” he gritted through his teeth. He took out a pen and paper. “I want you to go out with me three times a week around Manhattan,” he stated.

“Once, I can only do it once,” I said honestly.

“You have to be kidding me? Addie, if you’re dating me, you need to go everywhere I go,” he barked.

“I have a restaurant to run,” I admitted.

“What? That dump? Come on, Addie, give me a fucking break…” Before I knew it I began to cry. I stood up and headed to the door. “Addie?” he rose up and grabbed my arm.

“Get yourself another girl to play your girlfriend,” I bit out and yanked my arm way from him.

“Addie, all I meant to say…” I held my hand up and stopped him.

“I can’t stop working because you have some sort of twisted relationship with your parents. That dump is what kept my family out of the streets. That dump fed us. That dump is all we have,” I cried. Daimon watched me closely, his features softening.


“No, this was a mistake. God, I'm so fucking tired of everything being so hard,” I seethed in frustration. “Yes. I need the money. I want my sister to have the future I wanted for myself. The future I lost. I don’t want Sofia stuck with me in my hellhole,” I screamed, my tears now falling uncontrollably.

“Addie, I'm sorry. That’s not how I meant it. Fuck! I sometimes don’t realize the stupid shit I say. I meant to say you’re better than that place. You shouldn’t waste anymore of who you are in there,” he said softly. I wiped my tears and still stood by the door, wondering what to do next.

“Addie, we’re negotiating. If you can only come out once then once it is. How about late at night?” he said as he stood close behind me.

“I work at the bar,” I said quietly.

“Every night?” he nearly snapped.

“No, not every night,” I admitted.

“Fine then, after work. I’ll take you out for an hour, make sure others see us,” he said. “Plus, I’ll make sure you have a new wardrobe,” he said in passing.

“Why?” I asked insulted.

“Addie, if I'm in love with you, my money is mine to shower you with. My woman will have everything,” he said in a stern tone. “This is non-negotiable.” The power of his words shook something inside me. Who knew Daimon could be so passionate?

“Come sit. Let’s work out the rest,” he offered; taking my elbow and making me sit on the couch across from him.

We spent a few more hours yelling at each other, but in the end, we found a few compromises. It was mostly in his favor, but I was able to gain back some freedom he wanted me to give to him. Once we were happy with our ‘little contract,’ Daimon asked me for my account number. He said he’d put half now and half later. He called it an insurance policy so I wouldn’t run out on him. Daimon had serious trust issues.

“Here, take this.” He gave me a white box.

“What is it?” I asked opening it up. It was a brand new iPhone.

“Think of it as a gift.”

“I can’t afford this.” I felt shame for admitting it.

“It’s a gift, Addie. I can afford the bill.” He smiled faintly. “So, I’ll see you soon.” He nodded, dismissing me.