“I was worried they wouldn’t have any good whisky,” he says. “And Glenlivet’s my favorite. What about you, Amelia? What’s your preference?”

“Glenlivet,” I say warily. He already knows that. I take the tumbler when he offers it. “Isn’t this yours?”

“That’s nice of you to share,” Sadie says. “You’re in a weird mood—”

“I think Nathan’s looking for you, Sadie,” Andrew says, though he continues to stare at me.

“Really?” Sadie asks. “But I was just with him.”

Andrew nods. “You know how he gets. Clingy as fuck.”

She pushes his shoulder. “What’s with you? You’re seriously feisty tonight. Let’s go find him.”

“I’m fine right here,” he says.

“Oh. Okay.” She hesitates a moment. “You sure?”

I don’t wait for them to figure it out. “I’ll go get a second glass for you.”

I’m not at the bar ten seconds before I feel Andrew’s presence at my back. “You look good enough to eat,” he says, nearly growling in my ear.

I turn around. His large body blocks us from the crowd, creating a private little corner. I give him a onceover. In a well-fitted suit, clean-shaven with his hair styled away from his face, he looks like a different man. A man who could bring me to my knees. Oddly, I find I don’t prefer him one way or another. Apparently, I’ve grown an attachment to the plumber look.

And he’s grown an attachment to how I taste. “I won’t stop you,” I respond.

He quirks the corner of his mouth. “It’s nice to see you again.”

“Why are you here?”

“I was tricked.”

“Into being Mindy’s date?”

“Sadie’s always trying to set me up with women, no matter how adamant I am that I’m not interested.”

I arch an eyebrow, tempted to believe him, but unsure if I can. “And what do you think of Mindy?”

He takes my drink from me and sips it slowly. Once he’s swallowed, he says, “She doesn’t look good enough to eat.”

“But she’s young,” I point out. “And beautiful.”

“As are you. Young, beautiful, and edible.”

I cock my head. “You’ve got quite an appetite tonight, don’t you?”

“You have no idea. I’ve known since Monday I’d see you tonight. I kept picturing how that red dress would look.”

“And?” I prompt. “How does it look?”

“Like I’m going to have you for dessert.”

My face warms, and I have to look over his shoulder to keep my composure. “I’m glad it didn’t disappoint.” I feel his eyes burning into me. “Should we take our seats? Someone might catch on.”

“I want to see you tonight.”

The way my heart skips, my answer is obvious. I want to see him too, and not just in a dark corner over a glass of good liquor. But his eagerness, his obvious hunger, is clouding my thoughts. I need to keep a straight head. “You’re seeing me now.”

“You know what I mean. I want a replay of last weekend.”

“You’re not fooling me.” I smirk. “You just want to take advantage of my bathtub again.”

He leans in to my ear. “I want to take advantage of you.”

My breath comes faster. “So that’s the reason for the Glenlivet?”

“Maybe.” He hands my drink back. “Or maybe it’s because I like the taste of whisky even more now that I’ve sucked it off your skin.”

My body hums with his whispered words. I don’t let him see how he affects me, though. I hold his gaze and take a slow sip. “Mmm.”

“Oh, shit . . .” I hear from behind Andrew. He takes a giant step back and turns. Sadie’s husband looks between us. “What’s going on here?”

“Nothing,” Andrew says. “We’re sharing a drink.”

Nathan runs a hand through his hair. “You’re supposed to be sharing a drink with Mindy.”

“Who?” Andrew asks.

“Your date,” Nathan says.

Nathan looks ready to run and tell Sadie, so I chime in. “It’s my fault. I was asking about toilet stuff.”

Nathan draws his eyebrows as Andrew turns slowly to me. He looks as if he’s about to put me over his knee for that comment, but whether he is or isn’t, he isn’t doing anything to get rid of Nathan. Once again, I’ll have to take charge.

“Go ahead,” I tell Andrew. “I’m sorry I kept you from your date, Mr.—” I stop, realizing I don’t have a clue what his last name is. “Sadie’s brother.”

Andrew answers me through gritted teeth. “Beckwith. My last name is Beckwith.”

“Right. Mr. Beckwith. Thanks for the advice about . . . toilets.”

“You need a plumber?” Nathan asks me. “I can recommend someone.”

Jesus Christ. “I was asking for a friend.” I lift my chin. “Nathan, will you show me to the table?”

“Of course.” He gestures for me to follow, and we make our way through the crowd.

“I can’t wait until later,” Andrew says behind me, his voice low and gravelly. “Let’s leave.”

“Are you insane?” I shoot back over my shoulder.


“I just got here,” I whisper-hiss.

“Then meet me in the bathroom.”

I attempt a scoff at his inappropriateness, but it comes off weak. With him this close, this insistent, it’s hard not to be reminded of what it’s like to submit to his demands. When I wished for a few hours more with Andrew, I should’ve specified I’d like to have him to myself.

“At least give me something to hold me over until later,” he says. “What are you wearing under this dress?”

“Another pair of underwear for you to steal.”


A few days after Andrew left, I realized I was missing the lingerie I’d been wearing when we were together. The black lace pieces he’d commented on. I’d been alarmed but figured some guys were into that. I throw a glance over my shoulder. “I know you took my bra and panties when you left.”

He laughs gruffly over my shoulder. “I definitely did not.”

Nathan looks back at us, his eyebrows furrowed. We’re talking softly enough that he won’t hear what we’re saying—but clearly he can hear us speaking.

“I admit, at first I was a little pissed,” I say. I have a tendency to splurge on beautiful lingerie. I know when it goes missing.

“I didn’t take your dirty underwear, Amelia,” he says huskily. “Now, if you want to give it to me, I won’t turn it down.”

I want to look back to see if he’s serious about not taking it—it doesn’t seem like him to lie—but we’re suddenly at the table. My eyes go straight to Mindy.

She doesn’t notice me watching her, because she’s tracking Andrew with big, bright eyes. Did he give her some reason to look hopeful? And if so, why would I care? I got what I wanted from him, and it seems as though I can have it again if I choose.

Andrew pulls out a stage-facing seat for me, and I give him a look. Already, Nathan’s suspicious. “Just being polite,” he says.

“You wouldn’t guess it, but my brother’s a complete gentleman,” Sadie tells Mindy.

“Aw, sis,” Andrew says. “Why wouldn’t she guess it?”

As I sit, I respond under my breath so only he can hear, “Perhaps it’s stealing a lady’s unmentionables. Or the suggestion of screwing her in the bathroom.”

Andrew leans down as he helps me scoot my chair under the table. “You’re the one who can’t stop talking about toilets.”

“No, you’re right,” I say over my shoulder. “You are a complete gentleman. Tattoos and all.”

“What’s wrong with my tattoos?” he asks.

“Tattoos?” Nathan asks from the seat to my right. Apparently we weren’t talking as privately as I thought. “How do you know about his tattoos?” Before I can answer, Nathan hisses. “Oh, Jesus. Did you two—”

“Dude,” Andre

w says. “Shut up.”

Sadie turns away from Mindy and puts a hand on Nathan’s forearm. “What’s wrong, honey?”

Nathan looks to her and back at us.

Imperceptibly, I shake my head, imploring him not to give us away.