“Just go.”

I crinkled my nose at him. “David,” I whined.

“Fine,” he exhaled and turned his back.

“Really?” I said, mimicking his irritation with my own exhale.

“Olivia, I just fucked the shit out of you, who cares?”

I hadn’t had to pee before but now that I was in position, I couldn’t hold it any longer. I relaxed and let the stream go. It was oddly intimate even though I’d peed in front of Bill countless times. And I had the advantage of admiring David’s toned ass as he waited, obviously magnificent, even in the dark. Once I’d flushed, I hoisted myself onto unsteady legs. He was picking me up again before I knew what was happening.

“Aren’t I heavy?” I asked coyly, with my arms draped around his neck. He laughed heartily and tossed me in the air slightly before catching me.

“No honeybee, you are not. You think I could’ve fucked you that long standing up if you were?”

“The wall did most of the work,” I pointed out, as he held me over the bed.

“Oh, is that what you think?” he asked, nipping my unharmed cheek with his teeth. “Should we try it again and see?”

My eyes widened in response, and I bit back a giggle. “Can you?”

“I could have you ‘til the sun comes up, but you need to rest. We both do.” He dropped me then and I let the giggle out as I hit the springs. “First, I have to pee though.”

“What, I don’t get to watch?” I teased.

“You can if you want,” he said, gaiting away.

But my lids were heavy and my legs were leaden and did he call me honeybee again? and the sheets must have been a thread count somewhere in the thousands because they were oh, so . . . .

I was disoriented when I felt the mattress give underneath me. I wasn’t sure if I had fallen asleep, but suddenly David was climbing in next to me. I reached across the valley between us to touch him and said, “I’m cold.”

“Come here.” He pulled me to him, and I complied, fitting myself against a body I wasn’t used to. I rested my bent arm on his torso and lay my face on his shoulder.

“How do you feel?” he asked into my hair.

“Sore,” I sighed.

“Good, I want you remembering this all weekend.”

“Can I tell you something?” I asked.

He rolled onto me and looked me straight in the eyes while his chin rested on my chest. His body seemed miles long with him below me, and I wondered if his legs were hanging off the edge. “Olivia, I have been waiting for that question for weeks. Please, tell me something that I don’t have to beat out of you.”

I swatted his shoulder and snickered. “Don’t be ridiculous.” His face remained passive though, and he didn’t laugh.

I cleared my throat uncomfortably, feeling suddenly on the spot. “It – that was . . .” I felt myself reddening and shifted under his weight, wondering if I had time to change my mind. I curled my arm up to touch my earlobe, but he caught it without even a glance and kissed the inside of my wrist. I held my palm out instead. “That was my first orgasm with anyone. Well, first and second,” I added, looking up at the ceiling.

“What?” His tone conveyed his shock. “You can’t be serious,” he said, moving off me and sitting back on his calves.

“It’s true. Does that freak you out?” I asked simply. My hand fell back on the bed and I shivered, suddenly cold.

“Sorry,” he mumbled, snuggling back between my legs and tucking my arms underneath him. A huge smile crossed his face, that broke only long enough for him to kiss me quickly on the lips. “No,” he said emphatically. “I just can’t believe it. How?”

I faltered, wondering if it was possible to explain. “I’ve orgasmed on my own of course, just never with a partner. I always thought Bill and I would get there, but he stopped trying after a while. Not that I blame him. The harder he worked, the less turned on I became. I let him watch me, but I could never get into it.” I was silent. “So I might be on another planet right now.” He kissed the base of my neck more times than I could count. “I guess it helps that it’s been building for two months,” I added.

He stopped. “Oh yeah? Then how do you explain the second one?” I gave him a shy smile and his face turned serious. “You have no idea what that means to me,” he said, placing another kiss in the hollow of my neck.

“It means you are an experienced lover,” I kidded, even though I knew it wasn’t the reason. I had blossomed for him. Beneath him, clasped to him, we were in our own world, and I felt safe.

“No,” he sighed, exhaling against my neck. “It’s different.” His voice was so soft, that I had to strain to hear. Is it different for you too, David? I wanted to ask, but I just enjoyed the feeling of his lips, his breath, him, on my body. He lifted his head to give me a mischievous look. “Mmm,” he moaned, grinding his hips against me softly, alerting me that he was hard again. “That might be the sexiest thing I’ve ever heard. Even better then banging a virgin.”

“David!” I squealed. He laughed, and it was such a playfully uncharacteristic comment that I couldn’t help but join him.

“I mean it. You are such a fox. If you were my girl, I’d have you coming every chance I got.” My laugh melted and my mouth watered at his words. He slid down my body and nuzzled my breasts, sighing into them and scraping his facial hair against my skin. “Did I tell you you’re incredible?”

“I’m thoroughly worked over, is what I am,” I responded.

“You know, when I looked into your eyes at the theater, I was stunned. Nothing like that has ever happened to me. And when I saw you in that gold dress, at the restaurant, I knew you were the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. You were glowing. But right now, in my bed, naked and undone,” he paused, leaning forward to kiss me softly on the lips. “You are perfect. I never want you any other way.”

I ran my hand over his cheek and through his hair. It hurt me that I couldn’t respond the way I wanted, so I just touched, memorizing him with my hands.

His gigantic hands splayed over my ribcage. “So smooth,” he commented, moving his fingers over my skin. Everything is smooth in the dark, I thought.

My body jolted when his index finger ran over my scar, causing the muscles underneath it to contract. “Except for this. What is it?” he asked. I gulped and squeezed my eyes shut, thankful for the night to hide whatever nuances might give me away. Why is he asking me this? Who cares what it is? I balled the sheets in my fist and willed that he would leave it alone. Instead, he leaned closer and examined it. “What’s it from?”

“Wasn’t that enough for one night?” I asked, half-joking. His silence was response enough. I sighed and pushed his hand away. “It’s ugly, and I don’t like talking about. Let’s not.”

“What happened?” he persisted.

“I don’t want . . . to lie to you. So please don’t make me.”

He laughed softly and buried his nose in my chest, placing a feather light kiss between my breasts. “Don’t lie. I’m not easily scared.” Suddenly his body against mine began to feel heavy, and his breath on my skin was grating, as though it hit a nerve with every exhale. I must have moved, because suddenly he insisted, “Stop. Don’t pull away. Tell me what happened.”

I was quiet for a moment, debating. “My mother accidentally stabbed me when I was a teenager.” It felt ridiculous to say out loud. I hadn’t had to since that night at the hospital. All that blood. “My parents fought a lot the year leading up to their divorce, but it had never become violent until she pulled a knife one night. I don’t think she meant to do anything with it, but I jumped in the middle and, well, you can guess the rest.”

With the words out of my mouth, I no longer felt cornered, and his body began to feel less like a trap and more like a shield. I glided a hand over his smooth upper back. I’d said it aloud and the world hadn’t come crashing down . . . . Well that’s something, I guess.

“What’s the rest?”


n with the questions. “You ask a lot of questions,” I said. I moved my hand to his hair, letting the silky strands sprout from between my fingers. “Why, are you going to rescue me from my past, David?” I asked sadly.

I pulled lightly on his arms, and he snaked back up to my face, settling on top of me. He pecked me on the lips softly, lingered there a moment and then kissed me again, this time opening my mouth with his. Slowly, he caressed my tongue with his while running his hand along my jawline. “You’re hard,” I whispered into his mouth. He nodded without separating from me. He weighed heavy on me and I took it, wanting nothing more than to stay securely underneath him as long as he would let me. When the kiss hardened, he tore from me.

“You’re distracting me, Olivia. What’s the rest?”

“Hmm?” I asked sleepily. I opened my eyes, wondering if I could convince him to keep kissing me. “Oh. The rest . . . Hospital. Blood. Screaming,” I said, closing my eyes again. “Really, that’s all the detail I care to remember. I hate hospitals. Blood scares me blind.”