‘And how is that?’

‘Totally. Uncontrollably. With every part of me.’

‘And I love you back like that and more. More, Kassie, you understand? So much more.’

He swept her into his arms and there was nothing between them but love and joy. In between breathless, urgent kisses they stumbled to her little bedroom and the narrow bed. He eyed it cautiously.

‘Too small?’ she teased.

‘Perfect,’ he argued. ‘You’ll have to cling to me.’

He drew her down on top of him, stripping her as he went.

‘I like it when you cling to me. When you sigh...’ He kissed her again. ‘When you can’t stop yourself from wanting me.’

‘I never could...’ she promised. ‘From the moment we met.’

‘I ache to give you everything,’ he muttered, desperately, tenderly grinding into her. ‘To love you.’

The completion she felt at that moment was so profound that more tears spilled even as she smiled at him. Entwined, they knew the magic they made together was too good to be restrained for long...

He cradled her close afterwards, his voice low. ‘I came to the hospital this morning because I couldn’t wait any longer. I saw you before you saw me and you looked so happy that I left before speaking with you.’

She heard the remnants of his hurt, understood his vulnerability was still real, and her heart warmed at knowing how deeply he felt about her.

‘I’d been to see the head of the prosthetics department to get support for participating in that research project.’

‘Oh, that’s great.’ He sat up and looked down into her face. ‘Did you get it?’

‘Yes—and they’re really keen for me to work on other projects with them too. I should have spoken up sooner.’

‘It’s never too late.’ He drew her closer with a happy sigh. ‘That’s wonderful.’ He stroked her arms. ‘You’ll keep working there after we’re married...?’

She smiled. ‘I’d like to...’

‘Of course. I’m proud of what you do.’

‘But sometimes I’d like to travel with you...to do some of the things you do...’

‘We’ll work it out,’ he promised. ‘We’ll find some kind of balance.’

‘Do you suppose that poor pizza delivery guy is still waiting at the door?’ She suddenly sat up.

He laughed and stood, grabbing a towel to wrap around his waist. ‘I’ll go get it.’

‘Like that?’ she shrieked, appalled. ‘There might be photographers out there.’

‘I’ll be sure to show my best side.’ He kissed her swiftly, with an arrogant laugh at her expression. ‘I’m with you now—now and always—and I don’t give a damn who knows.’


Six months later

‘SHE’S BEAUTIFUL.’ KASSIE looked down at the tiny baby nestled in her sister-in-law’s arms. ‘Just so beautiful.’

‘She’s tiny.’ Giorgos leaned over her shoulder and put on his resting frowny face. ‘Too tiny. She looks like she could break easily. How long until she gets bigger?’

‘Giorgos...’ Kassie smiled and injected a warning tone into her voice.

‘My brother is a marshmallow.’ Princess Eleni, currently suffused in a maternal glow, wasn’t hearing a bad word about anyone.

‘Rest easy.’ Damon patted his brother-in-law on the shoulder. ‘I’ve got this.’

Giorgos sighed. ‘I know...’ He looked again at the petite baby and smiled. ‘She’s adorable.’

Damon and Eleni had decided their baby should be born in Palisades, so they’d returned to the palace for the last few months before she was due. In a couple of days they’d fly to Damon’s private island, to spend time alone and bond together, but they’d just had a personal photo taken, to share with the public, with sweet Princess Antonia only a few hours old.

‘You have to admit she is tiny,’ Giorgos muttered as he walked with Kassie down the corridor towards their own apartments.

‘And that scares you?’

‘I’m not afraid to admit that she makes me feel vulnerable. I want to take care of her.’

‘Hmm...’ Kassie walked ahead of him into the suite. ‘You might need to get used to that.’

‘Get used to what?’ Giorgos shut the door with a definite click.

Kassie turned to face him. She knew not to underestimate the blandness of his query. ‘Being around tiny little people who take a few years to grow to their full size.’

He walked towards her slowly, his eyes intent on her. ‘What are you telling me?’

‘You’re a smart man—you know what I’m telling you.’ She backed up against the wall.

His eyes flickered. Dangerous.

‘I thought you wanted to wait a while,’ he said in a soft voice. ‘We’ve only been married three months.’

Three months since that insanely massive wedding, with most of the world watching.

While they had created their own traditions, there were some things Giorgos had wanted to do in keeping with his position. Not because it was what had always been done, but because he’d wanted the world to know how proud he was to take her as his wife. That had meant an enormous state ceremony, with all the trimmings.

Eleni and Damon had supported her in those terrifying few minutes before she’d had to walk into the country’s cathedral, packed with aristocracy, people and news cameras, and not trip her way up that endless aisle with everyone watching.

But she’d locked eyes with Giorgos and her nerves had evaporated. He’d grinned at her, and the whisper of a wink had been a giveaway flash of roguishness. And then his eyes had filled with pure emotion.

The video of that moment had gone viral—made into romantic memes shared millions of times. Suddenly the world had realised that the supposedly ‘serious’ King not only had a sense of humour, he had a soul, and their love story endlessly dominated the global media.

Fortunately they’d been able to escape to the Summer House for a blissfully private honeymoon.

‘And I thought you were on board with that.’ She chuckled happily. ‘But, no, you’ve just had to go ahead and be dictatorial and bossy and decide everything for everyone, like the arrogant autocrat that you are.’

‘It takes two to tango,’ he noted. ‘So it can’t all be my fault.’

‘No.’ She nodded in agreement. ‘And apparently two can become three.’

He inhaled deeply. ‘Are you telling me you’re pregnant?’ His words were little above a whisper.

‘Are you telling me you’re finally listening?’ she teased back breathily.

‘Are you telling me you don’t think I’ve already noticed?’

‘Oh, please.’ She paused, frowning as his smug look grew. ‘Are you telling me you knew already?’

‘Your breasts are fuller...you’ve been a little more tired than usual. And your period is late.’

He was that observant?

She pouted. ‘You think you know everything about me.’

‘No. I think I don’t know you nearly well enough. I can’t wait to watch you become a mother. I can’t wait to watch you do everything.’ He shivered. ‘It’s been hell, holding off on summoning the doctor to check you over.’

‘The doctor already has checked me over,’ she reassured him. ‘I knew you’d instantly worry, but you don’t need to. I’m in perfect health.’ She leaned towards him provocatively. ‘Apparently I’m in top physical condition.’

‘I knew that too,’ he growled. ‘You tease me too much.’

‘You love me for it.’ She batted her lashes.

‘You do it because you love the way I retaliate.’

He suddenly reached for her.

‘And look where that’s got me.’ She yelped as he pulled her close. ‘Happy,’ she assured him, meeting

the hunger in his kiss. ‘So unbelievably happy. And terrified. And excited. I can’t believe it!’ She laughed with pure, unadulterated delight.

But his smile had gone as tension and intention gripped his muscles. ‘I need you. Right now.’

‘Yes.’ She wound her arms around his neck, eager to offer the security she knew he sought—of knowing that she was strong and well and happy.

He tugged up her red skirt, knowing just how to draw that desperate response from her. ‘Need to feel you,’ he groaned as he drove home. ‘I’m weak over you.’