
He grimaced. She made him feel like a god. Or, more accurately, a selfish, greedy devil. He wanted more than he deserved. But couldn’t he have it just this once? For over a decade now he’d been the perfectly behaved Prince, dutifully fulfilling his destiny, maintaining everything as it ought to be maintained... He’d not set a foot across the line of being discreet and controlled.

Until Kassie. Within two minutes of meeting her he’d crossed the line to inappropriate and then full-on outrageous. But it went both ways. Whatever chemistry was between them, it was strong. He shouldn’t have agreed to her request, but it felt right to get rid of the attraction between them. And the only way to do that was by sleeping together. Ignoring it would only make it worsen and he’d always wonder what if?

He had enough regrets to live with already. And he truly did want to help her—she thought she was damaged, that she wasn’t normal, and she wanted to feel things. He wanted that for her too—he wanted nothing more than to see her flushed and screaming with pleasure. And sated. Her honesty and her courage in what she’d asked had floored him.

He tried again to focus on the meeting preparation. He had wanted to prove he could resist his desperate urge to tumble her into bed there and then. Hell, he’d wanted to. But he had to be able to take it or leave it as he chose. And, more importantly, he needed to give her the space and time to change her mind.

If she didn’t, then they’d have their moment. He’d take her slowly and savour every second, make sure she was right there with him every step of the way. He was determined to make it the best for her. He almost couldn’t cope with the prospect of burying himself deep in her lush, tight body—of showing her just what she was built for. His mouth dried and his muscles bunched.

Ignoring the meeting notes, he sent a message to his secretary, requesting dressing assistance for Kassie—because the bargain had been struck and she’d want to maintain her end of the deal. She had pride—he understood that about her. And he respected her for it.

He didn’t return until nightfall, semi-pleased with the way his day had gone—with his ability to concentrate on the meeting. He could keep everything under control with Kassie.

But within two minutes of him getting back to the house trouble hit. She was there. She was beautiful. And she had that teasing, disarming smile on her face as she looked up from where she lounged on his sofa. The sofa where he’d made her scream her release last night.

‘How’d it go?’ she asked.

For a moment Giorgos didn’t know what she meant as she looked at him with warmth and expectation in her gorgeous eyes. Was she asking him about his meeting?

‘Fine,’ he answered awkwardly.

‘They didn’t give you a hard time?’

She really wanted to know. No one ever asked him how his day had gone. Because usually no one was waiting for him to return home. His sister had always been at the classes he’d arranged for her, and his assistants had been busy fulfilling his requests. He’d always turned his focus to the next meeting, the next event, the next decision.

He rubbed his hair as he realised she was still sitting there, waiting for a reply, her eyebrows slowly lifting.

‘A hard time?’ He shook his head. ‘Not to my face. They wouldn’t dare.’ He sighed. ‘Most of those at the meeting today know to hold their tongue.’

No one had ever loitered, waiting for him to return, to ask him how his day had gone. That Kassie was dong so now touched him. He grimaced at his newfound neediness. If he told her that he liked it she’d probably call him out for being sexist or something—expecting to have a woman waiting for him at home. Truth was he didn’t ever expect to have that. He couldn’t ask someone for that. But all the same it was nice...just this once.

‘Because they’re afraid of you?’ she asked.

‘I hope not. I think they just know it’s pointless. We have work to be getting on with, we can’t be wasting time on...that stuff.’

‘So you just keep going with the “to do” list?’

‘Because the “to do” list is important.’

‘So is taking a break—you told me that yourself. Maybe this is a good time to take a break.’

He rather liked the contrary mix of subtle ribbing underpinned by gentle concern. It could be reciprocated.

‘How was your day?’ he asked, but he had to cough away the huskiness. Was he this unused to enquiring after someone? How socially inept was he in this level of simple intimacy?

‘It was good.’ Her smile was shy.

Well, that wasn’t enough of an answer. ‘What did you do?’

‘I went for a swim. I raided your library. I watched a movie.’ She listed them all off.

It still wasn’t enough. He wanted to know whether she’d truly had a nice afternoon. He wished he’d been here to see for himself.

‘A movie?’ He sat on the sofa arm and tugged off his tie. ‘What movies do you like?’


He glanced at her keenly. There’d been a distinct sensual purr to that reply. ‘And now you want action of your own?’

‘Don’t you think you’ve kept me waiting long enough?’ She leaned closer with a confidential whisper, even as that blush swept across her beautiful face. ‘I’m ready to progress from the holding hands phase.’

He took her hand in his and felt the jolt of electricity. His entire body stiffened in anticipation. ‘Are you, now? What if I’m not?’

‘You’re the experienced one here—why do you need to prolong this? We don’t have all that much time.’

‘And you want to make the most of it?’

‘Do you blame me?’

She was going to kill him. She was so sweet, so eager, and so damn inexperienced. He released her hand to slide off the elastic tie securing her braid and slowly began to release the sleek twists of her hair.

‘Well, then, I should prepare you. We’re not going all the way tonight, Kassie.’

Her pout appeared. ‘Why not?’

Because that was what he’d decided. For her benefit and to prove his own self-control.

‘There are other things to take pleasure in first.’ He skimmed his hands down her arms.

Those bewitching deep brown eyes widened farther still, until they dominated her beautiful face.

His gut tightened. ‘Let me show you what I mean.’

He’d been longing to do this for days. To kiss every inch of her soft body. If she could put herself entirely into his hands now, then they’d find the ultimate pleasure when he finally claimed her completely.

He tried to take his time, to savour his first full taste of her, knowing that this was her initiation into this deliciously intimate delight. He tried to stay gentle. But the scent and sweet warmth of her, the unguarded, untutored response of her, made it impossible. As he finally peeled her panties to the side he glanced up, catching wariness and embarrassment, but also determination. And trust.

He vowed again, deep within himself, to help her conquer the instinctive resistance that she sought to overcome with soft kisses, firm hands and patience.

‘I have you, Kassie,’ he murmured as she shivered and squirmed beneath his touch. ‘I won’t hurt you.’ He wanted only to bring her pleasure. Suddenly it seemed to be his most important mission in life. ‘You can let me do anything.’

The softest sigh escaped her and those slender, long legs parted. He tasted the heated acceptance of her body with its slick welcome for his tongue. He kissed her, sucking softly on that small, sensitive bud. She stiffened and he heard her catch back her cry.

‘There’s no one to hear you but me,’ he muttered hungrily. ‘Don’t hold anything back.’

And then, to his intense satisfaction, she didn’t.

* * *

‘Kassie,’ he said softly. ‘Look at me.’

Panting, she obeyed, opening her eyes to look straight into his. That feeling was still spreading though her body, honeyed bliss seeping into every cell. Her smile blossomed and a laugh bubbled out of her. The exquisite feelings of lightness and happiness were uncontainable.

He brushed her hair back from her face and his expression softened. ‘Not so bad?’

Little aftershocks ricocheted around her body and she knew he felt them. He was holding her loosely. Carefully. Talking gently and ensuring she was centred. For just this moment—just this once—she fully appreciated the strength of his protectiveness.