‘Have there been many?’

‘Not in recent years,’ he growled.

‘So why watch it if you’re not going to say anything?’ She smiled and shook her head. ‘Why let yourself care at all? It isn’t worth it.’

‘Because I am the King and I am in the public realm. I have a responsibility to my people. What they think is of vital importance.’

‘But you’re still human. Not perfect. You’re allowed to make mistakes.’

‘I don’t want them hurting Eleni,’ he said softly.

Kassie looked at the screen. Incessant questions and negative commentary blared from it. ‘Perhaps you can show your support for her and shut your haters down.’

‘How do I do that?’ He arched a sceptical eyebrow.

‘Why not prove to the world that you’re happy to welcome Damon into the family by inviting his parents to dine with you? Show that you’re trying to make amends and accept the situation. Open up a bit.’

‘Open...? Invite his parents?’ Giorgos laughed harshly. ‘You know he’s not close to them.’

‘That doesn’t matter—no one else knows that. They’ll come. They love nothing more than sucking up to powerful people,’ she said bitterly.

He looked at the screen through narrowed eyes and then looked at her. ‘Perhaps I don’t need to invite his parents,’ he said slowly. ‘Not when I already have you right here.’

‘I’m the scandal of the family.’ She recoiled. ‘You can’t use me to regain your approval ratings.’

‘Actually, that’s all the more reason to use you,’ he mused thoughtfully. ‘If I’m willing to accept his illegitimate half-sister, then I’m showing just how open-minded and progressive my monarchy is becoming.’

For a moment she was thrilled at the thought of him accepting her publicly—of him spending time with her as if he were proud to. Her pulse quickened. ‘Are you going to let me drag you into the modern world, King Giorgos?’

He kept studying her, an odd light in his eye. But then he sighed. ‘I’m not. No.’

Disappointment hit and it was strong. ‘Why not?’

‘What was the point of my bringing you here to escape the press hounds if I now set you right amongst them?’ He walked over to put his hands on her shoulders and smiled at her. ‘But it wasn’t a bad idea.’

‘Must you be so patronising?’ she grumbled. ‘It’s obviously a fantastic idea. You can control media access to me. Isn’t that what you’ve always done anyway, for both you and Eleni?’

The more she thought about it, the better it seemed. She could help him. And she wanted to.

‘I won’t let you down. Believe it or not, I can stay silent when I need to.’

‘Believe it or not, I don’t want you to stay silent.’ He drew her close.

‘Giorgos...be serious.’ She couldn’t hold back her smile at him. ‘I can help you here.’

‘Do I need help?’

‘Perhaps it’s okay to protect yourself as much as it is to protect your sister. And to protect your sister’s husband’s half-sister—who is in no way any kind of sister to you.’

His sudden amusement was good to see and her pulse skipped.

But then he sobered. ‘You don’t want people to judge you,’ he said. ‘I cannot put you in such a public position. I won’t use you like that.’

‘You haven’t been listening to me,’ she muttered. ‘I don’t give a damn what they say about me. You’re the only one who cares about that. And, let’s face it, the media are already on me—literally digging in my garbage, for goodness’ sake. All because I’m Damon’s distant relative. Hiding from them isn’t going to work long-term. But you presenting me to them might assuage that initial interest. And they won’t give a damn about me once they discover how boring I am. I can take advantage of your authority over the media.’

He regarded her closely, clearly thinking hard but revealing little. ‘Why would you want to do this for me?’

He shook her gently, but she felt the tension in his body as he angled closer to her, as if he couldn’t help himself.

She lowered her lashes demurely. ‘You’re my King.’

She heard his sharp intake of breath.

‘Is there nothing you want from me in return?’ he asked silkily, bending closer. ‘No way in which I can help you?’

Oh, he was a devil. His words invoked a temptation within her and the possibilities of this situation swiftly crystallised—clearly. She wanted to feel what she’d felt with him before. She could take advantage of his obvious expertise in that area too. Just once. Just for herself.

‘Maybe I’ll stay here for a few more days,’ she said breathlessly. ‘I’ll be seen with you, just as a distant family member, to show your acceptance of Eleni’s marriage.’ Her heart pounded.

‘And in return...’ He watched her solemnly, looking every bit the powerful plunderer. ‘How may I help you, Ms Marron?’

He only called her that when he was feeling edgy...when he was exerting inner control.

‘You know already,’ she said, very low.

‘You want me.’

‘Yes.’ She swallowed and pushed through her nerves. ‘Teach me. Everything. I know there’s nothing afterwards. I don’t want any claim on you. Or any relationship. I just want the moment. Now.’


‘Why do you think?’ She tossed her head and glared up at him, angry with him for making her confess everything. ‘I’ve never wanted this with anyone before. I thought I wasn’t...normal. I want to be normal. Perhaps if I’ve done it once and liked it then I can like it again...with someone else.’

He suddenly stilled. ‘Done what once? I only helped you to orgasm last night.’

‘I’m not talking about orgasms.’

His jaw dropped. ‘Are you telling me you’ve never done this...at all?’

‘I’m a virgin, Giorgos.’ She was suddenly burning.

‘How...?’ he breathed.

‘What do you mean, how?’

‘You’re twenty-three. You’re...’


His gaze skittered across her body and he hesitated a second. ‘Beautiful.’

‘You mean buxom. But, you know, the size of my erogenous zones doesn’t equate with their ability to actually work.’ She felt herself blushing all over. ‘I already told you—I don’t like to be touched. At least I didn’t,’ she corrected with a mumble. ‘But I liked what you did.’

And she wanted to know that she could get everything within her working properly. He could help her with that.

He released her shoulders and stepped back, shoving his hands into his pockets.

‘My virginity doesn’t matter,’ she added quickly, when she saw his expression shut down as he turned away. ‘It’s just circumstance. Don’t make it into something it isn’t.’

He whirled back to face her. ‘How can you say it doesn’t matter?’

‘Did your first time matter?’ She blushed furiously as she asked.

He huffed out a harsh breath. ‘My first time was with a woman who was a little older than me and a whole lot more experienced.’

Despite herself, she was diverted. ‘How old were you?’

A rueful smile quirked his lips. ‘You don’t want to know. It was scandalous.’

‘Oh, I want to know,’ she muttered. ‘You can’t shock me.’

‘I think I can,’ he laughed. ‘I was fifteen—she was twenty-six.’

Kassie didn’t know whether to be awed or appalled. ‘Were you in love with her?’

‘I was incredibly grateful. She was a generous teacher.’

Jealousy smarted. ‘You were with her for a while?’

He looked somewhat uncomfortable. ‘I was young, brash and hungry. I was with many young women in my late teens.’


p; Kassie’s eyes widened in surprise. ‘You were a man whore?’

‘I...’ He looked startled, but then laughed. ‘I guess you could say that.’

‘But you never have a girlfriend.’

She frowned. There’d never been a whisper of romance regarding the King in the press. According to the media he just worked hard all the time. But was he still a secret man whore? Well, duh. Given his skill, of course he must be. But how could he have a string of lovers and no one know anything about it?

‘Occasionally I do. Discreetly.’

‘Discreetly?’ She stared at him with blatant disbelief. ‘You can’t help but tease me that way... Every other utterance between us is inappropriate.’

He suddenly laughed. ‘Only with you. And only because it bothers you so much.’

So he didn’t flirt shamelessly with every woman he met? An odd twinge of relief softened her. ‘Do they last long? Do you care for them?’

Could she be one of his girlfriends for just a little while?

‘I trust them as far as I’m able to trust anyone.’