‘And she taught you too well. You avoid all men.’

‘Do you blame me?’ she flared. ‘I watched my mother wait and wait and wait for her lover to deliver what he promised. She settled for second-best for so long, taking someone else’s crumbs her entire life. And for what? Lies and rejection and heartache and sickness.’

‘She wasn’t ever interested in anyone else?’

‘Because getting another man is all that matters?’ Kassie was incensed.

‘I imagine there were many men interested in your mother.’

‘Because all a man wants is a beautiful woman?’

‘Must you interpret my questions so simply? I’m quite certain your mother had multiple attractive qualities. Intelligence. Spirit. Determination. Compassion—’

‘And you’re certain of this—?’

‘Because her daughter shows the same things, of course.’

She didn’t know quite how to respond to that. He was mercurial. Shockingly honest. Suave. Dangerous.

‘But you’re determined not to be the same as her,’ he said.

Kassie stiffened. ‘I loved my mother...’ And she was loyal to her, even though she’d frustrated Kassie so much. And hurt her.

‘Of course.’

‘They’re really married?’ She couldn’t believe it.

He pulled out his phone again, turning it so she could see the picture he’d opened. Her heart softened at the sight of her half-brother and the Princess. Laughing, close. Their connection would be obvious to anyone who looked. Perhaps it was going to work out.

‘They look happy.’

‘Appearances can be deceptive—’

‘No.’ Kassie pointed at the sparkle in Eleni’s eyes and her glowing smile. ‘You can’t fake that.’

He didn’t answer as he studied the photo again.

‘I don’t know Damon well,’ she admitted with full disclosure. ‘But I do know he’s a far better man than our father has ever been. Damon’s a good man.’

‘Only time will tell,’ Giorgos answered quietly.

He didn’t trust people. She supposed he must have reason—just as she had reason.

‘Where are you taking me?’ she asked.

‘The Summer House.’

The royal holiday retreat? She shifted on her seat, her gaze sliding from his.

‘Eleni and Damon need space alone at the palace,’ he said calmly. ‘You need to get away from the intrusiveness of the paparazzi. And I can continue to work there.’

‘So it’s convenient for you?’

‘When did you last have a holiday?’ he cajoled with a glint in his eye. ‘When did you last spoil yourself? You’ve spent all your adult life either caring for your mother or studying so you can care for others. You deserve a break.’

‘Are you implying that I ought to thank you? As if you’re doing me a favour? This isn’t my dream holiday.’ She suddenly choked on a laugh. ‘And you think you’re not arrogant!’

He grinned smugly. ‘Look out of the window now. I think you’ll find it’s not so bad.’

She finally braved a glance down to the coastline. It was a stunning island—fertile gardens, impressive rock formations and aquamarine waters. She saw a low building, growing larger as they neared it. Set into the cliff, it almost formed part of the rocks itself.

She gazed at it as they circled to the rear of the building, where there was a helipad. The windows gleamed but the silence of the place astonished her. There were no crowds of attendants. No other buildings nearby.

She walked with him—initially wary—but the Summer House was nothing like the palatial monstrosity in the city.

It was large, but not vast or ostentatious. Where there were overly ornate gold decorations in the palace, there was white simplicity here. There were no paintings smothering every wall, or chandeliers hanging from the ceilings, or sculptures and furniture crammed into every corner. No, here there was pale, honey-coloured flooring, and white walls, and luxurious space and a sense of serenity so profound that the power of speech was stolen from her.

It truly was beautiful. And private. More than that, it was intimate.

‘It’s built into an existing cave network. Above us there’s a garden—not large, but private. And there’s a pool that’s partially inside a cave, partially in the sun.’

‘It’s...’ She wasn’t too proud to be honest. ‘It’s not what I expected. It’s much simpler.’

Warm and restful and so beautifully light and fresh she just knew all those soft furnishings were the most luxuriant one could get.

‘I knew you’d like it.’ His smile flashed—but it wasn’t that arrogantly satisfied one, there was genuine pleasure in his eyes. ‘Not as formal as the palace.’


Kassie’s heart thudded as something darkly sweet slipped beneath her guard. He’d wanted her to like it. He’d wanted to please her.

That sense of cosy intimacy grew. The night was closing in, the brilliant blue sky swiftly darkening with each passing second, and Kassie’s awareness deepened. She was now alone with him—effectively trapped here with him for who knew how long.

A shiver ran along her spine.

Not a thrill of anticipation. It couldn’t possibly be that.

She ought to be outraged by him taking her, but somehow his revelations on the helicopter ride had taken that particular wind from her sails.

‘Are you hungry?’ he asked.

She shook her head. ‘I had a snack at the hospital.’

‘Then I’ll show you to your room so you can get comfortable.’

He led the way down a wide corridor. Where was his room? She didn’t dare ask.

He waited for her to enter ahead of him. It was simply and sparsely decorated, with white walls, white furnishings and white linen on the wide, wide bed. Yet somehow it wasn’t cold and impersonal—it was warm and inviting and too intimate for her to be in it alone with him. That intense feeling fluttered—and with it came that curl of fear.

‘Is that my bag?’ She stared poisonously at the small carry-all that had been placed on the hand-carved wooden rack at the end of that magnificent bed.

She whirled to face him, turning her back on the searing intimacy of the beautiful bedroom. He stood impassively, not answering, his gaze not leaving her face.

‘Did you go into my apartment? Did you pack my clothes?’ She whipped her anger to ice.

He shook his head. ‘One of my men packed.’

‘So some random guy I’ve never met has raided my underwear drawer?’

He cleared his throat. ‘I thought you would prefer to have your own things rather than accept an entirely new wardrobe paid for by me. Especially not underwear.’

He was right about that, of course. But he was still wrong. The outrageously high-handed behaviour was shocking, and she was seized by the desire to better him.

‘Whatever made you think that?’ she asked brazenly. ‘What woman wouldn’t love a selection of new dresses and shoes and, yes, underwear to waft about a place like this in? Especially if she didn’t have to pay for it.’

He blinked, but then a slow smile spread across his face. ‘Don’t worry,’ he soothed. ‘If you’re that upset about me not seeing your underwear you can show it to me yourself later.’

There was a pregnant pause as she read the searing challenge in his eyes. The ripple of banter brewed into brooding resistance. She couldn’t tear her gaze from his—was locked in a moment of intensity. His magnetism was overwhelming. She almost needed to glue her feet to the floor to stop herself walking towards him.

‘I’m not sleeping with you,’ she muttered low.

‘Did I offer?’ he replied, his gaze still not leaving her.

She flushed, but continued with her deflection because she had to solidify her position.

‘We’re practically related. You’re—what? My brother-in-law now?’

‘I’m not any kind of brother to you,’ he said softly. ‘Not even close.’

‘You’re standing close.’

Somehow he was. Somehow in the past few minutes he’d got close enough to block out everything else in the world. Close enough for her to feel his heat.

He reached out, carefully brushing back a lock of hair that had escaped her braid. ‘Not brotherly,’ he muttered huskily.

‘I... I get that.’ She swallowed, suddenly sweltering.

‘Then I’ll leave you to unpack.’ He stepped back. ‘Rest. Swim if you like. If you need anything just ask one of the staff. The few that are here are my most trusted employees and they’ll get whatever you need. Please feel at home here.’

He had to be kidding. This place was small to him, but larger and more luxurious than any home she’d lived in. But she couldn’t help exploring her room. There were two other rooms attached—a gorgeous sitting room, with a sofa and a comfy armchair and a wide set of windows leading to a balcony overlooking the water. And then there was the bathroom.

She caught sight of her reflection in the gleaming mirrors and almost died. But she turned her back on the large bath—she couldn’t quite relax enough for that. She’d freshen up in that magnificent shower.

The jets of water were sublime. The soaps and shampoos deliciously scented. The towels soft and fluffy and, yes, she was lost to decadence for a good half-hour. But as she dressed in the jeans and tee shirt that had been folded with annoying perfection into her bag she wondered what he expected her to do—if anything.

She quickly re-tied her braid and decided. She refused to hide in her suite and wait to be summoned into his presence...

But, despite the simplicity of the house, it proved to be larger than she’d initially thought. The curving corridors confused her—it really was built into a cave network and it really was utterly divine.