Numbly, I col ected my sword from where I'd f lung it discourteously into the briars, and we followed Ariel a through the mist and brambles, her spectral form gliding through the fog like a ghost. Each time the mist coiled around her pale figure, my heart twisted in fear, certain that when the tendrils pulled away she would be gone. Behind me, Puck was silent; I knew he was just as dazed, trying to come to terms with what we had just seen and heard. I was stil reeling from the shock, from questions that swirled maddeningly in my head, and Puck was the last person I wanted to talk to.

We trailed Ariel a through a thick hedge, where the mist cleared away and the briars formed a protective wall around a snowy glen. Glamour fil ed the tiny space, creating the il usion of gently fal ing snow, of icicles that hung on branches and a chil in the air, but not everything was fantasy. A clear pool glimmered in the center of the clearing, and a lone elder tree stood beside it, its branches heavy with purple berries.

Shelves ful of jars, dried plants and simple bone tools had been worked into the bramble, and a narrow bed stood beneath an overhang of woven thatch and ice.

Ariel a walked over to a shelf and brushed imaginary dust from between two jars, seeming to col ect her thoughts. I gazed around the clearing in wonder. “Is…is this where you live?” I asked. “Al this time, you've been here?”

“Yes.” Ariel a took a deep breath and turned around, smoothing back her hair. She'd always done that when she was nervous. “Sit, if you want.”

She gestured to an old log, rubbed smooth and shiny with use, but I couldn't bring myself to sit. Neither could Puck, apparently.

“So, how long have you been here, Ari?” he asked, and I instantly bristled at the casual use of his old nickname for her. He had no right to speak to her as if nothing had happened. As if everything was all right now. “Have you been here since…that day? all alone?”

She nodded, smiling tiredly. “It's not the Winter palace by any means, but I make do.”

Irritation boiled over into real anger now. I tried to stif le it, but it rose up anyway as the blackest years of my existence seemed to descend on me all at once. She had been here all along, and never thought to see me, to let us know she was stil alive. all those years of fighting, kill ing, all for nothing. “Why didn't you tel me?” I demanded, and she winced as though she'd been expecting that question.

“Ash, believe me, I wanted to—”

“But you didn't.” I stalked over to the elder tree, because I couldn't remain motionless any longer. Her gaze followed me as I whirled back, gesturing to the glade. “You've been here for years, Ari, and you never came back, never made any attempt to see me again. You let me think you were dead!

Why?” I was near shouting now, my composure shattered, but I

couldn't help it. “You could've sent word, let me know you were all right! all those years of thinking you were gone, that you were dead.

Did you know what I was going through? What we both were going through?”

Puck blinked, startled that I would include him as well . I ignored him, however, stil facing Ariel a, who watched me sadly but offered no argument. I let my arms drop, and my anger vanished as quickly as it had come. “Why didn't you tel me?” I whispered.

“Because, had I returned, you would have never met Meghan Chase.”

I froze at the sound of her name.

Ariel a sighed, a gesture that seemed to age her a hundred years, and smoothed back her hair once more. “I'm not explaining it well at all,” she mused, almost to herself. “Let me start again, from the beginning.

The day…I died.”

“I've always been a little bit of a seer,” Ariel a began, gazing not at me, but at the pool in the center of the glade, as if she could glimpse the future within. “Even before the… accident…I could sometimes predict things. Smal things, never important. Never enough to threaten or compete with the factions at court. My father tried to use my gift to rise to power, but he soon gave up when he realized my visions never showed me anything useful.

“That day in the hol ow,” she continued, her voice growing even softer,

“when the wyvern struck me, something happened. I felt myself die, my essence fade, becoming part of the Nevernever. There was darkness, and then I had a dream… a vision…of the Iron fey, the chaos that would come. And then…I don't know. I found myself waking up, alone, in the place where I died. And I knew what was coming. The Iron fey.

They would destroy us, except for her.

“One girl. The half daughter of Oberon, Meghan Chase. When the time came, when the Iron King set his plans into motion at last, she would save us—if she could survive to face the chal enges ahead.”

Ariel a paused, smoothing back her hair, her eyes on something I could not see. “I had many visions of Meghan Chase,” she went on in a distant voice. “I saw her struggles as clearly as if they were happening to me. The future is always changing—never is there a clear path to the end, and some of the visions were terrible. I saw her die many, many times. And each time she perished, the Iron fey would overcome Faery. The Iron King triumphed in the end, darkness overtook the Nevernever, and everything we knew was destroyed.”

“But she didn't fail,” Puck broke in. “She won. She led an army of Iron fey to the false king's fortress, kicked down the door, turned the old geezer into a tree, and became the new queen. Because of her, the Iron fey aren't poisoning the Nevernever anymore, as long as they stay within their territory. Definitely not the Armageddon you predicted, Ari.”

Ariel a nodded. “Yes, and I saw those futures as well , Robin Goodfel ow. But she was never alone. You were always there with her, you and Ash both. You kept her safe, helped her succeed. In the end, she defeated the final evil and claimed her destiny, but you were the ones who enabled her to do it. She would have died without your help.”

Ariel a sighed, fiddling with the branches of the tree, her gaze distant again. “I had my own part to play, of course,” she continued hesitantly, as if the things she'd done were somehow distasteful. “I was the pup-pet master, pul ing the strings, making sure all the pieces were in place before her arrival. I watched for the signs of her coming. I began the whispers that Leanansidhe was planning to overthrow the courts, leading to her exile. I suggested the girl have a guardian to watch over her in the mortal world. And I made sure that a certain cat would be on the lookout for the halfhuman daughter of the Summer King, should she happen to fal into his tree one day.”

I felt breathless, stunned. all the while I'd been venting my anger and grief against Puck, the cause of my suffering had been preparing for something far greater. And she hadn't even been able to tel me about it.

Ariel a paused then, closing her eyes, her mouth tightening. “I knew you would fal in love with her, Ash,” she whispered. “The visions showed me, years before you would see her for the first time. I wanted to go to you, to let you know that I was alive. I knew what you were going through, I heard of your oath against Puck. I wanted to tel you so badly.” Her voice wavered, making my gut twist. “But I couldn't. I had to let you meet her, fal in love with her, become her knight. Because she needed you. And because we all needed her to succeed. I believe Faery itself brought me back to ensure the success of Meghan Chase. I couldn't let my feelings for you stand in the way. I…I had to let you go.” She took a deep breath, and her voice hardened. “I chose to let you go.

“I knew you would come here.” Ariel a faced me, the stars glittering in her turquoise eyes. “Eventual y, I knew you would come. I know your quest, Ash. And I know why you're here. You want to become human, to be mortal, so you can go back to her. But things aren't so black-and-white now, are they? And so I will ask a question of you. I know what you must do to become mortal. But the road will be hard, and some of us might not survive it. So, this is my question. Do you stil want to become human? Do you stil want to be with Meghan Chase?”

I took a slow breath to calm my churning mind. I couldn't answer, not when the love decades dead was standing not five yards away staring at me. Without a word, I turned and left the glade, back into the mist-shrouded hol ow and the silence of my own thoughts. I felt Ariel a's eyes on me as I left, but she did not fol ow.

Alone, I stood in the place where Ariel a died, the great wyvern skeleton curled around the edge, and tried to process all that had happened.

She was alive. all this time, she had been alive, knowing I was out there, watching, yet unable to contact to me. She had been alone for so long. It must have been horrible for her. If the situation had been reversed, and I was the one watching, knowing she would fal for another, it would have driven me insane. I wondered if she had waited for this day, the day I finally returned to this spot, hoping that we could be together again.

But there was someone else now. Someone who waited for me, who knew my True Name and commanded my loyalty. Someone I'd made a promise to.

I felt Puck's presence at my back but didn't turn around. “This is crazy, isn't it?” he muttered, coming to stand beside me. “Who would've thought she was here all this time? If I had known…” He sighed, crossing his arms to his chest, letting his voice trail off. “Things sure would've turned out differently, wouldn't they?”

“How did you know?” I asked without turning around, and felt his confused frown at my back. “How did you know I wouldn't kill you?”

“I didn't,” Puck said with forced cheerfulness. “I was really, really hoping you wouldn't. That would've sucked a lot, I think.” He stepped closer, joining me in staring at the dead wyvern. His next words, when they came, were very soft. “So, is this thing between us finally over?”

I didn't look at him. “Ariel a's alive,” I murmured. “I think that dissolves the oath—I no longer have to avenge her death. So, if that's true, then… yes.” I paused, waiting to see if the words felt right, if I could say what I'd wanted to say for decades. If the words were a lie, I would not be able to speak them. “It's over.”

It's over.

Puck let out a sigh and let his head fal back, running his hands through his hair, a relieved grin crossing his face. I shot him a sideways glance.

“That doesn't mean we're all right,” I warned, mostly out of habit. “Just because I'm not sworn to kill you anymore doesn't mean I won't.”

But it was an empty threat, and we both knew it. The relief of not having to kill Puck, being free from an oath I never wanted, was too great. I wasn't failing anyone by letting him live. For now, the Unseelie demon inside me had been sated.

Though I'd spoken the truth when I'd said we weren't all right. There was stil too much fighting, too much anger and hate and bad blood between us.

We both had years of words and actions we regretted, old wounds that went too deep. “Puck,” I said without moving, “this changes nothing between us. Don't get too comfortable, thinking I won't put a sword through your heart. We're stil enemies. It can't ever be the way it was.”

“If you say so, prince.” Puck smirked, then surprised me by turning completely serious. “But right now, I think you have larger issues to deal with.” He glanced back at the glade, frowning. “Meghan and Ariel a—that's a choice I'd never want to make. What are you going to do?”