‘I can control myself.’ Rebellious anger scorched her skin. ‘And I intend to keep the vows we just made.’

He smiled. ‘Of course you do. And so do I. Until the time when we dissolve the deal. It is just a contract, Eleni. Nothing more.’

Her deeply ingrained sense of tradition and honour railed against that declaration. She’d stood in that chapel and she’d meant those vows. But for Damon, this was nothing more than a business proposition. So why had he carried her only a minute ago?

‘But it is a contract with particular benefits,’ he added.

‘And you intend to make the most of those benefits?’ She wasn’t buying it.

‘As much as you do. Or are you going to try to deny yourself because I’ve annoyed you?’ His smile was all disbelief.

‘I’m going to deny you.’ This might be her wedding night but it made no difference. She wasn’t sleeping with him now.

‘I’ve made you angry.’ His eyebrows lifted. ‘You’re very young, sweetheart.’

‘No. You’re very cynical.’ She shoved his chest, but he only took two paces back from her. ‘And I’m not a child. Just because I haven’t slept with half the world, doesn’t mean I’m more stupid than you. Sex doesn’t make you smarter. If anything it makes you more dense.’

‘Come here, Eleni.’

What, he was going to ignore her argument and simply demand her submission just because he knew she found him sexy?

‘Get over yourself.’

‘You’re saying no?’ he asked, his early anger giving way to arrogant amusement. ‘Because you’re the one used to giving orders?’

‘No, that’s my brother,’ she answered in annoyance. ‘I’m the one used to standing in the corner doing what she’s told.’

‘Then why aren’t you doing as you’re told now?’ He stood with his legs wide like some implacable pirate captain. ‘Come here.’

The entrance vestibule of her apartment wasn’t huge but it might as well have been the Grand Canyon between them.

‘You come over here,’ she dared, ignoring the pull of his attraction. ‘I’m tired of being told what to do. I’m doing the telling this time.’

His eyes widened fractionally. For a long moment he regarded her silently. She could see the storm brewing in him and braced. Him walking closer was what she wanted. And what she didn’t want.

‘I’m not yours to boss around or control,’ she said, touching her tongue to her suddenly dry lips but determinedly maintaining her bravado regardless. ‘I’m going to do what’s necessary. And only what is necessary.’

He took those two paces to invade her personal space again and swept his hand from her waist to her hip. ‘This is necessary, Eleni.’

She turned her head away, her heart pounding. ‘Not any more.’

‘Because you’re mad with me.’ His lips brushed her cheek. ‘Because I’ve ruined your belief in fairy tales? There’s only the real world, Eleni. With real complications and real mess.’

‘And temporary desires,’ she ended the lecture for him.

‘That’s right.’

‘And you’re feeling a temporary desire now?’ she asked.


‘Too bad.’ She clamped her mouth shut.

He laughed again. ‘You say you don’t play games.’ He gifted her the lightest of kisses. ‘Say yes to me again, Eleni,’ he coaxed, teasing too-gentle hands up and down her spine. ‘Say yes.’

She glared at him for as long as she could but she already knew she’d lost. ‘You’re not fair.’

‘Life isn’t fair. I thought you knew that already.’ He moved closer still, forcing her to step backwards until she was pressed hard between him and the wall. ‘Say yes.’

She could hold out but it would only be for a little while. She wanted him too much. She had from the second she’d seen him that night. And it was just sex, right? Nothing to take too seriously. She might as well get something she wanted from this ‘contract’.

‘Yes.’ It was always going to be yes.

His smile was triumphant but she swore she saw tenderness there too. Except it couldn’t be that—he’d just told her this was only temporary. He brushed a loose tendril of hair back from her face.

‘Don’t pet me like I’m a good dog,’ she snapped.

He laughed. ‘Definitely not a dog. But very good. And very worth petting.’ He put hands on her shoulders and applied firm pressure. ‘Turn around.’

She met his gaze and sucked in a breath at the fire in his eyes. Wordlessly she let him turn her, surrendering this once.

‘This dress is beautiful,’ he said softly. ‘But not as beautiful as the woman inside it.’

Eleni bowed her head, resting her forehead on the cool wall. He undid the first button and pressed his lips to the tiny patch of bared skin. His fingers traced, then teased down to the next button. In only a heartbeat Eleni was lost in the eroticism—of not seeing him, but of feeling him expose her to his gaze, to his touch, to his tongue again, inch by slow inch.

Desire unfurled from low in her belly. Her body cared not for the complications and confusion of her heart and mind. Her body cared only for his touch, only for the completion he could bring her.

He teased too much. Too slow. Until she was trembling and breathless.

When her dress slithered to the floor in a rush he put firm hands on her waist and spun her to face him again. She’d worn no bra beneath the gown, so she was left with lacy panties, stockings, kitten heels and nothing else. His gaze was hot and suddenly she was galvanised, reaching out to push him to recklessness again. She wanted him as breathless, as naked—she needed to feel his skin against hers.

But she couldn’t undo his buttons. She was too desperate for release from the tension that soared with every second she spent with him. His choked laugh was strained and he took over, swiftly discarding the remainder of his clothes until they lay in a tumble at their feet. For a second she just stared at him. And he at her.

Before she could think, let alone speak, he pulled her close again, as if he couldn’t stand to be parted from her for a second longer. He devoured her—with his gaze, then his fingers, then his mouth. He kissed every exposed inch. Somehow they were on the floor and he was braced above her—heavy and strong and dominant. She gasped breathlessly, aching for him. But just at that moment, he lifted slightly away and she almost screamed in protest.

‘What?’ she snapped at him. Why was he stopping now?

His smile was both smug and twisted. ‘I’ve had numerous lovers, Eleni, but you’re the first one to run away afterwards.’

‘Did I hurt your ego?’ She half hoped so; that’d be payback for what he was doing to her now.

‘You frustrated me. You still do.’ A seriousness stole into his features. ‘You know I don’t want to hurt you.’

She understood frustration now. ‘I’m not afraid.’

And he wasn’t going to hurt her—he’d made it very clear that this was only this. Only lust. Only temporary.

‘No?’ He held fast above her. So close. ‘You’re not going to run away again?’

‘Not while I’m this naked.’ She sighed, surrendering to his seriousness. ‘I can handle you.’

‘Then no more hiding either,’ he ordered, cupping her cheek. ‘In this, hold nothing back.’

She was lost in the blue of his intense eyes. He wanted it all his way—acceptance that this was only sex. But at the same time he wanted everything from her. It wasn’t fair. But it was life. And it was just them again.

‘Okay.’ She breathed. A wave of pleasure rolled over her as she accepted his terms. This total intimacy was finally okay.

Less than a second later he drove deep into her body. She cried out as he claimed her with that one powerful thrust. Trembling, she wrapped her arms around his muscular body. Maybe she couldn’t handle him. She couldn’t cope with how completely he took her, or how exquisitely he now tortured her by just holding still—his invasion total.

‘Easy...’ he muttered.