She shook her head. ‘Relationships never worked out for her.’

A chill swept over his skin. ‘And you held off having boyfriends.’

‘I was too busy to meet anyone,’ she said softly.

‘No,’ he contradicted her. ‘You shied away from them.’ He understood why—she’d seen her mother’s heartache and it had put her off. She’d seen the consequences—she’d lived them. He couldn’t resist asking the question that burned in his gut. ‘What did he give you that others didn’t?’ Why had she said yes to that guy?

‘I met him not long after Mum died. It was very quick and I was vulnerable, I guess. He flattered me. He made me think I was special.’

Leon hardened inside. ‘So he should’ve done—he was your boyfriend.’

‘I wanted someone to love me. I thought he did. But he didn’t.’

Leon didn’t believe in love. He didn’t believe anyone had it—they had habits and pleasant arrangements. But he could offer Ettie loyalty. ‘I’ll never betray you like that.’

She looked at him sombrely. Didn’t she trust him yet?

‘Can we always be honest with each other?’ she asked softly. ‘Like you said, we’re not talking stardust and promises. Don’t flatter me. Don’t try to soften any blows. Let’s just be grounded and honest.’

That fierce savagery clawed at his insides and he finally lost his grip on it. ‘Okay, here’s some honesty for you: I crave your body, Ettie. I’ve dreamed about having you again every night for these last three weeks. I adore having sex with you and I want to do it all the damn time.’

Now her smile blossomed. ‘Okay.’

She leaned in close and did more than let him. She met him—stroke for stroke, moan for groan. He denied the edge of desperation in his own need for physical fulfilment. He refused to face the fact that he couldn’t seem to get enough of her.

All that mattered was that she was here. He’d free her of financial responsibility, he’d give her physical satisfaction, he’d offer her a lifestyle only he could provide...and she’d stay. His child would be safe. As would she.

His plan was perfectly falling into place.


SHE SHOULDN’T HAVE told him about her ex-fiancé. Leon must think she was such a naive fool. She’d done all the talking last night—exposed herself and all her embarrassing history. He’d shared virtually nothing, except his fantastic bedroom skills. Had he never been embarrassed? Never been rejected?

Of course not.

He couldn’t reciprocate with any humanising stories of his own humiliations, because he didn’t have any. And right this second she completely resented him for that. And because he was blocking her from making her own choices. Again.

‘You’re not going to work today.’ He was furious.

It was almost nine the next morning. She’d slept in and he was late heading to his office because they were arguing about her plans for the day. As it was, she was feeling unsettled. She wasn’t used to having a personal life, let alone everyone knowing about it. Her colleagues, her clients would all know she was sleeping with him. And the massive rocks on her finger were only going to make them even more curious. So she was tense enough without him telling her what she could and couldn’t do. Again.

‘Are you ashamed of what I do?’ she spat sullenly.

‘Do you think I’m that much of an ass?’ He rolled his eyes. ‘Thanks so much. You do honest work. You’re good at your job. But do I want a pregnant woman carrying deliveries upstairs? No. I do not.’

‘Joel would help me and it’s not like I’m huge and uncomfortable already—I’m not even showing. This baby is months away, Leon. What do you want me to do all day?’

The flicker in his eyes irritated her.

‘Be your concubine?’ she asked tartly. ‘Really?’

‘That’s your fantasy, not mine.’ He practically purred. ‘I don’t want you working as head concierge of the Cavendish any more. I want you as building manager.’

‘What?’ His statement undercut her argument and completely derailed her train of thought. She stared at him. ‘You what?’

‘Building manager. I want you to take over from George. It’s obvious who does the work. It’s Ettie. Who fixes the orders? Ettie. Who does all the rosters? Ettie. Who do the residents rely on? Ettie. You’re doing it all already anyway—you might as well get paid for it.’

She simply sat there, her jaw dropped.

‘I can’t understand how you’ve not been promoted already. Actually I can: George has been claiming credit for most of your work. And then tried to blame his mistakes on you.’

Ettie did her best impersonation of a goldfish.

‘I’ve already spoken with the management company,’ he continued. ‘George has agreed it’s time for him to move on to a smaller establishment. And the residents committee have approved it as well.’

‘Were you ever going to actually ask me if I wanted the job, or did you just expect me to jump at the chance?’

‘I knew you’d jump.’ He smirked. But then held up his hands. ‘It’s no more than deserved, Ettie.’

But she couldn’t accept any promotion—not now she’d slept with the new owner.

‘What’s wrong now?’ He released an exaggerated sigh.

‘They’ll think it’s nepotism.’

‘Why should you care what they think? The proof is in your ability to do the job. No one who knows you would ever think you slept your way into it.’

‘Thank you so much.’ Her blush burned.

He laughed. ‘Enough. We’ve banished that insecurity already.’

She scowled at him. ‘If it’s more money, then—’

‘You’re already wearing my ring, Ettie. You’re not backing out now. And your “more money” isn’t anywhere near enough to cover Ophelia’s fees for the next decade.’ He brutally shut down her thinking. ‘All I ask is that you take the rest of the week to recuperate from the stress of the last few days; you didn’t get a lot of sleep last night. Take time to get to know this place. Then go back next week and take over fully from then.’

‘You have it all mapped out,’ she said stiffly.

Why did that surprise her? She swung her legs out of the bed, determined to do something in defiance of him.

‘No. Stay there and rest.’ He braced one arm either side of her and leaned over her until she fell back onto the mattress.

Quick and furious and so damned easily he proved his point, leaving her breathless and so relaxed her fight fled and all she could do was moan her approval.

‘You keep distracting me with sex,’ she muttered when she could breathe again.

‘I’m distracting myself with sex too.’ He stretched and stood, apparently energised. ‘It’s a good distraction.’

‘But we’re not solving this problem.’

‘There isn’t a problem,’ he replied with stubborn simplicity. ‘You’re making a problem where there isn’t one. You don’t need to work today, Ettie. You’ve worked all your life. You’ve been responsible all your life. Why not take a day to have a break? You’re still working—you’re growing a little human.’

‘I can’t sit around doing nothing,’ she argued. ‘I’ve never done that.’

‘So learn how to relax. Read a book. Watch TV. Sleep. Anonymously blog about your misfortunes. Whatever, just rest.’

She glared at him and then couldn’t help laughing, as she knew he’d intended. ‘Anonymously blog?’

‘Yeah.’ He put his hands on his hips, warming to the idea. ‘My life as a billionaire’s bought bride...’

She giggled again, but then realised what she actually wanted more than anything was for him to stay with her today. She enjoyed his company. But he was off to maintain that millionaire income and she had to keep this as light and ‘easy’ as he was.

Stay in y

our lane, Ettie.

‘I promise I’ll be here for when you return, oh, lord and master,’ she cooed. ‘In bed,’ she added on an impish urge. ‘Naked.’

‘Hot and wet and ready for me.’ He slammed a scorching kiss onto her lips. ‘Perfect.’

‘I’m getting rid of all the stupid rules,’ she informed him when he lifted his head. ‘Starting with pets.’

‘Oh, I knew that already.’