I came hard, my cock throbbing the entire time. Holley’s muscles tensed and tightened around my cock, drawing the orgasm from me, and I collapsed on top of her.

“Oomph,” she said, gasping for air.

“Sorry.” I propped myself up on my elbows and dropped my head, kissing her softly. “Are you convinced now?”

“Can I—a minute.” She rolled her head to the side and caught her breath. “Convinced. Yes. Me. Yes.”

Laughing, I pushed myself up and pulled out of her. “All right down there?”

“Water. And a pee,” she said, forcing herself to sit up.

“I’m sorry?”

“I need water. And the bathroom.” She rolled over and tried to stand up, but instantly fell back.

I smirked and removed the condom, tossing it in the little wicker trashcan by her door.

She tried to stand a few seconds later and achieved it. “Don’t look so cocky.”

“Can’t help it.”

“Try.” She leaned down and kissed me but lost her balance and collapsed into a heap on the bed. “Shit.”

“That’s fine. Come here.” I lay down and pulled her against me. She entwined our legs so that we were fully knotted up and rested her cheek on my chest.

“Your heart is beating like mad,” she whispered after a moment.

“And yours isn’t?”

She tilted her head back and met my eyes. “It is.”

“Good,” I murmured, kissing her forehead. “Get used to it. It’s going to happen a lot from now on.”EPILOGUE – HOLLEYrule twenty-three: you can’t fake it forever.

someone tell saylor. quick.two months later“I can’t do this,” Saylor said, pacing up and down the front of the store. “It’s too much.”

I blinked at her. “Saylor, you’re scaring away potential customers.”

“Holley, my life is falling apart!”

“No, it’s not,” Kinsley interjected. “You’re just horny!”

Saylor threw her arms in the air. “Oh, and it’s all right for you, Ms. I’ve Got Sex On Tap! You don’t have a sexy British god walking around your apartment in sweatpants and no shirt!”

“We can swap,” Kinsley offered. “Josh farts and leaves the toilet seat up. I really wouldn’t mind.”

“Yeah, that.” I pointed at her. “If Seb doesn’t start putting the seat down when he’s done, he’s gonna have to start going outside like a dog. I almost fell into the bowl last night when I was half asleep. He didn’t even sleep at my place last night.”

Saylor looked between us. “How are you turning my crisis into something about you?”

“Because it’s not a crisis,” I said simply. “You need to get laid. You’re attracted to Dylan, and you’re only pissed off because you know sleeping with him would be a bad idea.”

“It would be a bad idea,” Saylor insisted. “We live together, and we live together quite well. We don’t have to see each other a whole bunch, we like the same shows, and he doesn’t care that I spend half my evenings out and the other half in bed with a book. Sleeping together would change all that, so no. It’s not happening.”

“What about dating again?” Kinsley suggested. “It’s been a while. It’s almost Valentine’s. We could do a speed dating thing here at the store.”

“Speed dating? Ugh, please.”

“That could be cute,” I agreed. “Two age groups. Under thirty-fives and one for over thirty-fives. We have enough time to plan it, and if we do it the weekend before Valentine’s people could set a real date.”

“Every time!” Saylor threw her arms up again. “You know what? I’m not speed dating. I’m not any kind of dating. Men are intimidated by me, you guys. That’s why it doesn’t work. I’m too much of a contradiction for them, so screw them. I’m becoming a lesbian.”

“You did have that thing with Tori.”

“I was drunk.”

“You just said you were going to be a lesbian.”

“Oh, but then I’d have to date drama queens like you.”

“Says the one being a drama queen,” Kinsley muttered.

“You’re starting to get on my nerves.”

“You’ve been on my nerves for the last week.”

“Shut up,” I said firmly. “Saylor, you have three choices. Fuck Dylan and get it out of your system. Go and date and find someone else to jingle your bell, or suck it all up and masturbate in the shower.”

Saylor blinked at me. “You’re weird since you got a boyfriend. What did you do with Holley?”

“I opened up,” I replied. “I’m… letting go.”

“Yeah, right, okay.” She snorted. “Did you sort his closet out yet?”

“That thing was a mess.” I pointed at her. “Worse than yours.”

Kinsley blew out a breath. “Oof.” Her phone buzzed and she picked it up. “All right, that’s our lunch ready. I’ll run to the café and pick it up.” She tossed her coat on and wrapped her scarf around her neck since Montana had decided we were still in the deep throes of winter, then left.

The bell jingled.

“Seriously.” Saylor’s voice was soft. “I’ve never been in this position. I don’t know what to do, Holley.”