“Simon,” she cries out, throwing herself into my open arms.

“Babe, I won’t let them get to you, but we have to go. Do you got this, Penny?”

She nods, holding their baby in her arms. “Jackson’s coming over right now.”

“Mackenzie, Mackenzie.” I call her name, but she’s shaking and focused on the window. No one is there, but I’m betting she’s looking for Johnny. “Dash—” That gets her attention. I cup her cheek and ask, “He’s not coming after you. I need to know. Who’s the blonde teen that works at the store?”

“That’s Vanessa. Oh no. What’s happened?” Her eyes widen and I do my best to control the need to kiss her fear away.

I don’t want to tell her the truth, but I think she can help us if he gets away. “She’s been kidnapped by Johnny Boy.”

“Oh no. Somebody has to get her. They’ll try to give her as a trade for me.”

“We’re going to get him. Trust me. I won’t let this go down like that.” Just then Jackson walks in and I nod. “We’re out.”

“Law says they lost him outside of town. Boomer wants us at the clubhouse to discuss a plan.”

“Okay. We’ll meet you there.”

“That works for me.”

I take Mackenzie and lead her out to the truck. Once she’s secured, I go around to my side and hop in, watching the roads. I wonder if the son of a bitch circled back to come after Mackenzie.

“Simon. I think I have an idea that might help us find him.”

“Do you know where he’d hide out?” If she does that would help tremendously.

“Sort of; I know of a couple of places, but I was thinking maybe I can call him, and you can trace his whereabouts. I can see what he wants in exchange for her and then you can create a plan then.”

“You’re a smart cookie. That could work.”

We pull into the clubhouse entrance where the prospects are waiting to open the gates. We’re let in and Jackson follows right behind us. “Get the girls inside,” Boomer says, stepping outside the steel door.

“Boomer, Mackenzie’s got an idea to call him.”

“That’s what Cyber said. It could work. He’s ready to go right now, but let’s get everyone together first.”

We’re the last two to come in, so we gather on the main floor. “Ladies, keep busy for a few minutes. Guys, if anything happens to them it’s your heads,” Boomer barks out, warning the prospects. We move into Boomer’s office where Cyber has his computers and trace running. “Take a seat,” he says to Mackenzie.

“Cell phone, please,” Cyber says, sticking out his hand.

“I didn’t know you had his number saved.”

“It’s on a Google doc of mine. I didn’t store it, but it’s on the document just in case.” Cyber returns the phone.

“You’re good to go when you’re ready.”

“Are you sure you can do this?”

“I didn’t like Vanessa, but that doesn’t mean I want anything bad to happen to her.” I sense there’s more to her dislike than she’s letting on, but now isn’t the time for that conversation. She looks to me and I nod. “Okay, I’m ready.” She dials the number and then waits for it to ring.

“You piece of shit. You took her.”

“I didn’t take anyone.”

“You liar. They called me from the store telling me the guy that was looking for me kidnapped my coworker. Why? What are you going to do to her?”

“Like I’d tell you anything.”

“She’s just sixteen. She’s young. Please just let her go.”

“You sound so cute begging. I bet you’d look good begging on your knees.” Before the sound gets out of my throat, Ghost has his hand over my mouth and shakes his head. I nod and calm the fuck down.

“Whatever. That’s never going to fucking happen. Why don’t you just be a good human instead of a lap dog for my uncle?”

“You little bitch. Listen, I’m no fucking lap dog. Your uncle’s already dead. He’s been chilling on ice at his home for two days now. This little bitch is to get at you.”

“My uncle’s dead?” she chokes out. “Why?”

“They can’t trust someone who’s going to rat them out. He fucked up and couldn’t keep his mouth shut at the police station. He sang like a bird for the police, trying to make a deal. I told them everything he said.”

“Why would you do that?”

“Money talks, sugar. Now how about this? I give you this little bitch back after you come to the park and we make a fair exchange.” I do my best to control the burning rage in my chest. The man has signed his death warrant. I’ll watch him die with pleasure. I don’t care how he dies as long as he does.

“How can I trust you?”

“You can’t, but you want this stupid little girl back. She’s not a tenth of you, but I’ll show you that’s worth it.”