It’s two days before Ghost’s wedding when we finally make it to the clubhouse. Crystal and Boomer bring the baby in for everyone to see. The little guy is cute as shit and I watch as Mackenzie swoons over him.

Ghost walks up to me and pulls me to the side. “Hey, brother. Can I have a word with you?” He looks uneasy which makes me uncomfortable.

“What’s going on?”

“Let’s talk in the other room.” We go into our usual Church meeting room and he closes the door.

“Damn it must be serious.”

“It is and it isn’t. I just don’t want you to make a scene out there and I don’t want anyone accidentally hearing.”

“Come on. What is it already?”

“Well, next time you want to fuck in your garage, you might want to do it away from the window on the garage door.”

“What the fuck? You saw her naked?”

“No, so chill the fuck out. I only saw your lily-white ass working, so I turned as quickly as I came and left you alone. I wouldn’t have stopped by, but I noticed it wasn’t open and I wondered if some crazy shit was going down and you couldn’t reach us.”

“Sorry for snapping. And you’re right to have checked up on me. I made them take a long lunch and got carried away with Mackenzie. I definitely need to be more careful. I didn’t even hear you come through the gate.”

“Well when I saw it locked up, I used my code to get through the side door on the gate. You were pounding steel so you wouldn’t have heard me anyway.”

“Fuck off. But thanks for being honest with me. I’ll be extra careful next time.”

“We good?”

“Of course. Now let’s go out there. I don’t want them too suspicious.” We go out to the group, but most are so engrossed in the little baby that they don’t pay us any mind. I go to the bar and grab another drink because I need it. I’m going to have to tell Mackenzie and she might never let me fuck her in there again.

She walks away from the baby and Crystal and over to me by the bar. “What’s going on? You look upset.”

“I am and I’m not. It’s sort of funny.”

“Well, don’t get mad, but Ghost accidentally walked in on us at the garage that day.”

“What?” I explain the rest to her, and she lets out a giggle.

“I happen to like your ass. It’s sexy as hell. Although I’m glad he didn’t see me naked. You’re already a crazy caveman.”

“Damn right I am.”

“Although I need to watch out for him. He better not be checking out your ass,” she says, giggling while doing her best to sound serious.

“Next time I’ll make sure I take you in my office.”

“Maybe next time just cover the window and you can do me hard against that cold steel again.”

“You like it against your heated flesh?”

“You know I do.”

“We’re going home.” She giggles as I drag her off to say goodbye.Chapter 10MackenzieMeeting his mom.

Those words go through my head a thousand times. It’s not like I don’t already know the woman. I’ve known her longer than I’ve known Simon. It shouldn’t be a big deal, but it is. I’m freaking out over here. Tonight’s Sunday dinner is a tradition of sorts for them and I’m the first girl he’s ever brought home for it. Again, I shouldn’t panic since she handpicked me for her son, but I am totally tripping.

“Dash, are you ready?”

“Almost,” I call out from our bedroom, hoping he can’t sense the tension in my voice. I hear him coming up the stairs in a hurry, opening the door to stare. I can’t stop my own gawking. He’s dressed in a expensive looking black dress shirt and matching slacks with a light grey tie. His hair is slicked back, sides trimmed, and his scuff has been tightened up. He looks so damn sexy.

“Wow. You clean up very well, Mr. West.”

“I’m at a loss for words at your beauty. Although I’m that way nearly every day. Some days I let it fall from my mouth. You’re perfect, Mackenzie, so if you’d stop scrunching up the ends of your dress that would be great. My mom picked you before I even knew you existed. You couldn’t be more welcomed by any mother in the world.”

“I know. I know. You read me like an open book.”

“Good. I don’t like secrets sweetheart. Come on. Let’s go so my mom can finally calm down. I’m betting her nerves are worse than yours right now.”

“She’s nervous?” I don’t know why she would be. The first time I met her she walked up to me and said I’d be perfect for her son.

He waves his phone at me. “From the twenty texts and five calls in the last hour? I’d say yes.”