“I’m sorry. I hope that you can move past this.” We hug again and Law interrupts, saying he has to take her home and that he’ll gather the rest of our statements later. Nodding, we say our goodbyes and wave everyone off. Suddenly, I feel exhausted.

“Time to go home,” Simon growls against my ear.

The second we take off, he says, “Don’t think I didn’t see where your mind was going earlier. First you’re going to get some sleep then we’re going to fuck like bunnies.”

“That sounds perfect right now,” I murmur, letting sleep take over.Chapter 13WrenchShe’s been sleeping for three hours, but I’m worried about her. This wasn’t how the day was supposed to go. I had everything planned to ask her to be my wife. Now I’m scared she’s more upset than she let on.

“Simon.” Her soft voice pierces through my thoughts. I turn around to see her with a tiny upturn of her lips. I’ll take any genuine smile from her even if it’s a little one.

“Mackenzie, how are you doing?” I move to my side of the bed, sitting with my legs stretched out.

“Sorry. I was more tired than I thought.”

“A lot of stress on you. Come here,” I say, pulling her close to cradle her in my arms. “I love you, Dash. You can tell me anything.”

“I love you, too. I’m not sure how I’m feeling though. I’m confused, upset, and scared.”


“Yeah, it’s crazy how easily he’d been watching me. My life had been in danger for a year and I had no idea. Will I ever feel safe again?”

“I’d love for you to feel safe again, but we know he’s in jail and by the time they’re done with him, he’ll never get out. As for being with me, I’ll do everything that I can to protect you. I’d die for you, Mackenzie.”

“That doesn’t help, Simon. I don’t want you to die for me because I’ll be alone. I just need to learn to be more self-aware. Maybe learn some self-defense or something.”

“That can be done. I won’t let anyone harm you, but if you want to feel more secure, we can set it up. There’s a room in the clubhouse for hand-to-hand combat training. Most of us don’t use it unless we’re training a new prospect.”

“How do you all stay so fit?”

“Our regular jobs or our workout room at the clubhouse.”

“With Steeleville growing, I’m surprised you don’t have a gym. It would be cool. Or maybe something like a YMCA for the town.”

“That’s a great idea. I have to run everything past Jackson and Boomer since they own the town and the land. They may have it all planned out already.”

“It’s just an idea.” She shrugs her shoulders.

“Well, it’s a great one. So as to what happened today with Vanessa…”

“I’m as shocked as you are about that.”

“I’m not that shocked, but I just don’t want you to feel guilty. She doesn’t blame you and you shouldn’t blame yourself.”

“It’s going to take some time.”

“That’s fine, but if you start wallowing or becoming scared, I’m taking charge woman.”

“Thank you, Simon.”

“Anything for you, Dash. Now are you hungry?”

“I could use some food.”

“Good, because my mom’s on her way here with dinner.”


“Only the best for you,” I tease. Mackenzie can cook, but she needs to be resting. I settle her back on the pillows and then stand up. “I’m going to straighten up the place before she shows up. The doorbell rings. “A little too late it seems.”

“I’m going to freshen up.”

“Okay, Mac, I love you.”

“I love you too.” She kisses my cheek and runs into the bathroom while I go out and meet my mother. She’s standing there with the bags of food.

“I’m sorry I’m earlier than expected, but I’ve been so worried.”

“That’s fine. I’m glad you’re here.”

“Where is Mackenzie?”

“In the bathroom.” Let me take these. I grab the bags and my mother follows behind me to the kitchen.

“So when is this wedding happening?”

“When I can find the time to ask her. It’s not like we’ve known each other that long. I want to marry her tomorrow, but first I have to ask and then however long she wants to take.”

“What are you waiting for?”

“Hello, Mother. She just went through something pretty traumatic.”

“Yes and she needs her big strong man to take care of her.”

“I love her, but my plans to ask Mackenzie were thwarted.”

“Ask me what?”

“To marry him.”

“When you’re ready to ask, I’ll be waiting.”

I step back, drop to one knee, and pull out the ring that’s been burning a hole in my pocket for what feels like forever. “I fell in love with you the first time we met and every day it grows deeper and deeper. Will you marry me, Mackenzie?”

“Yes, Simon. I’m sorry I ran away for so long.” I slide the ring on her finger, stand, and then kiss her hard, thrusting my hands into her hair as I devour her lips.