Thank fucking hell for that. “Go on into the gas station.”

As soon as I’m in the gas station, Simon’s pulling me into his arms. “Dash, you did incredible.”

“I can’t believe it worked.”

“Me either. It makes no damn sense how he’s so gullible. Does he believe that everyone’s as corrupt as him?”

“No, baby. His obsession with you just overruled his senses. I’m guessing he and I have that in common.” His mouth takes mine in a deep kiss. The rest of the Riders come out of the back. They trailed behind ten miles for the whole trip and then went around a backroad that leads to the station.

“Oh my goodness. Where is Vanessa?”

“She’s in the trunk still.” The guys went outside and popped it with a drink in hand.

I see Vanessa rumpled up, face bruised with mascara and tear stained cheeks. The poor girl. I want to apologize for all my negative thoughts about her even though they had been justifiable at the time. This is my fault. I got her into this mess. She’s sobbing against Law’s chest, but I can’t see what she’s saying.

“Can we go home now?”

“Almost. They’re going to detain him here and wait for word on your uncle’s true whereabouts.”

“Did they not find him where Johnny Boy said?”

“They haven’t contacted us yet. At least Law hasn’t told me, but he’s kind of busy at the moment.” I look back over to them and he’s walking her toward an ambulance. “She’s going to be okay, Mackenzie. Don’t put this on you. You didn’t kidnap her. You didn’t force her into that vehicle—he did.”

“But he did it because of me. I’m the reason he attacked anyone in Steeleville. Although, I’m not sure why he took Vanessa. We were most definitely not friends in the least.” She and I didn’t like each other.

“I’m not sure. There are a thousand questions I have. My biggest is if he’s been following you this whole time why didn’t he take you when he had the chance?”

“I’ve been wondering that myself. I hope they get it out of him.” Ghost is walking toward us since he works for the Steeleville Police.

“What’s up, Ghost?”

“First are you doing alright? We can have someone come talk to you. This is a very traumatic experience.”

“No, thank you anyway.” I’m not the one who was locked in a trunk, knowing that I could be killed at any minute.

“Well, I came over here to say that they have found your uncle dead like Johnny described.” Shit. I should feel bad, but I don’t. I’m not liking myself at the moment. “Are you sure you don’t need to talk to a professional?” he asks again. I shake my head because I don’t feel like talking. Ghost nods and taps my shoulder before walking away.

Simon turns me in his arms to face him. I look into his gorgeous brown eyes and read nothing but concern. “Babe, are you sad that he’s dead or upset that you’re not sad?”

“How can you tell?” Tears are already dancing around the rim of my eyes, waiting to spill off the edges.

“It’s written all over your face.”

“I must be a horrible person,” I sob, letting the tears fall as I press my head on his chest feeling his warmth engulf me.

Gently rubbing my back and with low calming sounds, I relax. I used to think that was only a baby thing, but it works for adults too. “Just because someone is family doesn’t mean you have to love them. No family member worth loving would do what he did to you.”

“Thank you for all of this.”

“Don’t thank me, Dash. I put you in danger. I was losing my shit, hoping that they wouldn’t fuck it up or that Johnny wouldn’t snap, but you were too precious to him. I was ready to run out there, but his warning made it too dangerous for you to have me seen. I wanted to blow his brains out.”

“Would you have?”

“If it came down to it, hell yes. You’re my girl. I’d do anything for you.” I need him to take me right now, but we can’t with all these people around. I don’t even care if we have an audience, but I’m sure he’ll kill any man who sees me naked.

“Can we go home now? I want to lay down.”

“We’re going to need to give our statements I believe before we can leave.”

“If we must,” I sigh. He leads me outside where everyone is still gathered. Vanessa’s sitting on the edge of the ambulance and jumps off when she sees me with Law two steps behind her. I’m bracing myself for the vitriol she’s about to spew, but then she throws her arms around me.

“Thank you for coming to get me.”

“It’s my fault you were kidnapped.”

“No. It’s my fault. I was stupid enough to talk to him even though I knew he was bad. Stranger danger’s no joke, but I felt invincible. I’m sorry about all the rude things I said before. You’re right. I do have a lot of growing up to do.”