“Your car is like an oven,” I said, stopping beside Jenna. I waved at the girls as they backed out of the driveway, then used the hem of my tee to wipe my face.
Jenna groaned, looking at my abs. “Please refrain from any more of that until they turn off your street. We’re almost in the clear.”
I let go of my shirt, laughing. “Shay knows this whole scheme is just us buying time to have sex all over my house, correct?”
The car pulled away.
“Well, I left out the ‘all over your house’ part, but yes. She knows we wanted a little privacy.”
Was it weird having one of my employees help me out in this situation? Yes. Was it weird enough that I wouldn’t capitalize on this opportunity? Absolutely not.
I stared at Jenna’s profile until she slowly turned to look at me. “What?” she asked.
“I’m about to fuck the shit out of you.”
Her eyes widened. Damn. Was that too blunt?
“Romantically, of course,” I quickly added, just in case. “Also, you look really pretty today. Have I told you that?” I adjusted my glasses.
Laughter burst out of Jenna’s mouth. She grabbed my hand and pulled me across the yard, backing up toward the house. “Can I make a request before we begin all this romantic fucking?”
“Go for it.”
“Leave your glasses on for me.”
When Jenna reached the porch, I stepped toward her and bent down, gripping her thighs and guiding her legs around my waist.
She gasped and held on to my neck, breathing sharply against my mouth. “Please,” she whispered.
“You got it.”
I smiled, kissing her, and carried her inside.
* * *“Oh my God, you should’ve seen your face!” Jenna rolled onto her stomach beside me and dug her elbows into the mattress, propping herself up. Her breasts billowed against the sheet. “You looked so angry at my romper. I thought you were going to rip it to shreds.”
“I almost did when it refused to come off. What the fuck?” I tucked messy strands behind her ear, getting them out of her face. “That was the most confusing piece of clothing I’ve ever seen. Never wear that again.”
“You figured it out.” She leaned over, pressing her lips to my abs and then resting her cheek there. She sighed in content. “That was some top-notch romantic fucking. Well done, Mr. Bell.”
I smiled at her.
“I saw the new billboard today. It looks really good.”
“Yeah, I thought so too. Tori did a great job with it.”
I was kicking myself for not giving Tori a management position a long time ago. I could’ve been spending more time with Marley. With Sadie…I pushed that guilt out of my head. I didn’t want to think about what-ifs right now.
“What made you want to own your own restaurant? Did you always want to do that?” Jenna asked.
“No.” I bent my arm and slid it behind my head, raising myself up higher. “Not until college. Sadie came up with the idea. We met working at this restaurant on campus.”
“I don’t know that story. Tell it to me.”
“There really isn’t a story. We were both servers…”
“Who made the first move?”
“I guess I did.” I chuckled at the memory. “She, uh…This place we worked at, you had to write your name backward and upside down on these paper tablecloths when you first introduced yourself, before going over specials and shit.”
“That sounds difficult. Backward and upside down?” Jenna lifted her hand and slowly traced her finger in the air. “I don’t think I could do it.”
“It was hard, but I got good at it. Sadie was terrible. She couldn’t get it down. So I started watching out and when people got seated in her section, I’d go over there first and write her name for her.”
Jenna smiled against me. “That’s sweet. I love a good meet-cute.”
My brow furrowed. “A good what?”
“How a couple meets for the first time…a meet-cute.”
“Did you just make that up?”
“No. People use it.”
“Who are these people besides you? Did my daughter teach you this phrase? This sounds like something Marley would say when she first started forming sentences.”
“Shut up.” Jenna giggled, and I laughed with her. “So you got together and talked about owning your own restaurant?”
“Eventually it came up. I majored in business to cover my ass. I didn’t have one fucking clue what I’d end up doing. During one of our shifts together, Sadie mentioned something about owning our own place and everything we’d do better than the management we were working under. We’d throw out ideas, trying to top the other person. Closer to graduation, I thought more seriously about it. Then it became something I had to do. I wanted it.”
“Did Sadie ever work at Whitecaps?”
“Not like I do or how you’re thinking. She was a financial examiner—that was her actual job—so yeah, she did stuff on that end…I mean, Whitecaps was ours. We were in that together, but she also worked a lot on her own. There were weeks where she’d work more than I did. Until she had Marley…”