* * *Later that night, I was snuggled up with the kids on the couch when my phone beeped from across the room with an incoming text. I squeezed out from beneath Oliver and Olivia and moved into the kitchen, swiping my phone off the table.

Hey it’s Travis. Can I call you?My stomach flip-flopped. So he did ask for my number…

“Mom, should we pause it?” Oliver asked.

“No. You can keep watching. I’ll be there in a minute.” I stepped further into the kitchen as I typed my response.

YesMy phone rang immediately. I answered on the first ring.

“Hey.” I kept my voice soft and faced away from the kids so I didn’t disturb their movie.

“Hey, how are you?”

“I’m good. How are you?”

“Good.” There was chatter around Travis until I thought I heard a door close. His surroundings quieted down after that. “Sorry. I’m at work and only have a minute. I’d rather talk than text.”

“That’s okay. I can talk.”

“It was really good seeing you today, Jenna.”

I felt my face heat. “It was good seeing you too. It’s been a long time.”

“Well, hopefully we won’t go that long between visits again, which is why I’m calling.” He cleared his throat. “I wasn’t sure what your situation was and my brother said he didn’t know, but if you aren’t seeing anyone right now, I’d love to take you out sometime.”

My thoughts immediately went to Nathan. I couldn’t help it.

What was my situation? I didn’t have one, right?

Nathan and I were friends. I hadn’t lied when I’d explained things to Brian earlier. Nothing else had happened yet. I wasn’t sure it ever would, even though I wanted it to. And I liked Travis. If Nathan wasn’t in the picture, I wouldn’t hesitate at all. I wasn’t sure I had any reason to now. Why shouldn’t I go out on a date? I wanted to…

“That sounds great,” I said, answering how I wanted to answer. “I’d love to go out with you.”

“Work is pretty crazy for me right now, but I can take some time after the holiday. I’ll reach out to you after the Fourth and we’ll set something up.”


“Great.” I could hear the smile in his voice. “I gotta get back to work. I’ll talk to you soon, Jenna.”

“Okay.” I was smiling now too. “Bye, Travis.”Chapter TenNATHANJenna had the kids waiting outside and ready to go when I got home on the Fourth.

I’d only worked a half day, closing up around one and letting everyone off for the night. My staff was appreciative of that. The girls especially. Shay and Kali both stopped in my office several times to express their gratitude. I figured everyone had plans to celebrate, and my staff worked hard for me. I didn’t mind giving them off for this.

Davis’s house was two hours away, and I knew we’d hit traffic. I always had before. To save some time, I changed in my office before I left. Then I sent Jenna a text, letting her know when I was on my way.

Oliver and Olivia jumped off the porch and took off running through the grass when I pulled into the driveway. They both had their duffle bags with them, Oliver’s slung over his shoulder and Olivia’s dragging by her feet. Jenna was close behind, carrying Marley.

The four of them looked like a walking advertisement for the holiday, straight out of a catalog, wearing red, white, and blue, with matching Americana aviators shielding their eyes. Even Marley. Her glasses took up most of her face. It was cute.

“Here, Nate! We got you a pair too.” Olivia stopped in front of me when I got out of the truck. She thrust a pair of aviators into my hand and encouraged, “Put them on!”

“All right.” I bumped fists with Oliver before he climbed in the back seat. Then I swapped the sunglasses for the ones I was wearing, letting my prescription pair hang from the collar of my shirt. The stars and stripes tint were surprisingly easy to see through. “What do you think? Do they look good?” I asked Olivia.

She nodded quickly. “Can you keep them on so we match?”


Olivia grinned and stepped up beside me, grabbing hold of my hand. I thought she was going to give it a squeeze and let go, a way of thanking me for obliging her request, but she held on. I didn’t mind it. Lately, she was showing me affection in one way or another every time we were together. Making sure she sat beside me or resting her feet in my lap. Both of Jenna’s kids have been warm with me from the beginning. It was oddly comforting.

“Olivia, baby, we need to get going. Get in the truck.” Jenna smiled at her daughter, who took that encouragement and ran around to the passenger side.