In my head I was trying to remember how Jenna moved beneath me.
“You have no idea what I was saying. Just admit it.”
Jenna was smiling when I looked at her again. Her hair had been in two braids this morning before I left for work, but it wasn’t now. It fell past her shoulders in thick, dark curls.
“I like your hair like that,” I said.
“Thank you.”
“You’re too far away from me. Come here.”
She walked around the counter, watching me closely as she moved. “Do I need to be over here next to you to get that admission?” she asked, stopping in front of me.
“I’m not admitting to anything, aside from wanting you over here.” I gently held her waist with one hand. Two and I’d pull her against me. I couldn’t do that. I wouldn’t bet on my own restraint at this point.
“You know, I can tell when you’re thinking about other things. It’s okay if you weren’t listening.” Jenna popped the top button of my shirt, flicked my collar open, and sighed as her fingertip grazed my throat. “I miss you,” she whispered. “So much, Nathan. God, how long has it been?”
I pinched my eyes shut and groaned. “We’re on day thirteen.”
“It feels longer than that.”
“Tell me about it.” My eyes flashed open, and I grabbed her wrist when I felt her touch move down my chest and reach my stomach. “Don’t,” I said. “I’ll admit to anything right now. Just please, keep your hands above my waist.”
Jenna laughed. “I wasn’t going to go any lower than your belt.” Her green eyes narrowed, and in the quietest voice she said, “Admit you want me to go lower.”
My voice echoed hers in volume. “I want you to go lower.”
“Admit you thought about me at work today and got hard.”
I cocked my head.
She cocked hers, losing most of her smile when I remained silent. “Okay, I totally wish I wouldn’t have said that now…sorry.”
“I thought about you at work today and got hard.” When she grinned up at me, I added, “More than once.”
“I think about you constantly,” Jenna admitted, sounding a little shy all of a sudden. “Especially when I’m trying to get something done. I was reviewing this document today for my boss and I completely lost my focus. I had to restart the same paragraph six times. It was so frustrating.”
“I need to be alone with you, Jenna.”
“I know. Trust me, I know.” She gripped my shirt, rolled up onto her toes, and kissed me. “I’m working on it,” she said against my mouth.
I watched her sink back onto her heels. “Yeah?” I asked. Hope quickened the pace of my heart.
She nodded, peering out into the family room. “Just give me two more weeks…”
“What?” My vision vibrated. I blinked her into focus. Is she insane? “Jenna, I can’t…I won’t make it that long. I know I won’t. Please tell me you’re joking.”
“I’m joking.” Her smile was full and satisfying. “You were so panicked.” She giggled, throwing her arms around my neck.
I fake glared at her. “Well, guess who wasn’t listening to you at all earlier? Me. I have no idea what you said.”
She dropped her head against my chest and laughed. Her entire body shook. “You’re my favorite,” she said. She was slow to peer up at me.
She nodded. “I mean that in a lot of ways…not just favorite person to talk to, like you said about me. I’ve never laughed so much with anyone before. I want to be around you all the time, Nathan. If I had to choose one person to do something with, it would be you.” Her teeth scraped across her bottom lip. “Say something.”
I said the only thing I wanted to tell her in that moment, aside from giving her a flat “ditto” in response, which would’ve covered how I felt and fallen short in the same breath.
“I think you’re my best friend.”
When did this woman become so important to me? I didn’t just desire Jenna physically. Yes, of course that played a huge role in this longing to be near her all the time, but it went beyond that. I wanted to be the first person she thought of at any given moment, because she was quickly becoming mine. I wanted to know her better than anyone else, and I wanted people aware of it—everyone. I wanted it recognized that I had that privilege and they didn’t. This relationship stretched into new territory for me. Again I felt completely unprepared for what this was turning into or, let’s be honest, what it already was, which didn’t make any sense.
I had been married to Sadie for four years. I took my relationship with her farther than anyone else I’d ever been with. I’d shared a life with her…
So how could this feel bigger?