Sean stood directly in front of that stage, arms crossed over his chest, grinning, looking proud while he watched his girls dance, smile, and wave at him between steps—they were too excited to simply go through the routine.

It wasn’t just sweet. It was a beautiful moment I knew they’d all remember forever.

And because it was both of those things, nobody seemed to mind, and I swore, most of the women in the audience were too busy watching Sean rather than their own child if they were up there. I really couldn’t blame them. Did I mention the tight shirt? Well, his jeans were a little tight too, right around his ass, so just add that to the mix.

The number ended, and the girls, along with the rest of the class behind them, all curtsied, then Caroline and Fiona both gave Sean a big hug and a kiss before running off stage.

“Sean!” Val whispered, waving and getting his attention when he finally turned and glanced around at the seats.

He squeezed down the aisle and sat down between Val and me. He smiled at me and winked.

I smiled at him, and added Sean winking to the kryptonite list. Holy wow.

The show went on, and the next number the girls performed was a tap dance to the tune of “I Just Can’t Wait to Be King.” I’m positive it was adorable, though I wasn’t watching them at all.

I was watching Sean.“There was a pile-up on Route Seven. Tractor-trailer overturned. That’s why I was late.”

The show had finished, and once Val had grabbed the girls from backstage, Sean gave his explanation so everyone, including the girls, could know he’d wanted to be here on time and would’ve been, had circumstances allowed.

“See? I told you,” Bridgett said, looking at Val.

“Well, we’re just happy you made it. Right, girls?”

“Right!” Caroline shrieked, while Fiona stayed on task and kept playing with the ends of Sean’s hair.

She’d claimed his arms the moment she came running out into the auditorium.

“Daddy, can we have a sleepover tonight?” Caroline asked.

Sean’s face tightened like he was uncertain about that idea, but before he could say anything, Val chimed in.

“Oh, um…I’m not sure about that, baby.” Val bit her lip and looked to Bridgett, who merely shrugged in response.

Sean wasn’t the only one unsure. It seemed everyone was. Well, everyone except me.

“Please,” Caroline begged.

“Yeah, Daddy, please? Please with a cherry on top?” Fiona pleaded.

“I think that’s a great idea.”

All heads turned to me after I spoke.

“You do?” Val questioned.

“Absolutely.” I grinned at Sean, who was looking shocked as shit and a bit terrified, which I found to be completely adorable and totally unnecessary—he’d be just fine—then I gave that grin to Val. “I bet they’d have a blast,” I told her.

Her brows lifted, then she seemed to warm up to the idea, and slowly nodded her head. “Yeah. Yeah, I bet they would.”

“Plus, a little birdie told me someone has new princess bedding…” I added in a singsong voice.

Caroline stared at me like she’d just tried swallowing a watermelon.

“Princess bedding? Daddy, is it mine? Is it!” she shrieked, tugging on his shirt. “I’m gonna die if it’s mine!”

Val, Bridgett, and I all started laughing.

Sean rubbed at his mouth, thinking. He still seemed hesitant, until Fiona grabbed his face with both her little hands and forced him to look at her. She pressed closer until their foreheads touched.


“Yeah, baby girl.”

Okay, Sean saying “baby girl” was now at the top of my kryptonite list. My GOD. Could he say that to me? Would that be a weird thing to request? Probably. I didn’t care.

Fiona stayed serious when she spoke. “We really want to spend the night. Really bad. This is a big deal.”

Bridgett and Val both made an “aw” sound. I was smiling behind my fingertips.

Sean’s eyes were filling with emotion. I knew there was no way he’d say no to this now, and I was right.

“If it’s a big deal, then you got it,” he told her.

Fiona threw her arms around his neck and hugged him while Caroline jumped around in a circle, chanting, “Yes, yes, yes!”

“We’ll need to get your sleepover bags packed,” Val directed at the girls, then she looked at Sean. “I can drop them off. Shouldn’t be more than an hour.”

“Works for me,” he said.

“Wow. I’m going to have a free Saturday night.” Val pulled her hair over one shoulder and fidgeted with it. She laughed a little. “I haven’t had one of those in forever.”

“Let’s go out!” Bridgett suggested, grabbing Val’s hand so she quit twirling and twisting strands.

“That sounds like fun,” I said, encouraging her. “Everyone needs a girls’ night.”

Bridgett pointed at me. “Yes, sister! You get it!”

“Shay, you should come with us,” Val proposed, smiling, looking eager for me to join in.

“Oh, uh.” I looked to Sean and saw him watching me with interest.