Page 18 of Dominate

“You heard me. All I see is a scared, young woman playing dress up.”

I want to ruffle her feathers; challenge her thinking. When you get in someone’s head, you can manipulate their mind with very little effort. Once you plant the seed of doubt inside of them, it begins growing uncontrollably. After all, words are our greatest weapon. It only takes a few of them to make someone a better person or completely break them apart.

In the end, I will break her.

“Oh, really?”

Devyn turns on her heels and hurries over to the large glass case behind her, forcefully jerking a whip off one of the metal hooks.

“I think it’s time someone learns just who it is that’s in charge!”

Gripping the handle hard, she wraps the long leather strip around her hand. I know just how intoxicating it feels holding that, but I’ve never been on the receiving end of it.

She takes her stance in front of me and flicks her wrist out to release the whip from her hold. I know she’s trying her damnedest to intimidate me, but there’s way too much uncertainty in her eyes. I can literally taste her fear.

“You fucking piece of shit, get on your feet and show me how tough you are.”

I stand and fixate my eyes on hers. I want her to see just how being fearless really looks.

“Let’s see how many it takes to make you fucking cry.”

One lash is all I’ll give her before I take her down, so she better fucking make it good. I keep an even expression as I wait for her to deliver the first strike.

“One!” Raising her arm, I watch her rotate her wrist, bringing the leather around over her head. The whistle of the whip breaks the air around us, snapping loudly as the long leather strip digs deep into the skin of my chest and wraps around my side. Waves of torturous pain radiate throughout my body. I swallow every ounce of it. She will not see me even flinch. I gaze down at the raw gash on my abdomen and then smirk back at her.


I drop my hands and charge towards her, firmly grabbing her wrist just as she’s lifting her arm. The stunned expression on her face is priceless. I smile and pull her close, pressing her tight body against me. Her terrified eyes lock with mine. I can taste her fear, and I can’t help but crave more. I want to own every ounce of it. She writhes beneath me, trying to free herself from my hold, but there’s no use. We’re done playing her game. This is my game now. And she’s not going to like my rules.

It’s time for the Dominatrix to submit.




What the fuck just happened? How did I lose control of this situation? Blinking out of my daze, I try fighting my way free from his grip, but I’m powerless against his strength.

“Like I said, I never lose.” He gloats.

I’d been so fucking outraged that I let him get into my head. And now, it’s cost me my pride, possibly putting me in danger at the same time.

“Get your fucking hands off me!” I demand.

Humored by my reaction, he smirks and pulls me into his chest, pushing me backward until my back hits the wall behind me. Feeling him pressed against me affects me in a strange way. And I like it.

Wait. Why am I not fighting this? Am I losing my fucking mind?

My hands are shoved above my head; my feet kicked apart. I can feel his thick hard cock pressing against my suit. God help me, I want more. As if he’s read my mind, he slowly licks his hot tongue up my neck, stopping just above the lobe of my ear.

“Like I said, not a Dominatrix.” He whispers, releasing me from his hold.

How can I feel completely humiliated and turned on at the same time?

The faster I get away from him, the better. Turning around, I make a run for the back door that exits out into the control room, rapidly securing the door behind me. I know I could have pushed the panic button, but I don’t want anyone knowing about this. It will completely ruin me.

My heart is beating so fast, I can feel my pulse throbbing in my neck. To keep from falling on my ass, I grip hold of the wall and try to hurry down the long hallway. By the time I step inside of the crowded dressing room, I feel as though I’m going to pass out.

“Get the fuck out of my way!”

I unapologetically shove past the girls and make my way over to my station. Their loud angered remarks fade into distant mumbles. Collapsing into my chair, I brace my hands on the sides of my head and rest my elbows on the counter in front of me, praying the dizziness subsides.

When I glance back up, I catch my horrified expression in the mirror. Long, ebony streaks of mascara now stain my cheeks. I remain standing there, staring at myself in the mirror. I don’t even recognize myself. Startled, I blink in confusion. How had I not realized I was crying? Had the other girls seen this?

Come on; pull yourself together. You can’t break down right now.

I reach for the makeup remover in front of me, desperately trying to rid myself of this ridiculous mask I wear. Rubbing harder and harder, I don’t stop, ignoring the rawness of my cheeks.

“Honey? Are you okay?” Magic’s soft voice startles me. I drop the cloth and swallow hard, trying to compose myself.

Looking up, I catch her reflection in the mirror behind me. Embarrassed, I quickly redirect my gaze away from her, tilting my head down to prevent her from seeing my face. She tenderly places her hand on my shoulder, but I shove it away, agitated by her concern. I don’t want her sympathy. I don’t want anyone’s sympathy.

“I’m fine,” I bite out at her.

Even though she looks unconvinced, she nods and gradually backs away from me. I stand and grab my bag from underneath the counter, brushing past her as I head to my closet. I’ve got to get out of this fucking suit before I lose it. One by one, I unzip my boots and kick them into the far back corner of my closet.

An overwhelming rush of panic sets in hard and fast, making it difficult for me to breathe. The catsuit I once loved, now seems to singe my skin. I want it off. I have to get it off. My nervous sweat seems to make it impossible for me to shimmy out of the suit. With each tug, my anxiety intensifies. Desperate to rid my body of it, I begin clawing at the thin fabric. Strips of black vinyl fall to my feet as I rip myself to freedom.

I slide the cotton t-shirt over my head and slip on my black yoga pants, relieved to feel normal once again. I’m scheduled to dance again later tonight, but there’s no way I’m going to be able to go out there on stage like this. If Mike can’t understand that, he can kiss my fucking ass. He won’t fire me. I’m one of the only dependable girls he has here. Besides that, I know enough illegal shit about him that he won’t dare take my job from me.

I step out into the hallway and catch Angel walking toward the stage door.

“Angel!” She stops and turns around to face me.


“Cover for me, I’ve got to get out of here.”

“You got it.”

Spinning around on my heels, I hit the back exit door, determined to get the fuck out of this place. The muggy night air is stifling, but it’s better than being inside that hellhole for one more minute. After what just happened, I don’t know how in the fuck I’m ever going to be able to get the nerve to step back inside. I quickly walk to my car and throw my bag in the back. As I slide in the driver’s seat, I realize how much my hands are shaking.

It had only taken the motherfucker a few minutes to fill my head with enough doubt to destroy all of my confidence. No matter how hard I tried to prove him wrong, all I seemed to do is prove him right. Honestly, that’s the part that scares me the most. Perhaps he was actually telling the truth.

Maybe I’m honestly nothing more than a scared girl playing dress up.

Chapter Seventeen



“Hey, Mike. Honey just left.” I hear one of the other bouncers shout as he approaches. I drop my head and pretend to be keeping a watchful eye on things at the bar, when i

nstead, I’m hanging on his every word.

“What the hell do you mean she just left? She’s got another set to do in an hour.”

He shrugs and takes a seat at the bar. “Don’t ask me. Angel just said that she was covering the rest of the night for Honey.”

Mike slams his fist down hard into the wood.

“Fuck! These goddamn women have a fucking mind of their own. I’m going to dock her pay big time for this little stunt.”

“Oh, come on. Cut the girl some fucking slack. She’s worked every night this week. In my opinion, she deserves a goddamn medal for not killing your grumpy ass by now.”

“Fuck off, Tim,” Mike says with a half smile on his face.

“What the hell’s crawled up your ass, anyway? You’ve not been the same since that new chick, Magic, started working here.”

Mike narrows his eyes. “Drop it and get back to work before I fire your fucking ass.”

“Don’t do me any favors. I could never get so lucky as for you to fire me.” Tim flips him off and walks toward the backstage door.

Mike’s eyes are locked on the girl at the table across the lounge. She’s the new one that Tim was just talking to him about. Grumbling something under his breath, Mike turns up the drink in front of him and empties the glass. He reaches across the bar and grabs the bottle of whiskey and fills his glass to the brim. Even though I know nothing about this guy, it’s obvious something is up between the two of them.

Taking his glass with him, he stands and walks behind the bar to where I am.

“Do yourself a favor. Don’t get mixed up with any of these bitches here. All of them are nothing but goddamn trouble.”

Angered by his comments, I clench my fists, but quickly regain my composure. Since I don’t want to start off on the wrong foot, I’ll let his drunken mouth slide for tonight. The next time it happens, I won’t be so forgiving.

The club’s been closed for over an hour, but I’d stayed over and helped Bret out with the alcohol inventory for the bar. While I was there, we also worked out my work schedule for the next few weeks. It hadn’t been easy, but thanks to some careful planning, I’ve managed to get the same nights as Devyn. I’m not entirely sure how all of this is going to play out, once she finds out I’m working here, but, like everything else, I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it.

As I pull into my driveway, my attention is drawn to across the street. My plan had certainly backfired on me tonight. I thought I’d feel differently about everything after exposing her. Instead, I want her more than I’ve ever wanted anyone in my entire life. Being alone in that room with her had been the breaking point. Now, there’s no way I can walk away from her without first having a taste. However, something tells me that once I do, she’ll be the drug I can never quit.

The alarm on my phone goes off just as I finish connecting the last of the cables to the upstairs surveillance equipment. The party across the street should be starting up pretty soon. I quickly change shirts and head downstairs to grab the present off the table. I only hope he likes it.

While thinking long and hard about what to get the kid for his gift, I’d come up with the perfect idea. The large green stuffed dinosaur, packed inside the gift box, is fully equipped with some of the most advanced technology on the market. Soon, it will become my eyes and ears for what’s going on in their house. If I want to figure out this case, I need to step up my game. Kason’s birthday party just so happened to give me the perfect opportunity to do just that.

Children’s laughter can be heard all the way across the street. The sounds of it bring back memories from a better time in my life. I haven’t been to a kid’s party since Cole’s youngest turned two. Now, that seems forever ago. I wish I could still be an active part of their lives, but it just isn’t possible.

Crossing the road, I walk around to the gate on the side of the house and look over into the backyard. Vibrant green and red balloons are tied to the backs of chairs, sitting around the center table. Another table is full of presents and gift bags. I scan the running children, trying to figure out which one is Kason. My eyes land on him as he rounds the corner to chase after a friend. Sporting a costume and red mask, I can’t help but grin at his outfit.

Suddenly, the kids break out into loud shrieks and scatter across the yard. Devyn laughs as she runs closely behind them, spraying them all with the large water gun in her hand. Dressed in a tight green shirt, short white shorts, and a purple mask around her eyes, she looks fucking hot as sin.

Kason glances back over his shoulder and spots me standing behind the gate. He immediately throws down his water gun and runs over to me. I shift the present to my hip and walk over to meet him.

“Payne! You came!” He practically leaps into my arms. My eyes shift, to find Devyn staring at me. She’s hesitant to approach me, so I carry Kason to where she’s standing and sit him down.

“See, Mommy? I told you he’d come.” She gives me a weak smile and then pulls off the mask from her face.

“Happy Birthday.” I hand the large gift in my arms to him and watch as his face lights up.

“Wow! Thank you.”

“Tell you what, why don’t you put that on the gift table with the others?” He nods and happily runs off with it in his arms. Even from this far away, I can feel the nervous energy radiating from Devyn’s body. She tucks a loose curl behind her ear and clears her voice to speak.

“Thanks for coming, I’m sure this isn’t your kind of thing.” I cross my arms and smirk back at her in amusement.

“Oh, really? And what exactly do you think my kind of thing is?”

I watch the beautiful shade of pink spread across her skin and smile inwardly. I’d embarrassed her.

“I-it’s just… Well, I know most guys would prefer to be somewhere watching a game on TV instead of being at a kid’s birthday party.”

Still captivated by her stare, I step closer, making her inch backwards until she’s against the rail of her steps. I drop my eyes to her plump, raspberry colored lips and grin at the nervous way she chews at her mouth. Her breath hitches as I glance back into her eyes to answer her.

“I think you’ll find that I’m not most guys.”

Once again, she flushes at my words. Seeing her skin brighten another deep shade of pink makes my cock twitch. I can’t wait to see just how glorious her ass looks with that color once I’ve slapped it, over and over, with the palm of my hand. Kason startles me out of my fantasy when he shoves a large water gun in my hand.

“Come on, we need you on our team.”

As I look down at the toy gun, my mind spins at all of the dangerous, dark things I could do with Devyn’s soaked, sexy body. Just the brief thought of her wet beneath me, makes me hard as fuck.

I pat Kason on the head and pump up the gun. “Well, you’re in luck. I happen to be a pro at shooting one of these.” I look over at Devyn and slowly rake my eyes up her tight body.

“Get ready to get wet.”

Chapter Eighteen



Holy hell! Did he seriously just say that to me? Jesus! My panties are already soaked, and we haven’t even started the water gun fight. What the hell is going on with me? After what happened last night at the club, this is the last fucking thing I need right now. To gain some composure, I dart inside of the kitchen.

“I swear if you don’t take that one for a ride, you’re fucking insane,” Kyra says from behind me while I’m filling up my water gun at the sink.

“I think I’ve already established my insanity by having you as my best friend.”

“Ouch! Bitchy much?”

I playfully stick my tongue out at her, just as the doorbell rings.

“Oooh, I bet that’s the pizza guy.” Kyra pulls her shirt down more to expose her tits. “I hope it’s the cute one. If it is, I’ll see what personal favors I can perform for a discount.”

I roll my eyes and head outside. Most people can dismiss statements

like that as a joke, but with Kyra, I honestly never know if she’s kidding or not.

When I step around the corner of the backyard, everyone is already hidden. Faint giggling can be heard all around me. I smile and ready my gun.

“You can run, but you can’t hide.” I tease. Just as I take another step, Payne’s voice shouts from behind me.

“Get her!”

All of a sudden, I’m blasted by waves of cold water being sprayed by an army of laughing children. Holding up my hands in defense, I try to step back to take cover behind a chair, but end up slipping on the wet grass and landing flat on my ass. The kids charge at me and continue to relentlessly spray me with their guns. Payne’s tall, muscular figure steps forward and casts a shadow over my body. His sexy face breaks out into a wide grin as he raises his hand into the air.