Page 13 of Dominate

“Tell you what. I’ll be sure to work on my ninja skills before the party. I wouldn’t want to be unprepared against your mom.”

My mind thinks of a thousand ways I’d love to take him on, but that isn’t going to happen. Whatever this is, it has to be controlled quickly. He needs to understand, very early on, that there is absolutely no chance of anything happening between us.

“Tell him, bye, sweetie. We have to get back home.” I say, releasing his hand. To my surprise, he immediately runs to Payne, wraps his little arms around his neck, and squeezes him tightly. Payne immediately stiffens, but then I notice his body relax into him. His once serious eyes have now become kind and gentle. Maybe he doesn’t like people touching him.

“I’ll see you soon, okay?”

Kason smiles and grabs back hold of my hand. “Okay.”

“So… I guess we’ll see you Saturday, then.”

“I wouldn’t miss it.” He replies with a deep, sexy voice.

He drags his eyes slowly down my body and then winks at me. Jesus! He’d done that on purpose. Heat rushes over me, and I know I’m as red as my halter-top.

Fuckity- fuck- fuck!

How in the hell am I going to be able to be around this guy again? Just talking to him makes me feel like a nervous teenage girl. I dominate men for fuck sake. This shouldn’t be hard for me.

Embarrassed by my body’s reaction, I wave goodbye and hurriedly pull Kason along with me up to where my car is parked. Even though I don’t turn around, I can still feel the power of his gaze upon my back. As we pull away from the pier parking lot, my body is still humming. What is it about him that does this to me? Whatever it is, it has me craving for more.

Blowing o

ut an exasperated breath, I look in the backseat at my sweet boy. His happiness is worth every sacrifice I have to make. If Payne being there makes him this happy, then I guess I can suck it up for one afternoon. How bad can a couple of hours be, anyway?

For the rest of the way home, I try to shut off my head, but the reminder of how his dangerous eyes had hungrily roamed my body, cause me to blush everywhere.Jesus! How can he cause me to react this way when he’s not even around?

Dear Lord, help me!

“Please no!” I cry as Broderick drags me down the hallway to his office.

“Shut your goddamn crying! You don’t want to fucking piss me off, Devyn!” Stopping in front of his office door, he grabs my wrist and pulls me closer to him.

“Broderick, please don’t make me do this. I-I can’t!”

“You listen to me! You’re going to go in that room and do whatever that man wants you to do. Understand? I’m not going to lose this deal over this shit. If he tells you to suck his cock, then you suck it, and you suck it good.”

The door opens and he forcefully shoves me inside, shutting it quickly behind me. I grab for the handle and pull with all my might, but it’s locked from the outside. Overwhelmed with fear, I frantically slap my hand against the wood.

“Let me out!”

“Ah, there you are,” a man with a thick Russian accent speaks. Panicked, I turn around and see the tall young man with his pants unzipped, stroking his cock with his hand. His other hand is holding a framed picture of me that Broderick sickly keeps on his desk.

“Masterson promised good, young pussy.” Sitting the picture down, he moves closer to me, licking his lips as he takes in my body with his eyes like a hungry animal.

“No!” I back myself against the door. I turn and begin banging my hand on the wood, begging to be let out. Over and over, I hit the door until streaks of blood stain the wood.

“Please let me out! Please!!” I feel the man move behind me, his weight smothering me as he breathes into my ear.

“I love when girls beg. Beg louder.” Firmly, he grabs my hips and pushes his hardness into my bottom. I try to fight him, but it doesn’t do any good. Laughing, he lifts me up like a rag doll and carries me; kicking and screaming, back over to the desk before flipping me onto my stomach. I feel my face pressed into the rough grain of the wood as he lifts my sundress above my back. With one forceful yank, he rips my underwear off.

“NO!” I awaken to my own screaming.

Shit! Why did I lay down before I had to go to work?

My bedroom door suddenly flies open, as Kyra comes running into my room.

“Are you okay?” The deep concern in her voice is evident.

“Yeah, yeah, I’m fine. I just had a bad dream.” I wish I could say it was only a dream, but the nightmare had been very real. It’s just one of the many days of my life I wish I could forget.

“They’re happening more frequently, aren’t they?” She asks sitting beside me on the bed. I lean over and put my feet on the floor, bracing my hands on the side of my head.

“I don’t want to talk about it.” I snarl, not meaning to sound hurtful.

Even though she knows about Broderick being Kason’s father, I’ve never told her everything about my life. No one knows about all of the other horrible things I’ve been through.

“You never want to talk about. That’s the problem.”

“Let it go, Kyra.”

Unwilling to drop the subject, she stands and angrily faces me. “Fine. Go ahead; shut me out. Jesus! You can’t keep this up. You’ve got to get help. Look what it’s doing to you.”

Ignoring her, I stand and pick up my phone to look at the time.

“I don’t have time to talk about this. I’ve got to get ready for work.”

“Fuck work. Sit your ass back down and talk to me. Let me help you.”

Throwing my hand up into the air, I spin around to face her. “Don’t you get it by now, Kyra? There isn’t any help for me. I’m doing the fucking best I can. So get off my back!” Furious, I leave her, slamming the bathroom door behind me.

“Whenever you’re ready to talk, I’m ready to listen.” She shouts through the door as I turn on the shower. For a few minutes, I lean the back of my head against the wood and wait for the steam to fill the room. My eyes divert to the mirror fogging in front of me. I’ve got to get out of here quick. I can see the wildness building in my eyes. The monster needs to come out to play.

Chapter Fourteen



Time is definitely running out on this job. I don’t have much longer before I’ll have to report in with Masterson. At this point, I don’t know what to tell him. Something just isn’t right about any of this. And, until I know what’s going on for sure, there’s no way I’m going to be in any contact with him.

All week long, I’d watched her come and go. Each passing day had become harder than the last to get through. Watching her leave her house every night, dressed to kill, has done nothing but make matters worse for me. To get through the long nights, I’d occupied myself by replacing the sheet-rock that I’d busted in my fit of rage. In addition, I’d torn out the molded parts of the wall and repainted the living room downstairs. Even though I kept busy, my mind remained on her. I couldn’t relax until I heard her pull into her driveway at night.

By the time Friday came, I’d hit my limit. There’s no way I can stay here another night, knowing where she’s going. I know what I have to do, but I don’t know if I can hold it together long enough to go through with it. One thing is for sure, there’s only one way to find out.

It’s now or never.

Staring at the popular gentleman’s club in front of me, I can’t believe I’m actually going through with this. The entire ride here I’d coached myself on how important it was for me to stay in check. I simply cannot risk losing my cool.

I patiently wait for the club to fill up before making my way to the entrance. As I open the doors, I’m not surprised by the familiar scene surrounding me. Beautiful, half-dressed women are working the lounge area, flirting with men and grinding on their laps. It’s amazing the lengths women will go to make a dollar.

Up on stage, a tall redhead spins naked around a metal pole, while men lavishly throw money at her feet. Ask any man, if you’ve seen one strip club, you’ve basically seen them all. Tits and ass are not scarce in these places, neither is modesty.

The sweet smell of pussy in the air is intoxicating, making my cock instantly hard. No matter how much I need to fuck one of these women, I’ve got to keep reminding myself that my mission here is finding out about Devyn, not about having a good time.

My eyes thoroughly scan the room, but I don’t see Devyn anywhere. Her car is parked outside, so I know she has to be here.

“Hi there, handsome, I’m Lacey. Want to go have some fun?” A hot brunette purrs in my ear, while dragging her fingers across my chest. I immediately cut off her advances by removing her hand.

“Not interested.”

Stunned by my rejection, she looks back at me in confusion. I ignore her and settle in to the open place at the bar, hurriedly waving the bartender over to order a beer. The brunette squeezes herself in beside of me, unwilling to let my rejection go.

“Not interested, huh? You sure about that?” She boldly leans in and grabs hold of my cock through my jeans. I bite down on the inside of my mouth to suppress the building anger. When women touch my dick, it’s because I tell them to, not on their own accord. This bitch doesn’t know how much I want to strangle her right now for breaking one of my cardinal rules.

“Very sure.” Gritting my teeth, I grab her hand and throw it back towards her. My eyes blaze into hers, and she backs away, finally getting my point.

“Fucking asshole!” She shouts and pushes off the bar.

The approaching bartender chuckles as he pops the top off my beer and slides it on the bar in front of me. I reach for my wallet to pay him, but he w

aves me off.

“Nah, it’s on the house. Anyone who can put that one in her place deserves a drink.” He extends his hand out to me. “I’m Bret, by the way.”

“Payne,” I reply, shaking hands with him.

“So, this must be your first time here.”

“Yeah, I’m new to the area.”

“Well, whether you’re here to look, touch, or fuck, you’re at the right place.”

“Fuck?” I laugh taking a long swig of my beer and shaking my head.