I’ll never forget the day Kyra found out the truth.
I was just walking back in from the kitchen with a drink in my hand when a picture of me flashed across the television screen. The minute I saw it, I froze. It’s funny how I remember exactly how the glass sounded as it shattered on the tile floor. As I stood there looking at her, I couldn’t stop shaking. I was terrified she was going to turn me in for the reward money. Instead, she’d surprised me, by dropping the remote and rushing to pull me in her arms.
“It’s okay. You’re safe.” The tears came so hard and fast I was practically choking on them. I clung to her as if she was my last hope in the world.
I didn’t want to let go.
I needed her.
I needed my friend.
When the crying finally eased a bit, she led me to the couch and sat me down beside of her. She never asked me about what was going on. She didn’t have to. It was already written all over my face. The pity in her eyes told me all I needed to know.
She knew.
I don’t know why, but I trusted her with my life. In confessing, I felt dirty and exposed, but telling her my secret had lifted the heavy burden from off my chest. The very last thing I wanted was to lose our friendship. Up until then, she was the only thing good that had ever happened to me in my whole life. I didn’t want her looking at me this way. I didn’t want her sympathy. I just wanted her to be my friend.
Kyra immediately put my mind at ease by coming up with a plan to help me. We decided that I’d lay low at her place, as much as possible, until things died down a bit with the media frenzy. The next day she went out and bought some dark brown hair dye to cover my blonde hair. When she was done washing it out, I barely recognized myself. To be on the safe side, I continued staying in the next few weeks and only occasionally visited the roof of the apartment building to get some fresh air.
After a few weeks, everything seemed to finally be settling down. And then, one morning I woke up throwing up. Kyra had blamed it on the Chinese food we had the night before, but deep down I knew that wasn’t it. I’d missed my period that month and that is something that never happens.
Terrified, I stood beside Kyra in our tiny bathroom and nervously awaited the results of the pregnancy test she’d bought me. When the plus sign appeared in the window of the stick, I went from being scared out of my mind, to feeling completely numb. Expecting me to fall apart, Kyra hugged me tightly against her. The fact I didn’t have a reaction made her grow even more concerned.
“Honey, I’m going to be here for you, no matter what.”
When she pulled away, I was too ashamed to look at her. Cupping my face with her hand, she lifted my head to make me look her in the eyes.
“Listen to me. It’s all going to be all right. I promise.”
More than anything I wanted to believe her, to trick my mind into thinking things would be different one day. But, I knew better. The next day she went with me to the free health clinic downtown. She sat in the waiting room while a nurse practitioner gave me a thorough exam to confirm my pregnancy. The woman talked about a lot of different things, but I was still so out of it that none of it was sinking in.
Once she was through with the exam, she removed her gloves, handed me a handful of pamphlets, and then left me alone in the room to dress. Everything about it was cold and left me feeling even more detached from reality. Blinking out of my daze, I glanced down at all of the reading material in my hand. There was one about making healthy choices, a few others were about adoption, and the last one was about abortion. Thoughts began racing in my head faster than I could process them.
Abortion? Could I really do it? Do I even have a choice?
My mother had kept me when maybe she shouldn’t have. If she’d aborted me, it would have saved me from the hell that torments me every moment of every day. It still didn't’ feel right to take a life.
Adoption? Perhaps I would’ve had a better life if I had been adopted. But the thoughts of handing this child over to be raised by complete strangers terrified me even more. What if one of them turned out to be another man like Broderick? I’d always wonder about them out there in the world. I couldn’t protect them that way. I don’t think I could handle not knowing about how my child was doing.
For three long weeks, I wrangled with the decision of what to do. It had taken some time, but I made the difficult choice to keep the baby. It was certainly the hardest decision I’d ever made in my life. Amazingly, Kyra supported my choice, but deep down, I knew she worried about the toll it would take on me in the end. To be perfectly honest, so was I.
Since our tiny apartment was cramped enough as it was, there was no way we’d have room for a baby. When I was further along in my pregnancy, I used some of my money on a down payment of a small three-bedroom house across town, placing it in Kyra’s name to avoid any suspicion. After the closing, we quickly moved in and got ready for the baby.
Seven months later, Kyra was right there holding my hand as I pushed Kason Liam Andrews into the world. He was my perfect little miracle. One look into his eyes made me believe in a God that I wasn’t sure existed.The moment I held him in my arms, I knew I would do anything I had to do in order to keep him safe. Anything.
Shaking my head to clear the memories, I drop down to give my son one last hug before I have to leave for the club.
“Mommy loves you too, baby. Now, you make sure KyKy gives you big hugs and kisses from me when she tucks you in, okay?”
“Okay, Mommy.”
Even though I can’t explain it, my fears are once again heightened tonight. Kyra, knowing me all too well, immediately senses that something is wrong. She eyes me curiously as she kneels down in front of Kason.
“Tell you what, little man. How about you meet me in the kitchen and we’ll fix some ice cream sundaes?”
I don’t even argue with her that it’s too late for him to have chocolate.
“Yay!” He excitedly runs out of the room. When he’s far enough away, she stands and confronts me.
“Want to tell me what the hell is going on? You’ve been nervous as fuck since I got home.”
“I don’t know. I’m just worried, all right? Just, whatever you do, don’t let him out of your sight.”
“Honey, you’re scaring me.” Kyra wraps me in her arms. It’s only then I realize how much I’m shaking. She hesitantly releases me, but then tightly grips hold of the sides of my arms, making me look her in the eye.
“How many times do I have to tell you? You’re safe, Honey. It’s been over four years now. It’s time to stop worrying about him finding you.”
I won’t ever stop worrying. You don’t know what he’s capable of.
Ignoring her last comment, I continue speaking. “Just remember the plan.” The plan is something she and I had come up with in case she ever had to run with Kason. It had been long thought out and was meticulous in its design. If necessary, she knew what to do.
First, she would destroy and toss her phone and use the burner phone I’d already purchased. It was located in the glove compartment of her Jeep, along with an envelope full of money. Next, she would drive to our next designated checkpoint, trade cars, and use supplies placed in the trunk. She knew when and where to go from there, as well as, how long to wait before heading to the next designated point.
The final hideout was at her grandparent’s farm, located over five hundred miles south, of Savannah. If it ever came to it, she would stay there with him until I joined her. If, God forbid, something did happen to me, I know without a shadow of a doubt she’d keep him safe and give him a happy life.
“I’m really worried about you. I know you always keep your guard up, but this isn’t like you at all.”
“The plan, Kyra. Tell me you remember the plan.” I push her to answer me. Right now, I need her to take this seriously.
“Of course, I fucking remember it! You know I do. But it isn’t going to come to that, I promise.”
Realizing that may
be I’m getting out of hand, I take a deep breath and force a smile.
“Look, I’m sorry, okay? I guess I’m just a bit jumpy tonight.”
“Maybe you should see if they can get someone else to bartend. If you go in like this, you’re bound to spill drinks on everyone.” She jokes, but guilt rushes over me.
I never wanted to have to lie to her about anything, especially after everything she’s done for me. But there is no way I can tell her what I do. She won’t understand why I need the outlet. I can never make anyone see it. She’d just diagnose me with some identity disorder from one of her Psychology textbooks.
“I’ll be fine. I’m sure I’ll get distracted with work once I get there.”
That was actually the truth.
Wrapping her arms around me, she hugs me again.
“I promise we’ll be fine.”
I nod and pull away. “I better get going. I’ll see you in the morning.”
Reluctant to leave, I turn back just as I reach to close the door. As I reach for the handle of the car, an uneasy feeling of being watched comes over me. I glance around but find nothing out of the ordinary.
Stop it! I have to get this paranoia out of my head if I am ever going to make it through work.
By the time I finally arrive at the club, I’m still struggling with my bundle of nerves. As I pull into the parking space, I catch glimpse of the bright red, flashing Club Climax sign on the top of the building. For a moment, I sit there, staring at the neon lights, reminding myself why I do this. It doesn’t take long for the dark memories of Broderick to begin filling my head. I can smell his disgusting cologne. His demanding voice fills my head. Instantly, I see red. My alter ego takes over.
I want inside.
I want in that room.
I want to make someone pay!
Get ready to be…dominated.
Chapter Nine
There’s something about Devyn Wilder that has shaken me to my core. I’ve never even met this girl for fuck sake, yet I find myself uncontrollably drawn to her. This isn’t about physical attraction or my starving inner desires. It’s very different. I’m intrigued with her.
From all the way across the street, I can recognize the lost, haunting look in her eyes. I know it all too well because I see it every time I look into a mirror. The only difference is I know what is haunting me, but what’s her story? What put that in her eyes?
I’m already breaking a rule. As a killer, it’s a given that you don’t become fascinated with your prey. Instead, you study them and learn their every move. Soon, you’re so in sync with them that you think like them. In essence, when it’s all said and done, you become them. But it comes at a high price.
Once you involve yourself that deeply in a case, it becomes very difficult to separate your thoughts from theirs. This case is too risky for me to complicate matters with doubt, but my gut is telling me that this girl has a story. And as much as I want to hear it, I somehow believe in the end, I will regret knowing.
She’s dressed to kill tonight; that’s for damn sure. Since it’s obvious she is going out somewhere, I decide to toss a few things in my truck and wait for her to leave. I’ve parked back far enough on the street to not raise any suspicion.
The instant she walks out of her house wearing that short, black dress and spiked heels, my mind goes to very dark places. As much as my inner hunger begs to be fed, I must suppress it. There’s no way I can mix business with pleasure. I shake my head at the thoughts of someone like her ever being able to handle my kind of lifestyle. From watching her all day, she seems way too innocent for any of that. Just one look at what goes on, in one of those sex clubs would send her running, much less what I’d have in store for her. I won’t lie, the thought of breaking her into my dark world of sex is a turn on; a challenge I’d more than accept if she’d allow me the opportunity.
Devyn opens her car door but hesitates getting inside. Running her fingers through her long hair, she looks over her shoulder, slowly scanning every inch of the yard before reluctantly getting in her car. From where I’m parked on the street, she can’t see me, but thanks to my binoculars, I’ve seen her every move.
I patiently wait until she’s far enough down the street before I put my truck in gear, cautiously hanging back in traffic to not alert her. After following her through the busy traffic across town, I notice that she’s slowing down. I put on my blinker and change lanes, taking the turn off the main road with her. As she turns into the parking lot of what looks to be some sort of club, I become confused. Bright neon lights in the shape of women hang on each side of the center sign that flashes CLUB CLIMAX.
A gentleman’s club? What the hell is she doing at a place like this?
Located across the street is a small liquor store that sits back off the road. Anxious to see what is going on, I pull into the store parking lot and hurriedly retrieve my binoculars, glancing toward where she’s parked. Devyn throws a bag over her shoulder and joins two other girls, as they enter through a side door marked Employees Only.
Wait. She works here? You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.
I fight to contain the anger building inside of me. I don’t know why I’m so fucking pissed right now. I’ve seriously got to get my shit together and quick. The only way I’m going to be able to make sense of any of this is by going into that club. I can’t do it like this, not tonight. The last thing that can happen is me busting the place up over some fucking girl… a girl who is a target, a future hit.
Desperate to regain control, I throw the truck into gear and slam my foot on the accelerator. Gravel sprays as I spin out of the parking lot and pull onto the road. I’ve got to get out of here and fast.
Chapter Ten
My gloved hand anxiously roams over the handle of the door with immense exhilaration. I press my forehead against the cool, wooden door and take a deep breath to calm myself. God, forgive me, but I need this. I want this. The anticipation of what awaits me on the other side is spellbinding, a feeling that never gets old or tiresome. I’ve learned, over time, to savor every moment of it. It’s like getting a fancy, wrapped present. No matter how much we want to rip open the package, it’s always best to allow the excitement to build before we look inside. Beyond that door is a man unworthy of my love, my time. I will make him feel my pain. I will make him beg for his own.
Seeing Carson’s name on the request form tonight has thrilled me. He’s one messed up fucker who takes both kink and pain to a new level. It’s just an added bonus for me that he happens to be blessed with an immaculate body and large cock. He’s precisely what I need tonight to release all of this tension and nervous energy that I haven’t been able to shake.
Unlike the others, there are no limits with him. None. I’ve done every conceivable thing to test him and still, he never breaks. He’s the only guy I’ve ever taken into Ultimate Climax that refuses to choose a safe word. Deep down, I think it’s because he doesn’t want to admit he has any weaknesses.
My challenges to him are meant to make him stronger, even if they bring him to his knees in the process. This guy doesn’t just like pain; he thrives on it, feeding off it like a starving parasite. In reality, he and I are really no different. We're both equal parts of what the other needs to solve a very messed up, very fucked up equation.
Closing my eyes, I turn the handle and step into the room. The delicious aroma of the leather and wood hit me the moment I open the door. I slowly breathe it in, relishing it as it fills my nose. When I open my eyes, I spot him in the middle of the room, dressed in only his black Armani boxer briefs and vinyl hood. With his head bowed, he remains kneeling as he awaits my entrance. The overhead light dances off the shiny metal spikes of the collar around his neck. If you closer, you can also see the tiny metal pieces on the inside. Carson loves to have the spikes break the skin. He proudly wears the prominent markings, until the next ti
me we meet.
To make my presence known, I bring up my knee and use the back of my boot to slam the door shut behind me. The loud thud catches him off guard, making him jump and straighten his posture.
“Well, well, well. Look who’s back for more.”
I confidently stride towards him, listening as my heels click against the dark wood floor beneath me. Like a good, obedient slave, he keeps his head down and his eyes locked firmly on the ground in front of him.
Once I’ve reached him, I grab the long black leather leash off the hanging rack next to me, wrapping it tightly around my hand. As my eyes drift down, I catch the reddened skin around his wrists. I can’t help the enormous grin that spreads across my face. Just as I requested, Bret had tied them up nicely for me.