Page 7 of Dominate

About thirty minutes later, the lights of the living room suddenly come on, arousing my curiosity. Devyn’s now dressed in only a short, black Metallica t-shirt. Holding a small bin in her hand, she begins moving about the room, picking up the toys scattered amongst the wooden floor. Every time she bends over, the short t-shirt inches up her thighs, teasing me as it settles on the curve of her ass. Fuck! It’s as if she’s intentionally taunting my cock. Sweat beads on my brow as I clench the side of the scope, closely following her every move.

Placing her back to me, Devyn drops down to the floor and leans in toward the couch. My breath hitches as she gets on all fours, rewarding me with a complete and perfect view of her magnificent bare bottom. Each move forward that she makes, pushes that glorious ass higher into the air.

Sweet Jesus!

I can feel how the palm of my hand would feel slapping against the curve of her backside. I can feel my nails digging deep into its firm flesh.

The dirty thoughts circling inside my mind only make my dick throb harder against my zipper. I close my eyes, trying desperately to calm my raging hard-on, but it’s pointless. I’ve gone far too long without fucking, longer than I’ve ever gone in my entire life. It’s making me weak and vulnerable.

Tilting the scope down, I focus in on the beautiful, intricate folds of her sex. I bet she smells and tastes like fucking heaven. Delectable. Sweet, so fucking sweet. Goddamn, how I want to be in between those legs. Unable to control myself any longer, I lean back and unzip my jeans, releasing my long, thick cock from the dark denim. I slowly bring my hand up to my mouth and spit into my palm, feeling the wetness between my fingers as I coat my hardness. I begin with slow even strokes as I work my shaft up and down and stare back into the scope.

I bite down hard on my bottom lip, allowing my fantasy to play out in my mind, while relentlessly pumping my dick harder with my hand. Her perfect skin would be marked prominently with rope marks, her ass, fiery red from the lashings of a crop. I can feel her tightness on my dick as I slam over and over into her body. I’d fuck her until the pink lips of her folds were raw and swollen; until she was right there at the edge of screaming out her climax. Then I’d leave her hanging with an immense heaviness in her core as I pull out of her.

She’d mourn the absence of my cock, aching with a need only I can fulfill. I’d take my time, teasing her with my tip and grinding against her soaked opening. I can hear her frustrated moans as she rocks her hips in sync with mine. Achieving the hanging orgasm would make her determined and reckless. She’d want it worse than a drug addict wants their next score of drugs. Her desperation would grow, a desperation unlike anything she’s ever known before. Over and over, she’d beg and plead for me to let her come. But, I’d make her hold out, pushing her until she thinks she’s reached the point of no return.

Once she reaches her limit; the moment her chosen safe word would fall from her lips, I’d finally grant her permission to come. The orgasm would be more powerful than anything she’s ever felt before. It would ripple through her body, stealing every breath until every inch of her body is shaking with pleasure. Imagining the feel of her hot release coating my cock, triggers my own powerful orgasm to overtake my body.

Holy Fuck!

“Fuck! FUCK!”

I throw my head back and feel the warm spurts of cum as they shoot up high onto my stomach. Gripping the base of my shaft, I gasp for air, but the exploding release continues, milking me for every last ounce of cum in my body. As phenomenal as that just felt, my desire isn’t sated. My body craves more, needs more. I need her. If only I had her under my control, I could make her feel things she’s never felt before. Hell, possibly things neither of us has ever felt before.

What the hell are you thinking? Get your head straight, Payne. You’re here to kill her, not fuck her!

Wiping my forehead with my hand, I back away and slide down to the floor, tugging my duffle bag closer to me. Frustrated, I shove my hand inside and rummage through the side pocket until I feel my unopened pack of Marlboros. As I stare down at the wrapper, I chuckle and toss the plastic to the side. I’ve told myself over and over again that I’d give this habit up, but sometimes I just have to have one to clear my head. I ease my knee up off the floor and dig a lighter out of my front pocket.

Carefully cupping my hand over the flame, I light the cigarette and take a few long drags, savoring the feel of the nicotine as it enters my bloodstream. Once my nerves settle down a bit, I close my eyes and lean my head back against the wall behind me. I can’t believe I’ve allowed myself to be affected by any of this, by her. I’ve got to figure this one out quickly before I completely lose it.

The curiosity continues to build inside of me, until I can no longer bear it. Standing, I peer back into the scope, settling in on where Devyn is sitting. Instead of watching the television across the room, she’s lost in thought, nervously chewing on her fingernails. I shouldn’t give a damn, yet I find myself wondering what could possibly be going through her beautiful mind.

Suddenly, her attention turns towards the hallway, where the little boy from earlier is now walking very sleepily towards her. Like a light switch, her sad eyes light up at first glance of him. I closely compare the features of his face with hers. He has her eyes…her mouth. There’s no doubt about it. This kid is, most definitely, hers.

She hurriedly stands and scoops him into her arms, kissing him gently on the cheek as she shifts him onto her hip. Reaching over she hits a button on the remote and then bends over to turn the lamp off. The last thing I see is their shadowy figures disappearing into the hallway.

As I lay the drape back over the scope, I find myself questioning this contract. I could easily wait until she is alone at another location to complete the hit, but there’s something about this job that just doesn’t seem right.

Why does Masterson want her dead? Does she know something? Had she seen something?

Whatever the reason is, I intend on finding out. Maybe it’s pointless, but I need to know what happened to make her run in the first place. Getting closer to her is the only way to uncover the answers I need.

It’s risky.

It’s stupid.

It's the only way.

I lean back against the hard cold floor and prop my head on my duffle bag in hopes of settling in for the night. For the next few hours, I twist and turn as my mind busily collaborates all possible scenarios. Giving up on sleep, I roll onto my back and stare up at the large, brown stains on the ceiling above me.

“Who are you Devyn Wilder, and what are you doing to me?”

Chapter Eight



“Get out of here, Payne!”

“No, I’m not leaving you behind! We both can make it. Just hold on to me!” I yell over the loud, rapid gunfire that’s closing in on us. My best friend Cole and I had been the only two in our unit that had made it out of the ambush alive. He’s severely wounded in the leg and biting through his pain as he staggers to keep up with me.

With my arm wrapped firmly around his waist, I do my damnedest to support his weight as we wade through the marsh in search of shelter. Hitting the thick sludgy mud has done nothing but add a hundred pounds to every step we take.

“You’re going to have to leave me or you’re never going to make it out alive!” He shouts, jerking away from me and hobbling to a tree behind him.

“Shut up, Cole! I already told you; we’re both going to get out of this together. Now, come on, give me your hand!” I snap. The sounds of the enemy are right behind us. Gunfire lands near us, knocking the bark off the tree beside of me. Ducking down, I manage to take cover.

“COLE! Let’s go!” I shout moving toward him, but he holds his hand out and lifts up his gun.

“As your commanding officer, Payne, I’m giving you a direct order to leave me!”

“No! You know the code! We’re brothers. We don’t leave each other behind.” I try to argue, but he cuts me off.

“Staff Sergeant James, do not disobey a command! I just gave you a direct order! Now, get the fuck out of here!”

There’s no way in hell I’m leaving him. He has a wife and two little kids back at home that need him. Disobeying his order, I make a run towards where he is taking cover. Bullets whiz by me at every step, but I manage to reach him without injury.

“Goddamn it, Payne!”

“What about Kacey and the kids, Cole? You have to come with me!” I yank his arm, but he pushes me back hard against the tree.

“See this leg?” My eyes divert down to see the gaping wound in his calf. The blood soaked ground beneath him only makes my stomach plummet more. Without immediate medical attention, he’s going to bleed out soon.

“So? I’ll carry your fucking ass if I have to. The first thing we’ve got to do is get that leg tied off!” I shout over the ambush.

Without warning, he forcefully pulls me into an embrace. What the fuck is he doing? Pushing back away from him, I can see the agonizing pain in his eyes.

“Damn it, Payne! Listen to me! You and I both know I’m not getting out of here. You’re my brother, and I’ll be damned if you die here with me, do you understand?” The emotion in his voice is heart wrenching. “Tell Kacey how much I fucking love her. Take care of my family, Payne.” He grabs hold of my Kevlar vest and grits his teeth. “And you find the fucker who betrayed this mission and put a fucking bullet in his head.”

“Stop it, Cole! We’re going to get out of here. We’ll take down this son of a bitch together.” He shoves me away, but I don’t give up, pulling off my belt.

“You stubborn bastard!” He grimaces in pain as I finish tying his leg off with the belt. The color in his face is rapidly paling. We’ve got to move now or he’s never going to make it.

“How far are we from the landing spot?” I ask as I hand him back his rifle. Bullets continue to hit the ground nearby.

“Three, four klicks, maybe. It doesn’t matter, though. We’re fucked, Payne. They think we’re dead. They’re not coming back for the team.”

“We’ve got to see what’s over that hill. It’s the only way we’re going to find cover. If we stay here, we’re as good as dead.” I reply.

“You’ll have to go alone. We won’t last two seconds if I’m with you. I’ll only slow you down.”

“Cole, I’m not leaving you.”

“You’re right. Our only hope is over that hill. Now go. I’ll cover you.” He orders before taking aim with his M16 rifle at the approaching enemy. Even though this is our only option, I’m hesitant to leave him with the others closing in so fast.

“What are you waiting on? GO!” He screams, waving me on.

Using every ounce of adrenaline in my body, I manage to climb the hill. Just as I reach the top, Cole’s rifle suddenly stops, halting me in mid-step. I turn around just in time to see the grenade land at his feet. My heart stops. NO!

“COLE!” I scream, desperately trying to warn him, but it’s too late. Helplessly, I watch as my best friend, my brother, dies right in front of me.

“NO!!” I bolt up off the floor, screaming and gasping for air.

I relive that day, over and over again. The guilt of living is sometimes too much for me to bear. If I’d stayed beside of him, at least I would’ve died trying to save him. I’ve spent countless hours, over the years, thinking of all the possibilities of what I could have done differently, but it’s too late for any of that now. Nothing can change the fact that he’s gone forever.

The warm morning sun now shines into the upstairs room, spilling over my body as I lay there trying to catch my breath. Nightmares are my punishment for living. I’d accepted that a long time ago. Running my hands through my dark, sweaty hair, I roll over on my side and cringe at my stiff back. I’ve slept in much worse places than this before. I’ll take a hard, dusty floor any day, over a muggy wet swamp, full of mosquitos the size of Texas.

Once I stand and stretch out my shoulders, I check the time on my watch. It’s still early, not quite 7:00 A.M. Taking a swig out of my bottle of water, I unwrap an energy bar and ease the drape off the scope, just enough for me to get a clear view of across the street. I hadn’t expected to see anyone up this early.

The little boy from last night comes into view. Still dressed his pajamas, he lays on his stomach, happily playing with his Hotwheels on the living room floor.

Stepping away from the scope, I feel the twisting in my stomach as an unexpected memory flashes over me. I was only six, but I remember it like it was yesterday.

“What did I tell you about these goddamn things?” I don’t know what to say him. There’s never a right answer to give him. “Well? Answer me you little shit!” my father snaps, waving the tiny metal car in the air in his drunken rage.

“I didn’t know it was there, honest! I’m sorry. I thought I picked them all up.”

“Sorry? I almost fell on this thing, and all you have to say is, ‘sorry?’”

“Y… yes sir.” I reply stuttering.

Narrowing his eyes, my father throws the small metal car at me, hitting me right above the left eye. It cuts a large slice of my skin out of my eyelid, but I know better than to cry.

Rubbing my scar, I blink out of my daze and force my attention back to across the street. Devyn is now sitting on the floor playing cars with the small boy. I’m conflicted as to how I’m supposed to feel about the scene playing out in front of me. I didn’t have this kind of interaction with a parent growing up, so I don’t know what a happy family looks like. Obviously, the little boy has a father, but I don’t know where he fits into all of this.

Suddenly, both of them break out into an amused smile as they watch the brunette rush into the room. Holding a piece of toast in her mouth, she scurries about the space in a frenzy, gathering her things before throwing her free arm out to give them hugs. Once she’s gone, I turn my attention back to watch Devyn and the boy playing together on the living room floor.

Zoning in on his small face, I’m amazed at the way his eyes sparkle when he looks at her. It’s beyond intriguing. It’s as if she’s his whole world. I raise my head and brace my arm on the window facing. For the first time in this line of work, I’m conflicted. I know what I have to do, but my gut tells me it’s the wrong thing.

In my life, I have no room for wrong.


“Bye-bye, Mommy!” Kason wraps his arms around my neck and places his sweet, chubby cheek to mine. Every single time I have to leave him, it kills me a little more inside. As most parents will tell you, working nights is horrible when you have kids. There is so much I miss out on, so many important moments I can’t get back. Because of my hours, it’s rare that I get to be the one tucking him in at night. But, when I do, I savor every moment of it.

“He’ll be fine. Stop worrying, Honey,” my best friend and roommate, Kyra Adams says trying to calm me.

I’m so very lucky to have her.

Like a guardian angel, she’d come into my life at a time when I desperately needed a friend. We’d met at the bus transfer in Memphis, Tennessee when she plopped into the last available seat beside me. At that point, I was still so paranoid about everything that I'd barely acknowledged her. In the back of my mind, I had to stay on guard until I was at a safe distance from Broderick.

Despite the fact I was trying to keep to myself, she still continued to be friendly towards me, trying with all her might to stir up conversation. I was amazed at how open she was about her life. She was only a couple of years older than me, yet she seemed to have lived far more than I could ever have dreamed.

Kyra had packed her bags and traveled to Memphis to surprise her boyfriend, Nate, who was there working on a job. Unfortunately, when she caught him in bed with another woman, the surprise had been on her. Since she was too embarrassed to call home and ask her parents for airfare, she stole the money from her cheating boyfriend’s wallet to pay for a way home.

As I sat there listening to th

e whole comical story of her revenge, I found myself laughing. At first I was scared at how easily I’d let my guard down, but there was just something so trusting about her. Even though I’d only known her for a couple of hours, it was as if I’d known her my entire life.

The whole “making friends” thing had been awkward for me. I’d talked to a few girls at school from time to time, but was never allowed to become friends with any of them. Because of that, I had no clue how to act or what to say to this girl. I knew I couldn’t tell her about my life, but I hated making stuff up that wasn’t true. Mostly, I just nodded and evaded answering questions.

When we finally reached Savannah, Georgia, I had no clue as to what I was going to do next. Sensing my uncertainty, Kyra offered for me to stay with her, until I figured things out. She lived in a tiny, one bedroom apartment, but I was grateful to sleep on the couch. I just needed time to lie low and get my head straight. Sadly, it didn’t take long for my past to catch up with me.