Page 22 of Dominate

“Honey? It’s me, Payne. Look at me.”


“Please, Honey. No one’s going to hurt you.” I can’t believe my ears. I don’t beg women; they beg me.

What’s happening? What has she done to me?

Suddenly her eyes flutter and, little by little, I see the life return to them. She looks around at herself kneeling on the ground, and then lifts her eyes back to mine. A look of horror washes across her face as tears fill her eyes.

“Oh god, I-I’m sorry.” She stammers while trying to stand. I pull her back down and force her to look at me. My grip on her arms tightens.

“Damn it, Honey. Talk to me!”

“Please, just take me home.” She begs. Her lip trembles as she fights to hold in her sobs. Goddamn it! I want to shake her, make her tell me what that was all about, but I know it will only make matters worse if I pressure her right now.

She’s practically opening up her door before I even bring the truck to a complete stop in her driveway. I reach over and grab her elbow, preventing her from leaving. She turns back to me, and I see her swollen, tear-stained face.

So damn beautiful, yet so full of pain.

“I’m letting this go for tonight, but soon you’re going to tell me everything I want to know.”

I release her and she hurriedly grabs for her things and hops down from the truck.

Tonight had confirmed my suspicion. Something definitely terrible had happened to her in the past. And, whether she likes it or not, I won’t rest until I know just what it was.

Chapter Twenty-Two



As I pull into my driveway, my eyes dart over to Payne’s house across the street. I need to thank him for returning my car to me, but after what happened last night, I’m sure he thinks I’m a total basket case.

Even though I don’t want to admit it, being with him makes me feel incredible. Unfortunately, it also destroys all my defenses, leaving me weak and susceptible. With his dominating personality, he’ll just let what happened between us go. But I’ve fought too long and hard to let someone come in and take everything from me. That’s why I have to stay far away from him.

Balancing an arm full of groceries, I manage to open the door to the kitchen.

“Hey guys, I rented some movies!” I shout, struggling to make it to the counter without dropping the bags in my arms.

As I put them down, I’m shocked to see Payne’s long legs lying on my kitchen floor. My eyes follow his delicious body, up to where he’s laying underneath my sink. Just then, Kyra walks into the kitchen, to help me, and I turn to unleash my anger on her.

“What the fuck is he doing here?” I snap, giving her a death glare. I don’t mean to be so harsh, but how can I keep him out of my life if she keeps letting him in.

“Whoa! Calm the fuck down. Payne just offered to fix a few things around here, that’s all.”

“We don’t need his help!”

“Jesus, Honey! What the hell is wrong with you?” she shrieks.

Payne scoots out from underneath the sink and stands. Judging by his smug smile, he seems amused by my performance. Without care or worry, he leisurely collects his tools and moves over to the sink to turn on the water. I can’t help but watch his fine ass as he squats down to inspect his work.

“Looks like that stopped the leak.” Turning off the water, he wipes his hands on a towel and throws it into the bag with the rest of his things.

“Thank you so much, Payne,” Kyra says giving him an apologetic look.

“Anytime.” His eyes land on me, and I feel my face heat. Fuck! Those goddamn eyes of his!

I’d been so overwhelmed, I hadn’t even notice Kason had come back into the room. “Mommy, did you rent my movie?” I nod and retrieve it from the bag, handing it to him.

“Yay! Can you watch it with us, Payne?”

Are you kidding me? No! Please, say no!

I give him a warning look. Payne knows damn well I don’t want him here. As if he can read my mind, he rewards me with that famous sexy smirk.

Yeah, even his smirk is hot.

“Sure, buddy. I’ll be glad to.”

As he leaves the room to follow Kason, he intentionally brushes his hand across my arm. The brief exchange of energy is enough to make the hairs on my arms stand on end. Kyra closely observes our interaction and hangs back, no doubt to confront me about what she just saw.

“You guys can get the movie started. I’ll pop us some popcorn,” she offers while looking at me. Once again, I roll my eyes at her. The girl is way too nosey for her own damn good. Kyra peeps around the corner to make sure that we’re alone and then turns, placing her hands on her hips.

Great. Here it comes.

“Do you want to tell me what the fuck is going on between the two of you? He looks like he wants to fuck you on the kitchen table.”

“Nothing is going on between us.”

I want to tell her the truth, but it isn’t that simple. There are too many lies I’ve made up to protect her.

“What-the-fuck-ever. Keep on lying to yourself then,” she chuckles.

Outraged by her smart mouth, I slam my hand down on the counter and grit my teeth.

“Don’t patronize me!”

She’s got no idea how fucking hard this is for me. I’ve got to be the tough girl; it’s the only way I’ll survive him.

Kyra frowns at me as she presses her finger to her hips. “Shh! Keep your fucking voice down.”

“I don’t care if he fucking hears me, Kyra. I want him out of my house!”

I’m a little shocked to see how angry her face becomes. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen her this mad.

“You know, the last time I checked, this is my house, too. Besides, you’re only going to upset Kason if you make a scene about him leaving.”

“Oh, really? Well, here’s a scene for you. I’m going to my room. You all do whatever in the hell you want. But, when I come out, he’d better not be here.” Reeling with anger, I storm through the living room and slam the door to my bedroom behind me. Exhausted from our heated exchange, I collapse onto my bed and pull the covers up over me.

Even though I try to fight the sleep, it doesn’t take long for my eyes to become heavy. Soon, I leave one nightmare, only to join another.

The loud bang on my bedroom door jolts me awake. I look over and see that my room is now completely dark.

It’s already nighttime? How long have I been asleep?

“All right, Honey, he’s gone. Open up!” Kyra’s voice booms from the other side.

Wiping the sleep from my eyes, I reach over and turn on my lamp beside my bed. Kyra’s fist hits my door again, causing me to jump.

“Let me in, Honey, or so help me, I’ll bust the fucking door down.”

“Jesus.” I grumble underneath my breath and shuffle over to open the door to let her in. Reeling with anger, she impatiently pushes past me and then faces me, placing her hands on her hips.

“Okay, so now do you want to tell me what the hell is going on with you?” I put my finger up to my lips and walk back out to the living room.

“Shh. I don’t want Kason to hear this.”

“He’s asleep, so spill it.”

I let out a loud huff. “I already told you, Kyra. There’s nothing going on.”

“Oh, don’t give me that shit. I’m not a idiot.” She snaps. I should’ve known she wouldn’t let this go.

“I just don’t like him showing up here unexpectedly. I like being prepared.”

“Payne was only trying to be nice and lend us a hand on a fixing a few things around here. You didn’t have to go apeshit crazy on him.”

“You still should’ve asked me first.”

She gives me a weak smile and steps toward me, gently placing her hands on the sides of my arms.

“Sometimes you just have to let people help you.”

She’s right. Part of me feels like a complete as

s right now, but there’s no way I can tell her what’s going on between Payne and I. That will only make this a million times worse.

“I know… I just wasn’t prepared to see him here. I’m sorry.”

She waves her hands at me and furrows her eyebrows. “Don’t tell me you’re sorry. I’m not the one you owe the apology to.”

I tilt my head and glare at her hard for a minute. Is she for real? She’s out of her fucking mind if she thinks I’m apologizing to Payne. I know why he was here. I’ve got to put a stop to all of this. He’s not going to take over my life.

“Whatever,” I dismiss her by throwing up my hand and collapsing onto the couch. When I lean back against the plush fabric, I feel something pressing into my side. After closer inspection, I see that it’s Kason’s green dinosaur, the one Payne had given him for his birthday. I pick it up, studying the detail of the toy.

“He really loves that thing, doesn’t he?”

“Yeah, I know. He carries it everywhere with him. Remind me to put it in his bed before I go to sleep.” I look up to see her waving a DVD in her hand.

“Guess what? I saved the zombie movie for us to watch.” Her mischievous grin widens.

“Un-huh. No way. You know how freaked out cemeteries make me. The last time you made me watch one of those with you I was scared to go the bathroom alone.”

“Precisely my point.” She wiggles her eyes at me.

Dropping my expression, I narrow my eyes. “You know, I may kill you in your sleep.” I throw a pillow at her.

“Nah, you love me too much.” Kyra collapses on the couch beside me and presses the PLAY button on the remote. The movie doesn’t play for five minutes before someone is being attacked in a graveyard by some flesh eating zombie.

Yep, she’s definitely getting smothered in her sleep.

Chapter Twenty-Three



That's it! I’ve hit my limit of being patient.

Frustrated, I kick the large duffle bag on the floor with my boot. For four long fucking days, I’ve stayed away from her. Most of that time, I’d spent in front of my laptop, listening and watching all the things going on in her house across the street. The camera inside of the toy dinosaur had proven to be quite useful. Even though I’d learned a lot of valuable information, I still don’t have the answers I need or want.

Whether I like it or not, time is quickly running out on this job. The longer I wait before I contact Masterson with an update, the more suspicious he’s going to become. That only makes this situation even more dangerous for them. The only possible way to help her is to make her talk. Now.

Like a broken record, the chilling events of our last encounter play over and over in my head. Her glassed-over-eyes still haunt me. Honestly, I don’t know if I’ll ever get the horrific image out of my mind. I’ve got to figure out some way of getting to the bottom of this, but it’s obvious I have to be cautious about how I go about doing it.

In dire need of a distraction, I decide to spend the day outside tackling the out of control yard. When I moved in, I noticed that the previous owners had left a push mower, amongst other tools, in the shed out back. It had taken a bit of elbow grease, but I’d finally managed to get it going.

Through the lenses of my dark, Oakley sunglasses, I discretely watch Kason happily playing in his front yard. Fully dressed in a black ninja outfit, he’s swinging his plastic sword at the oak tree next to his house. This kid’s imagination is hilarious. Admiring his youthful energy, I shake my head and continue with the last of the mowing.

It had taken a lot of hard work and sweat, but the yard finally looks back to normal. Just as I’m pushing the mower back up the drive to put away, I hear Kason let out a loud, painful scream. Panic-stricken, I drop everything and immediately rush across the street to him.

“Kason? What’s wrong buddy?” I take hold of his arm, searching for any clues.

“Ow! They’re stinging me!” he screams, frantically swatting at his costume.

When I drop my eyes, I see the long trail of fire ants, climbing up his hand. Acting quickly, I begin ripping the costume off him. I’ve almost got him undressed when Devyn comes running out of the house, a look of sheer terror plastered across her face.

She looks from me to Kason and then charges at me.

“What the hell are you doing? Get your fucking hands off him!” she screams, hitting me hard in the side of the head with her fists. I ignore her attack and proceed with helping the kid. I quickly lift Kason up into my arms and turn around to face her. The remaining ants relentlessly begin attacking my arms and bare chest, but I’m too concerned about him to care.

“He’s gotten into a mound of fire ants. Help me get him in the house.”

Nodding, Devyn spins around and opens the door, allowing me to carry him inside. Kason continues crying into my chest.

“Shh. It’s okay, buddy, I’ve got you.” I try to comfort him while I carry him to the bathroom.

“Is he allergic to anything?” I ask as I sit him down on the bathroom floor. I’ve seen first hand how scary allergic reactions to bites and stings can be.

“No. No, he’s not.” She answers nervously. “Do I need to call an ambulance?” I’ve never seen her this scared before.

“We need to check him out first and see how bad it is. Get the tub full of water while I finish undressing him.” Moving quickly about the room, she turns on the water and grabs towels from the rack, sitting them beside of the tub. Once the bath is full, I ease him down into the water.

“Mommy! It hurts!” he wails, reaching out for her. Without any hesitation, Devyn climbs into the tub, fully clothed and embraces him, rocking him back and forth in her arms to sooth him.

“Shhh. I know, sweetie.” She places a kiss on his head. “We’re going to make you feel better, okay?” Devyn looks up at me, searching my face for reassurance. I nod back to let her know that he’s going to be all right, but I still continue to watch him closely to make sure he isn’t showing any sign of an allergic reaction. As I check him over, I see widespread bumps, forming across his little body. The poor little guy’s going to be pretty miserable for the next few days.

Once he’s settled down a bit, I lift him out of the tub and begin drying him off, careful to not press to hard against his inflamed bumps. Even though my attention is on her son, from the corner of my eye, I see Devyn step out of the tub. Pulling off her soaked clothes, she quickly wraps herself in a towel and walks to the medicine cabinet, rummaging around for something inside. After selecting a small bottle of liquid, she comes closer and kneels down beside me on the cold tile floor.

“Here, sweetheart, this will make you feel better.” She hands him a tiny plastic cup full of some purple medicine. Through his sniffling, he looks up at me and shakes his head, pushing her hand away.

“It’s all right. Take it. It will make you feel better.” I urge.

Kason hesitantly takes the cup from her hand and swallows the contents inside. Devyn relaxes her shoulders and gives me a thankful smile. I can tell she’s relieved to not have to fight him to take the medicine. When she reaches back down to pick him up, he throws his arms around my neck, catching me completely off guard.

“Do you want Payne to carry you to your room, instead?” Kason nods and then settles his head back into my neck. When I lift him into my arms, an unfamiliar feeling overtakes me, tugging hard in my chest. As I hold him tightly against me, I understand exactly how parents will do anything to protect their children. He’s not even mine, yet I’d kill anyone who ever tried to hurt him.

By the time we apply ointment to his bites and get him dressed, the medicine he’d swallowed earlier has taken effect, making him very sleepy. Before I know it, I’m laying in his tiny twin size bed, with him passed out against my arm.

From left to right, I try to work my way out from underneath him, but it’s pointless. I’m stuck in this position. Every time I move, he inches closer to me. I d

on’t know how I’m going to manage to get out without waking him. When I look up, I see Devyn leaning against the doorway with her arms crossed. The mischievous smile she’s wearing tells me she’s been watching me try to escape for a while.

“You know, there’s a small trick to that,” she informs, approaching the bed. She tickles his neck a bit, and he shifts his weight enough for her to roll him.

“Okay, I’ve got him.” She braces him up, and I’m able to quickly slide off the bed. Using my hand, I vigorously rub my arm trying to get the feeling to return to it. It’s funny. I can keep the same stance for hours with a gun, but holding a four-year-old nearly takes my arm off.