He touched her the same way, exploring the rise of her breasts and plucking at her nipples. She twisted her hips, and he looked down to where they connected, his eyes smoldering.

When his gaze lifted, he took in every detail of her shape, his fingers following the path of his eyes.

The intensity of his attention on her sliced up her breaths into little needy gasps. To be desired by such a beautiful, perfectly sculpted man felt surreal.

“What did you look like before six months of training?” She ground down on his cock, delighting in the sound of his groan.

“He looked the same.” Ricky ripped open a condom packet with his teeth. “Pretty sure he has endless layers of abs under those abs. If he loses an eight-pack, he has more to spare.”

“You should talk.” Martin raked his eyes over Ricky’s body, lingering on Ricky’s cock as he sheathed it in latex.

Now that she knew their history as trained slaves, she understood how these two flawlessly attractive men had ended up together. Evidently, all their vigilante friends were stunningly gorgeous.

“Tula.” Martin clasped her neck and pulled her down to his chest. “You’ve never taken two cocks at once?”

“You know I haven’t.” Her body caught fire, and her pussy clenched uncontrollably.

“If you keep doing that…” He kicked up his hips, stroking himself inside her. “I’m not going to last.”

“I’m not, either.”

She stretched toward his sinful mouth, tasting his lips, chasing his tongue, and grinding down on him. He pressed in and out of her, worshiping her with his hands and watching her expression.

He was so damn sexy like this—aroused and attentive and utterly devoted. She lost herself in his passion as they moved in a drugging rhythm.

Their fucking wasn’t fast and mindless. Nor was it soft and easy. Every thrust was heavy, intimate, and thrumming with affection. They rocked together, kissing and sucking, driven by an unquenchable thirst for love—to grow it and hold it and never let it go.

She glanced back to look for Ricky, but he was already there, kneeling behind her.

With her chest pressed against Martin’s, she arched her spine, lifting her ass for Ricky.

“Jesus.” He groaned and bent down, sinking out of her view. “I wish you could see this. The way your pussy wraps around him, gripping him like a glove as he slides in and out.”

Spurred by his words and insanely turned on, she undulated her hips and rode Martin’s cock with everything she had.

Until she felt a gust of warm breath on her back hole. Then the wet, sliding stroke of a tongue.

“Holy shit.” She faltered, tipping on Martin’s chest as her breaths sprinted into oblivion.

Ricky’s wicked kiss lowered, licking and sucking the place where she and Martin connected. The sensations were maddening, burning across her flesh and revving her pulse.

When the heat of his mouth vanished, she didn’t need to look back to see where he went. Martin’s fingers bit into her ass, and he released a long, guttural groan.

“He’s licking your balls, isn’t he?” She grinned.

“Christ, yes. He’s—” Martin inhaled sharply, and his body went rigid beneath her. “Ricky, don’t.”

“What?” She craned her neck, trying to see behind her.

“Okay, I won’t touch you there.” Ricky leaned over her back to meet Martin’s eyes. “I figured it was off limits, but I needed to know.”

“Your ass?” she asked quietly. “You don’t want that?”

“No.” Martin ran a shaky hand down her arm. “I can’t be on the receiving end of anal. Never again.”

“That’s okay.” She gave him a soft smile and spoke against his lips. “If he needs a back door, he has mine.”

“I’m going to ruin this pretty little pucker.” Ricky pushed his thumb against her rectum, making her shudder. “But tonight, I’m going to share your pussy with Martin’s massive cock.”

“I’m wildly excited and equally terrified about that,” she said. “Is it going to hurt?”

“Probably,” Martin said.

“Now I’m just terrified.”

“It’s not going to hurt.” Ricky glided a hand down her spine, massaging her back. “I know what I’m doing, and I’ll go slow.” He reached between her legs from behind, and his fingers found her, delving inside and stretching along the length of Martin’s buried cock. “You’re more than wet enough. Fucking soaked.”

“I feel you touching me.” Martin shifted beneath her and gripped the backs of her thighs. “Touching both of us. It feels unbelievable.” He widened his legs, taking hers with him.

In the next breath, a stretch of pressure invaded her pussy. Martin held still, adjusting his hips as Ricky leaned onto her back.

The fullness inside her bloomed into a wicked burn. She writhed through it, gasping as her body throbbed and stretched with the addition of Ricky’s penetration.

“How are we doing?” His breathing grew shallow, and the cage of his arms around her began to shake.

“I’m good.” She focused on Martin’s hooded eyes, his locked jaw, and realized he was too overwhelmed to speak. “We’re adjusting.”